More than a few traducir francés
891 traducción paralela
You've hardly known her more than a few days, and still you act as if she were of your own flesh and blood.
Vous ne la connaissez que depuis quelque jours. Vous agissez comme si elle était votre propre sang.
Well, if there'd been more than a few... they'd have rushed us in force and wiped us out.
S'ils avaient été nombreux, Ils nous auraient attaqués et tués. - Oui.
Sara has no mother and we've never been separated for more than a few days.
Sarah n'a plus de maman, et nous n'avons jamais été séparés longtemps.
I have been able to alter the size of many organisms, but you are the first specimens to survive the ordeal by more than a few hours.
J'ai été capable de modifier la taille de plusieurs organismes, mais vous êtes les premiers spécimens à survivre plus de quelques heures.
- Not more than a few months.
- Dans quelques mois.
It's impossible that she could live more than a few days.
Il est possible qu'elle n'ait plus que quelques jours à vivre.
She was meant to have more than a few weeks'happiness.
Elle méritait plus que quelques semaines de bonheur.
Now I come to think of it, after I wake, it never stays in my memory for more than a few seconds. And none of it ever comes back to me until the next time it starts.
En y repensant, dès que je me réveille, j'oublie tout... jusqu'à la nuit suivante.
I have work to finish, but it shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
J'ai du travail à finir mais ce sera vite fait.
Not more than a few weeks.
Pas plus de quelques semaines.
That the breach in our security was no more than a few irresponsible remarks at one of Anna Staviska's dinner parties?
Que la brêche dans notre sécurité n'est rien de plus que quelques irresponsables remarques à l'un des dîners d'Anna Staviska?
It'd take more than a few Indians to keep me away from that.
Il me faudrait plus que des Indiens pour m "éloigner d" elle.
And I'd like more than a few with you.
Et moi, j'en ai plus d'un à te dire.
Remember that this creature can't stay out of the water for more than a few minutes.
Rappelez-vous que cette créature ne peut rester hors de l'eau... plus de quelques minutes.
Up to not more than a few hours.
Pas après quelques heures.
For inside this deep place there's a wizardry that costs far more than a few pieces of gold.
Car à l'intérieur se trouve une magie qui coûte plus que quelques pièces d'or.
Our time of completion will have to be upped by three to six months, but this shouldn't affect our general cost more than a few thousand dollars.
Il faudra ajourner la date de fin des travaux de trois à six mois, mais ça ne devrait pas affecter notre coût global de plus de quelques milliers de dollars.
No one who rented Hill House ever stayed for more than a few days.
Aucun des locataires de Hill House n'a pu y demeurer plus de quelques jours.
The mummy of king Cephos I, which is more than a few 1000 years old was stolen from the Egypt museum a few days ago.
" La momie du pharaon Sethos I, vieille de plusieurs milliers d'années, a été volée au Musée Egyptien il y a quelques jours.
Unloading shouldn't take long. You won't be more than a few minutes behind us.
Le déchargement ne devrait pas être très long.
And in a few months from now when the war is over, you will be alive and in good health, which is more than most of us will be able to say.
Dans quelques mois, lorsque la guerre sera terminée... vous serez en vie et en bonne santé... ce qui est plus que la plupart d'entre nous pourront dire.
We bought this quiet, elegant little bank... which will be more profitable than finding a few puny safes... - To rifle.
Cette jolie petite banque que nous venons de racheter sera certainement plus bénéfique que quelques effractions... de coffres.
I've given you more than any four of them put together. You'll keep on getting it, just give me a few breaks.
Je vous ai rapporté plus que les autres et ça continuera.
You're no more to blame because yours can be faithful only a few weeks than I am because mine will be faithful as long as I live.
Le tien n'est pas plus â blâmer d'être infidèle... que le mien d'être fidèle â jamais.
A few days at your mother's house will do more good than staying at home.
Tu te sentiras mieux chez ta mère?
While you men figure it out scientifically, I'll go and set a few traps. We may not find anything more than a diseased mind, but even that may be interesting. I'll help.
Pendant que vous cherchez à comprendre scientifiquement, messieurs... je vais aller poser quelques pièges.
A few of us who are clever enough to see that there's much more to be done than just live small, complacent lives.
Certains d'entre nous sont assez intelligents pour voir qu'il y a plus que de vivre de petites vies complaisantes.
It would be an extraordinary coincidence wouldn't it if more than one Naval lieutenant in Washington were to become engaged in the last few days to a girl from New York who's aunt was giving them the reception?
Quelle coincidence ce serait de voir deux lieutenants de la Navy se fiancer, ici, à une New-Yorkaise
Max Freidank, more dead than alive from wounds was arrested in Frankfurt a few days ago.
Max freidank, blessé, plus mort que vivant, a été arrêté à francfort il y a quelques jours.
