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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / That wasn't bad

That wasn't bad tradutor Francês

862 parallel translation
- Well, it wasn't bad at that.
Elle était pas mal.
That wasn't bad either, was it, sonny?
Pas mal non plus, n'est-ce pas, fiston?
Oh, no, he wasn't that bad a shot.
Non, il ne tirait pas si mal.
That's gonna make things lively as if it wasn't bad enough already.
Cela va compliquer les choses comme si ce n'était pas déjà assez mauvais.
That wasn't so bad, was it, now?
Ça ne faisait pas si mal, si?
That's a question of taste, for me she wasn't bad.
C'est une affaire de goût. Moi elle me plaît bien.
That tunnel wasn't a bad idea.
Ce tunnel n'était pas une mauvaise idée.
That wasn't so bad.
C'était pas mal.
- Say, that wasn't a bad pun, was it?
- Bon jeu de mots, hein?
And that wasn't the end of your bad luck, Pittsburgh.
Ça ne mit pas un point final à ta malchance, Pittsburgh.
That wasn't so bad, was it?
Je ne t'ai pas fait trop mal, hein?
It wasn't that bad, was it?
Ma pièce est si mauvaise?
- There, now that wasn't so bad.
- Voilà, ce n'était pas si mauvais.
It wasn't as bad as all that. - Thank you very much.
Ce n'était pas si méchant.
Yes, that was bad, wasn't it?
Oui, dommage!
That was bad, wasn't it?
C'était difficile, n'est-ce pas?
That wasn't a bad fella as them fellas goes.
Ce n'était pas un mauvais gars.
- It wasn't that bad.
- Ce n'était pas à ce point là.
No, that was a bad joke, wasn't it?
Non, c'était de mauvais goût, hein?
It wasn't a philter of love that you gave to Julia, it was a philter of madness, and I gave it to Lysias,... with bad intentions.
Ce n'était pas un philtre d'amour. C'était un breuvage de folie. Et je l'ai versé à Lysias.
If that's what it was, it wasn't bad.
Pour du n'importe quoi, ce n'est pas mal.
You know, that wasn't a bad-Iooking dame.
Elle était pas mal.
That fellow wasn't so bad.
Ce mec n'était pas si mauvais.
They called it the flamethrower, but it wasn't really that bad.
Les gars appelaient ça du "tord-boyaux".
Well, at first it wasn't so bad, because I had hopes that the trouble I was having was only temporary.
D'abord, ce n'était pas trop dur, car j'avais l'espoir... que mes ennuis ne seraient que temporaires.
That wasn't bad, but don't rush through it.
Je suis content. C'est pas mal. Mais ne te presse pas.
That wasn't bad.
C'est pas mal.
Actually, it wasn't that bad.
J'exagère un peu :
That wasn't too bad.
Il n'y a pas grand mal.
- I wasn't that bad.
Je n'étais pas si mauvais.
- Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?
- Ce n'était pas si terrible?
Rather bad form, that, wasn't it?
- Je me suis plutôt mal conduit, n'est-ce pas?
It wasn't that bad. Our main goal was to see Ayako happy, and we did.
Ne sois pas triste, la première étape est franchie.
- No, it wasn't that bad.
- Non, c'était pas trop mal.
By the way, that girl he was with at the show wasn't at all bad.
A propos, la fille qui l'accompagnait n'était pas maldu tout.
- That wasn't bad.
Ce n'était pas si mal.
That wasn't a bad picture.
Le film n'était pas mauvais.
I feel bad about that. I wasn't using my head.
Je regrette, je me servais pas de ma tête.
It wasn't a bad year for the lambing, Master. I can say that.
L'agnelage ne s'est pas mal passé, cette année, monsieur.
Well, it wasn't all that bad, those sixteen years. We've had some fun.
Mais on a eu du bon temps.
The kid wasn't hurt that bad.
Il n'était pas si grièvement blessé.
Raven. That wasn't bad.
Noir corbeau.
- Come on now. It wasn't that bad.
- Ça ne peut pas être aussi grave.
- That wasn't bad, was it?
- En plein dedans! - Oui, pas mal, hein?
That idea of yours about the costumes and crowns, that wasn't too bad.
Ton idée des costumes et des couronnes, c'était pas trop mal
I had to admit it was possible... that man wasn't created good or bad once and for all.
Je devais admettre que cela existe, que l'Homme n'est pas créé bon ou mauvais
Well that wasn't too bad was it, Scott?
Eh bien, ce n'était pas si mal, hein, Scott?
400 million, that wasn't bad at all.
400 millions, c'etait quand même pas mal.
That wasn't too bad.
Ce n'était pas si terrible.
It wasn't that bad, after all.
- Ce n'était pas si mal.
Well, that wasn't so bad.
Ce n'était pas si compliqué.

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