Besides which traducir español
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Besides which, its raining.
Y además, está lloviendo.
Besides which, on account of you disobeying'me, you bought an unhappy land. Well, you see, Sammy...
Además, no me ha hecho ningún caso y ahora posee unas tierras de desdicha.
Besides which, I'm thinking of running for Congress in the fall.
Y me presentaré como candidato a diputado.
Besides which, that particular day happens to be my wedding anniversary.
Además que, ese día particular es mi aniversario de bodas.
Besides which I've got an appointment with a beautiful young lady.
Pero tengo cita con una belleza.
Besides which, he hardly ever drinks.
Además, casi nunca toma.
Besides which, what could Hollywood possibly offer us?
Además, ¿ qué tiene Hollywood que pueda interesarnos?
Besides which, Hollywood hasn't asked us.
Además, Hollywood no nos ha invitado.
Besides which, it'll give you something to talk about if they do take you back.
Y además, te dará tema de conversación si alguna vez vuelven a arrestarte.
Besides which, I won't give him the present I brung for him.
Además, no le daré el regalo que le traje.
Besides which, we were forced off the road by that police car and then victimized by a towing truck that suddenly and magically appeared.
Ademas fui forzado a salir de la carretera por el patrullero. luego fui victima de un remolcador que repentina y magicamente aparecio
Besides which, if it gets too bad we can always move to Greenwich Village.
Además, si tenemos problemas, podemos mudarnos a Greenwich Village.
Besides which you see I have confidence in me
Y todo eso es porque Tengo confianza en mí
Besides which you see I have confidence in me
Y todo eso es porque ¡ Tengo confianza en mí!
Besides which, you must know this place better than they do.
No pueden colgarlos con el oficial lejos. Vamos. No saldrá nada bueno.
Besides which, I'm first-generation Italian, they'd shoot me as a traitor.
Soy italiano de primera generación y me fusilarían por traidor.
Besides which, I'm nosy.
Además, también soy curioso.
Besides which, I'm fed up of hiding away, skulking away like a criminal.
Además, estoy harto de esconderme como un criminal.
Besides which, I've always had a certain perverse affection for amusement parks.
Además de que, Siempre he tenido un cierto afecto perverso por lo parques de atracciones.
- and besides which his health is not...
- además, su estado de salud...
Besides which, I've seen'em all.
Además, ya las he visto todas.
Besides which, long before that happens... - you'll already have stuck somebody else for them.
Y además, mucho antes de que eso pase... ya habrás fastidiado a otra persona con ellas.
Besides which I got the lease in my name.
Además, el alquiler está a mi nombre.
It's a new departure for me, besides which all my other enterprises are of little consequence.
Es un nuevo rumbo para mí. Aparte de eso, todas mis demás empresas son de poco importancia.
"Besides which, I am planning to make history."
Y aparte, quíero pasar a la hístoría ".
He says he will give me 50,000 francs besides my salary, which is very big just to sign the contract. That is how much in American money?
Me dará 50000 francos, además de mi salario que es grande, por firmar el contrato.
And besides, that's taxing sunshine and light... which don't belong to us at all, but to God.
Y además, significa poner impuestos a la luz y el sol... que no nos pertenece a nosotros, sino a Dios.
Besides, there's another risk which Sir John fails to reckon.
Además, hay otro riesgo que sir John no ha considerado.
Besides a temperament, which consists mostly of swooping about on a broomstick and screaming at the top of my voice.
Aparte de un mal genio que consiste sobre todo en lanzarme volando en una escoba gritando con todas mis fuerzas.
Besides, the king's name is a tower of strength... which they upon the adverse faction want.
Además, el nombre del rey es un baluarte inexpugnable... del que carecen nuestros enemigos.
Besides... I had finally faced something which I suppose... had been disturbing me all the time.
Por otro lado... finalmente, enfrenté algo que supongo... me había molestado todo este tiempo.
Either a high-forceps delivery, which can tear and is dangerous besides being bad for the child, or a cesarean.
O un parto con fórceps, que puede dañar y que es peligroso y malo para el bebé, o una cesárea.
Well, you see, besides the money I owe Mrs. Cabot, which I intend to pay back, there's still quite a bundle I owe the bookmakers.
- Además del dinero que le debo a ella, y que tengo intención de pagar, debo un buen pico a los de las apuestas.
Besides which, I was at the...
Además, estuve en el...
Besides, I'm not only invisible, I'm intangible, which means that I can't pull the switches.
De todas formas, no soy sólo invisible, soy intangible, lo que significa que no puedo operar los controles.
Besides, the restaurant is directly across from the school which lets out at 10 minutes to 3 : 00.
Además, el restaurante está justo frente a la escuela, de la que sale a las 3 menos 10.
Besides you have refused me the interview which simple justice demands.
Usted además me ha denegado una audiencia que la simple justicia reclama.
- Other kinds of books? Besides account books there are other things which people sometimes read.
Además de los libros de contabilidad hay otras cosas que a veces la gente lee.
Senator Malipiero, besides putting at my disposal his precious library, lets me also share his table, which is very well stocked.
El Senador Malipiero,... además de poner a mi disposición su preciosa biblioteca,... me hizo partícipe de su mesa, que siempre estaba muy bien provista.
Besides the family! Which I love!
La familia a la que adoro, ¡ sí!
Besides, they like their husbands to appear strong men of the world. Which is much easier to comply with.
Además prefieren que sus maridos parezcan los más fuertes del mundo,... lo que es más fácil de conseguir.
Besides... tragedy isn't top 40... which is just as well.
Además... la tragedia no vende... y está bien así.
Besides, it will be my own revolver, which you had taken from me during the struggle.
Además, será mi propio revólver, que me quitó en la pelea.
Besides which, that would be dishonest.
Stella, no seas tonta.
by the trial records, from which emerged, besides the facts,..
por los archivos del proceso del que surgieron, además de los hechos,..
Besides being a dilettante in the studies of alchemy, which almost led me to increase the volume of mercury,
Durante la resolución de problemas de alquimia que me llevaron a aumentar el volumen de mercurio en frío...
and I'm not going to kill my mother-prostitute, because it's already happened, and I plnapl to you all, besides, Madame Rosa, which is the only light, whom I love.
y yo no voy a matar mi madre se prostituyen, porque ya pasó, y yo plnapl a todos ustedes, además, la señora Rosa, que es la única luz, a quien amo.
Besides, there are political parties, and I assume that in those parties, one of which I voted for,
Tenemos partidos. Y sigo partiendo del supuesto de que en estos partidos, de los cuales yo elegí uno, predomina la razón.
Besides, even I cannot tell which is which.
Además, ni yo mismo sería capaz de decir quién es quién.
Besides, it opens up into the wine cellar, which is where... they spend most of their time.
Además, termina en la bodega de vinos, que es donde ellos pasan la mayor parte del tiempo.
Besides liquor and drugs, which seem to accompany such an event... the thing that distresses me even more, Ren... is the spiritual corruption that can be involved.
Además del alcohol y las drogas... que siempre parecen acompañar un evento como éste... lo que me aflige más todavía, Ren... es la corrupción espiritual que puede involucrar.
which one is it 183
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which one do you prefer 16
which is better 26
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which one do you prefer 16
which is better 26
which one are you 89
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which is why you're here 18
which one do you want 65
which are 79
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which is why you're here 18
which one do you want 65
which are 79
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is ironic 37
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which part 185
which is funny 28
which ones 133
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which is cool 36
which i don't 84
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which part 185
which is funny 28
which ones 133
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which is cool 36
which i don't 84