He was asleep translate Russian
222 parallel translation
When I came in, he was asleep, so I didn't wake him up.
А когда я вернулась, он спал, и я не стала его будить.
- He was asleep.
- Он уснул...
He was asleep, but I couldn't sleep.
Он спал. А мне не хотелось.
I thought he was asleep.
Потянулся, чтобы его разбудить, а он выскочил из воды, как поплавок. Я думал, он спит.
Father answered it and said she was asleep, he had to speak softly
Отец взял трубку и сказал мне : "Я говорю тихо, потому что она спит".
He know nothing He was asleep
Он ничего не знает. Он спал.
He was asleep and could't get out.
Он спал и не смог выйти.
When he was asleep, I opened his skull and removed his brains.
Когда он спал я вскрыл его череп и вытащил его мозги.
He was asleep there last night.
Вчера ночью, когда я возвращалась домой, он спал.
He didn't see anything. He was asleep.
Сын ничего не видел.
- He was asleep, sarge.
- Он спал, сержант.
So, while he was asleep, I drew some blood just to make sure.
Когда он спал я взял немого крови, чтобы быть уверенным.
While he was asleep in the hall
А он в доме спал на ковре.
Which means he must have been stabbed while he was asleep.
Значит, его закололи во сне.
suggesting the attack took place when he was asleep.
что он был заколот во сне.
I went into the kitchen and talked to Rosa for half an hour at most... ... and when I went to see how he was... ... I just thought he was asleep.
Я пошла на кухню, поговорила с Розой, полчаса, не больше а когда вернулась его проведать я подумала, что он спит.
... the baby started crying, then Larry pretended he was asleep.
когда я действительно уснула захныкал младший, и тут уже спящим притворился Ларри.
He was asleep when I got back.
Он уже спал, когда я вернулся.
I thought he was asleep.
Я думала, он спит.
- Justin was home the night of the fire? - He was asleep in bed.
- Значит, он был дома вместе с тобой, когда случился пожар?
Need I remind you he did this to me while I was asleep last night? BARRY :
Напомнить что он сделал со мной, пока я спал прошлой ночью?
He was so tired, he fell asleep hunkered on his spurs.
Он так устал, что уснул сидя на корточках.
I dreamt I was asleep in the street, and a young man came, he was tall and strong.
Мне снилось, будто я спала на улице и ко мне подошел молодой мужчина, он был... высок ростом и силён.
He was already asleep in the dining room.
Он ещё в гостиной чуть не уснул.
He was giving me advice, but I fell asleep after all those knocks!
Он давал мне советы, но я уснул после всех этих ударов!
He must have passed through my room while I was asleep.
Должно быть, он прошёл через мою комнату, пока я спал.
He was asleep in the snow, poor thing.
Он спал на снегу, бедняжка.
I must admit I'm half asleep when he calls me, as if it was a nightmare.
Это какой-то кошмар.
He was fast asleep in bed that night.
Он всю ночь проспал в своей постели.
Asleep he was deeply asleep dreaming about glory.
- Задремал - Он глубоко засыпает, предаваясь мечтам о славе
~ No, he was sound asleep.
- Нет, он, кажется, спит.
His head had dropped upon his breast, yet I knew that he was not asleep from the wide and rigid opening of the eye.
Голова его склонилась на грудь, однако, он не спал : в профиль мне виден был широко раскрытый и неподвижный глаз.
His orderly was lying asleep upon the floor, and he had much difficulty in waking him.
Денщик его спал на полу ; Германн насилу его добудился.
Once a man fell asleep, dreamt he was a frog.
Жил однажды человек, которому приснилось, что он лягушка.
He was fast asleep, and someone or something came in and removed it.
Он крепко спал, когда кто-то забрался - или что-то забралось - к нему, и отняло ногу.
be quiet he's still asleep today it was his shirt and tomorrow himself
Тише, сестрица, он ещё спит. Сегодня - только его рубашка, а завтра будет и он сам.
I don't remember what he read, but it was the only time I fell asleep on by back. As if I were in a mattress floating on a lake.
Я не помню что, но в первый раз в жизни я уснул на спине, как будто плывя по озеру.
On his way back, while I was asleep, he put the wooden tube into the seat in front of mine.
На обратном пути, пока я спал, он воткнул деревянную трубку в кресло перед моим.
He sang, he sang, he sang, it was sweet, and when I was asleep, I dreamed about rainbows.
Это было так здорово, что когда я заснула, мне приснилась радуга.
He Was here, you fell asleep, We took him.
Он был здесь, потом вы уснули, а мы забрали его.
He snuck into the house after I was asleep.
Только я заснула, он проскочил в дом.
I was gonna call you, but halfway through, he gave up, and he fell asleep.
Я хотел было позвонить вам, но он... вдруг всё бросил и заснул.
He was addicted to the written word... and I would fall asleep... listening to the sound of his voice.
Он был горячим поклонником печатного слова, и я засыпала под звук его голоса.
- He must have gone while I was asleep.
Должно быть, он сбежал, когда я спал.
When we woke up the next morning, he was still asleep.
Когда мы проснулись на следующее утро, он еще спал.
He fell asleep when he was making love to me.
- Он заснул на мне во время полового акта!
I... Harry Grimes, concession Roughwood, November 30 this year, have been found guilty of intentionally... racked color and dust Mr. Delaney gold... when he was drunk and asleep.
- Хэри Гроенс из Рафтвуда, 30 ноября этого года намеренно украл золотой песок у мистера Дилана, пока он спал пьяный.
But that just means he was falling asleep on top of her instead of me.
Это означало лишь то, что он засыпал на ней, а не на мне.
He was fast asleep.
Он крепко заснул.
As soon as he found out you were my roommate he was yammering on about how wonderful you were and, eventually I just fell asleep in a nauseated stupor.
.. ... он стал болтать какая ты замечательная... я просто уснула в тошнотворном ступоре.
I pretended I was asleep and he's already snoring.
Я притворялась спящей, а он уже храпел.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was afraid 36
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was afraid 36
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83