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You ran tradutor Espanhol

7,455 parallel translation
- You ran over a cow! We could have blown up!
Hemos pasado sobre una vaca, ¡ podíamos haber volado!
You ran me off the road.
Me sacó de la carretera.
I was driving along, minding my own business, when you overtook me - going God knows how fast - and you ran me off the road.
Estaba conduciendo, pensando en mis cosas, cuando usted me sobrepasó yendo a Dios sabe qué velocidad, y me sacó de la carretera.
You ran me off the road and then you have the temerity to tell me it's my fault?
¿ Y encima te atreves a decir que es culpa mía? Cuidado, viejo.
Baby, you screamed then you ran away.
Bebé, gritaste y luego te escapaste.
Even though you ran off on my son.
Aunque abanDonutste a mi hijo.
I'm not stupid, I know that's why you ran out of here.
No soy estúpida, sé que por eso te has largado.
Were was he when you ran into him?
¿ Dónde fue?
I can't believe you ran off on your mum!
No puedo creer que escaparas de tu mamá.
Or you ran. You have no idea what happened.
O usted corrió No tienes idea de lo que pasó
But you ran out of Ammo.
Pero se quedó sin municiones.
You ran 30 off this week alone.
Ejecutó 30 de descuento solo esta semana.
I'll say that you, you ran away.
Diré que tú, te escapaste.
You're wanted for questioning by the U.S. attorney, and you ran away.
La Fiscalía te busca para interrogarte... y has huido.
Apparently, you ran a freak show.
Parece que dirigías un espectáculo de fenómenos.
Wyatt thought you ran away.
Wyatt pensó que estaba huyendo.
When you ran out- - on the worst fake phone call I've ever heard- - I was so mad, I almost ordered a burrito.
Cuando te fuiste... después de la peor llamada fingida que nunca he oído... estaba tan cabreado, que casi pido un burrito.
Was worried you ran off in the middle of the night. No.
Me preocupaba que huyeras en mitad de la noche.
After the heist, you ran, didn't you?
- Después del robo, corriste, ¿ cierto?
So, when I left you in the glade and went to meet Horrocks and you ran away... you were trying to get back... back to the stones and back... to your husband.
Así que, cuando te dejé en el claro y fui a encontrarme con Horrocks y huiste... Estabas tratando de volver... Volver a las piedras y volver... con tu marido.
Next you ran into that building, and I chased you.
Luego corriste dentro de ese edificio, y yo te perseguí.
You know, light the barn on fire while you slept, pick you off as you ran out the only exit.
Hubiera prendido fuego al granero mientras dormían, y los hubiera atrapado mientras corrían hacia la salida.
You ran like you had seen a ghost.
Corriste como si hubieras visto un fantasma.
He, uh... he told me that you ran off or something, and that it was mainly just him and his mom and brother.
Él... me dijo que usted huyó o algo, Y se quedaron solos él, su madre y su hermano.
And you ran him over with this Porsche two nights ago.
Y tú le atropellaste con ese Porsche hace dos noches.
You ran it three times.
Lo has ejecutado tres veces.
We'd far prefer you ran on the track.
Preferimos que corra por el camino.
You didn't think Wayward Pines ran itself, did you?
No pensaste que Wayward Pines funcionase por sí solo, ¿ verdad?
- We ran into each other. Did she tell you?
Me la encontré, ¿ te lo dijo?
Yes, she told me you guys ran into each other.
Sí, me dijo que se encontraron.
- You ran me off the road!
- ¡ Usted me sacó de la carretera!
♪ and if you ever ran ♪
¶ Y si alguna vez corrió ¶
Q, are you seriously gonna spend the rest of high school pining for a girl that ran away?
Q, ¿ sufrirás el resto de la preparatoria por una chica que se fugó?
Yes, well, your father said he ran into you.
Sí, bueno, tu padre me dijo que se encontró contigo.
Janie ran away, all right, so I need you to put your clothes on, and go around the neighborhood and help me look for her.
Janie se ha ido, así que necesito que te vistas y que vayas por el barrio y me ayudes a buscarla.
I know I ran off on you earlier.
Sé que te dispensé hoy.
He killed them, and ran away with the loot..... why are you hitting me?
Él los mató, y huyó con el dinero. ¿ Por qué me está golpeando?
Okay, so I'm going to see you at the office. You won't remember, Senator, but my father drove you when you first ran for office. MAN :
Voy a la oficina.
- Sir, you may or may not know that I ran a multimillion-dollar website.
Tengo un sitio web multimillonario.
We ran into each other while you were sleeping.
Nos encontramos mientras dormías. ¿ Por qué?
When you first learnt to ride, we ran alongside your horse.
Primero aprendes a cabalgar para luego correr al lado de tu caballo.
I can't sleep at night once I ran to you now I run from you...
# No puedo dormir por la noche. # # Una vez corrí hacia ti. # # Ahora huyo de ti. #
You're alive because she ran off with a Turk! What are you talking about?
Estás vivo porque ella huyó con un turco. ¿ De qué estás hablando?
I ran away from you as fast as I could.
Corrí lejos de ti lo más rápido que pude.
You baited me with an old newspaper, cooked up this plan, then ran me around on a wild-goose chase.
Me engañaste con un periódico viejo, maquinaste todo este plan, luego me hiciste correr en círculos.
You just totally ran out on me.
Usted acaba totalmente se acabó en mí.
Do you think Sam really ran away?
¿ Crees que Sam realmente se escapó?
You almost ran me off the road.
Casi me sacan del camino.
The last time I brought it up, you had an emotional breakdown and got on a train and ran away.
La última vez que lo mencioné, tuviste una crisis emocional subiste a un tren y huíste.
- Hi. She caught me trying to slip a note into her dryer mid-spin and she ran over. She was like, "What are you doing?"
Me vio poniendo una nota en su ropa... y se puso toda : "¿ Qué haces?".
What kind of man would I be if I ran away when I saw someone hurting you?
¿ Qué clase de hombre sería si huyera cuando alguien te está lastimando?

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