It's funny how much more you can say with a few bars of music than a basketful of words.
C'est drôle comme la musique est plus éloquente qu'un torrent de paroles.
You hungry? Who would be more than happy to help me straighten this out. A few more won't hurt, either.
Ils seront ravis de m'aider à éclaircir cette histoire!
He was never again able to do more than drag himself a few paces from this bed.
Il ne réussit jamais plus à faire plus de quelques pas hors de ce lit.
No more probably than a few lines.
Rien que quelques lignes.
Artificial respiration did it and a few Boy Scout tricks. I think it was more shock than drowning.
Un peu de respiration artificielle... ll était choqué, surtout.
Is it not better to work a few more days, try to dig around the rock... than risk everything by blasting?
Ne vaudrait-il pas mieux passer quelques jours à contourner la roche que tout risquer en la faisant sauter?
It had separated the neighboring great houses of Bulaire and Gurnie... by far more than the scant few miles that lay between them... in those days that began with the death of Rauf...
Elle a mené à la séparation des grandes maisons voisines de Bulaire et Gurnie de bien plus que les quelques lieues qui s'étendaient entre elles.
More than half, say, 400 men... and the rest women and a few children.
plus de Ia moitié sont des hommes, environ 400, des femmes et quelques enfants.
Why? Because I think it's more important than a few extra dollars. A little easier living.
- Il n'y a pas que l'argent qui compte.
Just a few, which will be more than enough.
Ce devrait être largement plus que suffisant.
I can't imagine anything more lovely in the way of scenery than to have a few acres of gold and diamonds cropping up on a piece of land I bought for a song.
Je ne peux pas imaginer plus bel endroit au monde qu'un bout de terrain avec de l'or et des diamants - acquis pour une bouchée de pain.
I'll tell you something, Will. In a few years time, you're going to be thought more of... - than either of your brothers-in-law.
Tu sais, Will, dans quelques années, tes beaux-frères te verront autrement.
Well, the public has learned more about the inside of a prison in the last few weeks than they did in all my 15 years of making speeches.
Le public en a appris plus sur la prison... dans les dernières semaines... que pendant mes 15 années de discours.
"It's more than two weeks since we have been able to meet." "Except for a few moments in a crowd or near a telescreen."
Cela fait plus de 2 semaines que nous n'avons pas pu nous voir, à part quelques moments au milieu de la foule ou devant une multitude de télé-écrans.
Have a few words with you, a few more than we had on the telephone.
Je voulais vous parler. Plus longuement qu'au téléphone.
This medal means, among other things that for a few minutes Hetherington at Guerrero and the rest of you at the ranch at Ojos Azules did more than duty required.
Pendant quelques minutes... Hetherington, à Guerrero et les autres... à Ojos Azules, ont fait plus que leur devoir.
Is saving a few head of cattle more important than a man's life?
Ça compte plus que la vie d'un homme?
During the last few minutes, Leffingwell's chances have improved... and it seems more than likely he will be confirmed by a small margin... of maybe one or two votes.
Les chances de Leffingwell augmentent. Il semble probable qu'il sera investi à une majorité d'une ou deux voix.
But because of their god... the natives absolutely refuse to give up any more than just a few handfuls.
A cause de leur dieu, les indigènes... refusent de m'en donner plus que quelques poignées.
We won't keep you more than just a few moments.
Nous ne vous ferons attendre que quelques minutes.
Very few, why? Perhaps our scientist has more sense than you after all.
On a forcé le laboratoire.
Now a few words from someone who don't need any introduction. The man who's done more for Abalone than any other man Mr. Clinton Stark.
Quelques mots au sujet d'un homme qu'on ne présente pas... celui qui a fait plus que quiconque pour Abalone...
more than you know 97
more than you think 24
more than ever 118
more than you can imagine 30
more than anything else 28
more than enough 37
more than you 43
more than you'll ever know 22
more than me 30
more than anything 252
more than you think 24
more than ever 118
more than you can imagine 30
more than anything else 28
more than enough 37
more than you 43
more than you'll ever know 22
more than me 30
more than anything 252
more than once 124
more than likely 53
more than that 286
more than anything in the world 53
more than anyone 57
more than a little 19
more than usual 36
more than one 77
more than 287
a few good men 16
more than likely 53
more than that 286
more than anything in the world 53
more than anyone 57
more than a little 19
more than usual 36
more than one 77
more than 287
a few good men 16
a few minutes later 20
a few years ago 208
a few hours later 28
a few years later 32
a few days later 90
a few months ago 226
a few days ago 217
a few days 147
a few months later 40
a few nights ago 25
a few years ago 208
a few hours later 28
a few years later 32
a few days later 90
a few months ago 226
a few days ago 217
a few days 147
a few months later 40
a few nights ago 25