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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Should i come back

Should i come back tradutor Espanhol

515 parallel translation
- What time should I come back?
- ¿ A qué hora debo regresar?
- What time should I come back?
- ¿ A qué hora vuelvo por usted? - A las diez.
Why should I come back?
Dime por qué tengo que volver a casa.
Why should I come back?
Pero ¿ por qué quiere que vuelva?
When should I come back?
¿ Cuándo tengo que volver?
So, when should I come back?
- ¿ Cuándo vuelvo?
- When should I come back?
- ¿ Cuándo vuelvo?
I should have never come back!
¡ Nunca debí haber regresado!
If she does not come back to me.... what should I...
Si no vuelve conmigo, ¿ qué debería...?
I should've never come back.
En cambio, mira.
May I put my beard back on should someone come?
¿ Puedo ponerme la barba por si alguien viene?
You want I should come back again or you want to order now?
¿ Quiera que vuelva dps o le tomo noto ya?
And if things don't go right for you, if we should win, then I'll come back.
Si las cosas no salen bien para ustedes, si ganamos, volveré.
- He'll come back. What should I do?
- Volverá. ¿ Qué debería hacer?
Am I right that you thought if you could get him to come back here it was almost inevitable that the inevitable should happen?
¿ Me equivoco al asumir que creías que si lo traías aquí... era casi inevitable que ocurriera lo inevitable?
I should've stayed away. I should never have come back.
Debí quedarme allí, no regresar jamás.
- I should want you to come back.
- Yo querría que volvieras.
- Why should I want to come back?
- ¿ Por qué iba a querer volver? - Sí, ¿ por qué?
I thought If I didn't come back, I should die.
Pensaba que si no regresaba, moriría.
I'm going away. I should never have come back here.
Jamás debí regresar.
I should come back and see him when I'm well-known.
Que vuelva a verle cuando sea famosa.
I think Ernesto should come back to his parents'house.
Creo que Ernesto debe volver a casa de sus padres.
The one I'm waiting for will come back - he should be here any minute.
El que espero va a volver. Debería estar aquí.
But I've been thinking... why should they come back to this same place?
Pero he estado pensando... porqué van a volver ¿ a este mismo lugar?
But I don't think you should've come back.
Pero creo que no debías haber vuelto.
- She said I should come back.
- Ella dijo que regresara.
I should never have come back.
Nunca debí haber regresado.
Maybe I should come back another time.
Tal vez deba volver en otro momento.
We should have a wake. Back where I come from, that's...
- ¡ Deberíamos velarle!
Should I needed any money later on, then I should come back to see her.
Y que si necesitaba dinero más adelante... que fuese a verla
You should blame me, I just come back with the wine.
No lo dirá por mi, yo vengo de traer el vino.
When my men didn't come back, I should have guessed.
Al no volver mis hombres, debí suponerlo.
I think you should ask Mr. Hunter to come back.
Creo que debería pedirle al Sr. Hunter que vuelva.
I think you should apologize to Mr. Hunter and ask him to come back.
Creo que debería disculparse y pedirle que vuelva.
If he should come back, tell him I'll hold his job open for a while.
Pero si regresa, no deje de decirle que le guardo el empleo.
But if I should come back after five days have passed... do not let me in... but drive a dagger through my heart...
Pero si regreara pasao el quinto... no me dejéis entrar... y traspasadme el corazón con una espada... poruqe significará que me he convertido en un wurdalak. "
I should have never come back
No debí ir a París.
And I'll call back. And, if he should come in, would you tell him, that I'm, I'm in Washington Square in the park, on a bench.
Y si llega dígale... que estoy en Washington Square... en el parque, en un banco.
Should not I come back to the hotel within 3 o'clock tonight leave for London and deliver it to that address., don't forget.
Si a las tres de la madrugada no hubiera regresado, viaja a Londres y entrégala en esa dirección.
I should have not come back.
Tendría que morir.
Maybe I should come back in three weeks.
Quizá deba volver en tres semanas.
I guess I should come back this evening.
Bueno, será mejor que...
I say we should come back here in daytime.
Digo que deberíamos volver aquí a plena luz del día.
You've come back from Korea to set up a school here. I should be looking after you.
Has vuelto de Corea para abrir una escuela aquí, debería cuidar de ti.
I think she should come back to her family a family background.
Creo que debería volver con su familia a un entorno familiar.
I should've known you'd come back to destroy that chance.
Debí haber sabido que volverías para destruirla.
Should I have not come back, master?
Amo, ¿ no deberías estar de vuelta?
If I don't come back... this pink strapless number should go to that big job... the blond from Minneapolis.
Si no regreso... dale este vestido rosa a la gordita. A la rubia de Minneapolis.
- I brought you her medicine. - You should have come back sooner. The doctor said one before every meal, but she's already eaten.
El doctor ha dicho que una tenía que tomarla antes de comer y ahora ya ha comido.
Maybe I should come back another time.
Quizá debiera volver en otro momento.
I should have come back to Italy years ago.
Debí regresar a Italia hace muchos años.

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