She was murdered translate Russian
742 parallel translation
There's no proof that she was murdered, or dead.
- Убийство миссис Сильверстоун.
- She was murdered.
- Её убили.
It was written two days before she was murdered.
Написано всего лишь за два дня до ее смерти.
- That's why she was murdered.
- Вот почему ее убили.
Your friend was wearing it when she was murdered.
Оно было на вашей подруге, когда она был убита.
She was murdered between 1 : 00 and 2 : 00 this morning.
Ее убили между часом и двумя ночи.
She was murdered last night.
Ее убили прошлой ночью.
She was murdered - choked to death and then strung up.
Она была убита - задушена до смерти, а потом повешена.
She was murdered.
Она была убита.
I hate to remind you, but this all started because you said she was murdered.
Не хотелось бы тебе напоминать, но всё началось из-за того, что ты сказал, что её убили.
- On October 8. One week to the day before she was murdered.
8 октября, за неделю до убийства.
And that she was murdered.
И что она была убита.
Mrs. Roat is dead. She was murdered last night near here. - What did you say?
Миссис Роут мертва, её убили вчера вечером где-то поблизости.
And when she turned against them she was murdered.
И когда твоя сестра обернулась против них, её убили.
She was murdered yesterday...
У него вчера убили жену.
- She was murdered.
- Ее убили.
She was murdered.
Была убита?
Seems she was murdered.
Похоже, она была убита.
She was murdered for it!
Поэтому её убили.
She had sex with three men the night she was murdered.
В ночь убийства у неё был сексуальный контакт с тремя мужчинами.
She was murdered.
- Она была убита.
You know, Ethan said that some guy, outside of Marnie's apartment building... told him she was murdered.
- Знаешь, а Этан говорил о каком-то парне, возле дома Марни который сказал ему, что она убита.
He's the one that told me she was murdered.
Это он сказал мне, что её убили.
You had sex with Miss Owens the night she was murdered.
- Вы занимались сексом с мисс Оуэнс в вечер её убийства.
Didn't you also go to her apartment the morning after she was murdered?
- Разве вы не были возле её дома на утро, после её убийства?
- Kramer, she was murdered.
- Крамер, она была убита.
She's dead. She was murdered.
Она умерла.
Then we tell them she was murdered somewhere else - and washed up here by coincidence.
Мы можем сказать, что её убили где-нибудь в другом месте, А здесь она оказалась случайно. Чтобы туристов не отпугивать.
Nobody's reacted to the drawing of the deceased and we don't even know where she was murdered.
Никто не отреагировал на портрет убитой, И мы даже не знаем, где она была убита.
So you think she was murdered in here?
Так вы думаете, что девочку убили здесь?
She was murdered on the night between June 23rd and 24th.
Она была убита в ночь с 23 на 24 июня.
So you don't know she was murdered on that very trip?
И вы не знали, что она была убита во время того путешествия?
If she was murdered, it's plausible there was a sloppy investigation.
Если же ее убили, то вероятнее всего, расследование было проведено из рук вон плохо.
Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered.
Мистер Дюфрейн, опишите... вашу ссору с женой произошедшую в ночь убийства.
I believe that she was murdered, monsieur.
Я полагаю, что ее убили, месье.
And I say that she was murdered.
А я говорю, что ее убили.
We must grab hold of Jae Sin to return her to the person she once was! The scoundrel that murdered hyeong, and crippled Jae Sin, can we let him off?
кто сделал это с Джэ Шин! разве мы можем его отпустить?
Your wife was seen outside Villette's house with Father Logan. She was seen this morning with Father Logan. She told us of an appointment with him that took place the night Monsieur Villette was murdered.
Вашу жену видели у дома Вилетта с отцом Логаном, этим утром ее вновь видели с отцом Логаном, она рассказала нам о встрече с ним в ночь убийства мсье Вилетта.
Wait till I tell you, a woman was murdered tonight, I heard it on the radio, some girl saw the man who did it, she saw the murderer Libby, and he was tall, had dark hair and middle-aged.
И какая-то девушка видела человека сделававшего это. Она видела как выглядит убийца, Либи И он был высоким, темноволосым и среднего возраста
that is how my sister and I where able to infiltrate the terrorist organization you met her, she was murdered in Ecuador. yes, i do remember her well.
Именно так я и моя сестра внедрились в террористическую организацию.
She was murdered.
Ну как же!
No. She thinks the last one was murdered.
что последний муж был убит.
Maybe. If Mulwray was murdered, she'd be one of the last to have seen him alive.
Может быть. кто видел его живым.
Was she murdered?
Она была убита?
Haven't we all heard just about enough of this baloney? Arlena was not murdered with a blunt instrument. She was strangled.
- Боюсь, я пошёл по дурной дорожке.
I didn't know she was going to be murdered.
Не знал, что ее убьют.
Listen, she was not murdered.
Послушай, ее не убивали.
She was murdered.
- Кто?
She was found ravished and murdered.
Она была изнасилована и убита
And where was God when she was violated and murdered?
А где был Бог, когда ее насиловали и убивали?
She was raped and murdered here.
Она была изнасилована и убита здесь
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was here 194
she was beautiful 115
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was here 194
she was beautiful 115
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48