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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You saw them

You saw them tradutor Francês

875 parallel translation
You saw them drag her into the car.
Vous l'avez vu l'entraîner dans la voiture.
You saw them take the table in the study. They're in there playing the same game of chess they started this afternoon.
Ils continuent leur partie d'échec commencée cette après-midi.
- You saw them happen?
- Vous les avez vus se produire?
But you saw them!
Vous les avez vus.
You saw them walking along the street?
Tu les as vus marcher dans la rue?
You saw them walking along the street, and you never told me?
Tu les as vus marcher dans la rue et tu ne me l'as jamais dit?
● You mean, you saw them?
- Vous les avez vus?
- You saw them, you're sure?
- Vous êtes sûr?
You saw them out in that garden.
Tu les as vus dans le jardin.
What direction were these flying saucers going the last time you saw them?
De quel côté allaient ces soucoupes volantes?
You saw them.
Vous les avez vus.
He saw them, as well, you know. Why?
Il les a vues comme moi.
I've played in lots of competitions, but I never saw you at any of them.
J'en ai fait plus de dix de parties de championnat, et je n'y ai jamais vu une figure comme la tienne.
- I tell you, I saw them.
- Crois-moi, je les ai vus.
I knew you would need more so I happened to be going past a barber shop and I saw some tails of hair hanging in the window with the prices marked on them and I thought it would do my brain good to have my mop cut off.
J'ai vu un coiffeur... avec des chevelures en vitrine et les prix... Ma tignasse m'alourdissait la cervelle...
If I tell you where I last saw them maybe you'll guess what I planted on them.
Si je vous dis où je les ai vus la dernière fois, vous devinerez peut-être.
I saw them, all right... - I'm sure you stole them.
je les ai vus, mais je suis bien sûre que tu les as volés. Oh!
Don't tell them that you saw me.
Ne leur dis rien de ma visite.
You did right to enjoy them. Never refuse a drink if it's offered. Your mother saw only three things :
Renoncer aux pauvres avantages de mon malheur? Tu as bien fait de les accepter Quand le vin est tiré, il faut le boire, même s'il est bon.
Listen, bigshot, you saw what Pollard just got, so order them gates to open up and take us to the car, or I'll blow your hair all over the ceiling.
T'as vu ce qui lui est arrivé. Alors dis-leur d'ouvrir ou je t'explose la cervelle.
I saw them draw you into this and tried to warn you, but it was no use.
Je les ai vu tirer leurs ficelles et j'ai essayé de t'avertir.
It was while you were away. Edith saw them. Stephen, that creature and Little Mary lunching in the park.
Edith les a vus tous les 3 au zoo, en train de déjeuner.
It was as pretty a sight as you ever saw to see him come loping across them hills.
C'était joli de le voir descendre les collines, au galop.
I tell you I saw them both!
Je vous le dis, je les ai vus.
- As I was leaving the building, I saw them walking along the street as bold as you please.
- Alors que je partais, je les ai vus marcher dans la rue d'un pas décidé.
- But you said we saw the first of them.
- Mais on a vu les premiers.
I saw them looking at you last night.
Ils te regardaient.
They had me worried when I saw you rounding them up this morning. I thought you were their mother.
Quand je vous ai vue avec elles, j'ai cru que vous étiez leur mère.
What's more, I saw the plane - them pictures - you keep out of this!
C'est mieux que si j'y avais été en vrai. - Bah, des photos... - Ne t'en mêle pas!
Betsy, tell them about the houmfort, tell them what you saw there.
Betsy, parlez-leur du houmfort. Dites-leur ce que vous avez vu.
You loved it, that's why you kept them waiting. I saw your face.
Tu étais heureux!
But no one but me knows that you two saw them.
Mais moi seul sais que vous les avez vus.
You saw them?
Cherche une brouette. Qu'est-ce que tu veux qu'on en fasse?
I can't cease to be surprised at them. They were lumpy when I first saw you.
Elles étaient épaisses dans le temps.
You know, it's as if I was seeing them for the first time, the way Michael always saw them.
C'est comme si je les voyais pour la première fois, comme Michael les voyait toujours. MICHAEL FABIAN PIONNIER MORT À 57 ANS
Well, I'll give you a hammer and saw, but I have to have them back in a couple of days.
Elle ne couperait même pas du beurre. Je vous prête tout ça, mais ne tardez pas à me les rendre.
But I'm telling you, I saw them.
Mais je les ai vus.
Well, if you saw them, sir, they weren't Apaches.
Alors ce n'étaient pas des Apaches.
I saw them as clearly as I see you now.
Je les ai vus aussi clairement que je vous vois aujourd'hui.
He didn't say where you saw him leading them by any chance, did he?
Il n'a pas dit où tu comptais mener ces troupes par hasard?
Well, you certainly saw them.
Vous les avez certainement vus.
I saw them just like I see you now.
Je les ai vus comme je te vois.
I'll tell them you saw Riedenschneider here and didn't roust him.
Je leur dirai que vous avez vu Riedenschneider et que vous l'avez laissé filer.
- I saw you throw them into the sewer!
- Je t'ai vu quand tu les as jetées.
I saw a photo of a place with columns. I pulled you off them and you loved it. Having colored lights going.
Tu m'as montré ta maison à colonnes et je t'ai arrachée à ces colonnes et tu as aimé!
After you opened the orders, who saw them besides you?
Qui les a lus à part vous?
Them Indians I saw coming out of here with the guns... they got them from you.
Les Indiens que j'ai vu passer avec des fusils, ils les ont eus auprès de vous.
M. Putnam, the sheriff says... that you saw both of them this afternoon.
M. Putnam, le shérif dit... que vous les avez vus tous deux cet après-midi.
Did you meet her? Yeah, I saw them at the depot this morning.
Au dépôt, ce matin.
They took Pop and the kid with'em and that's the last you saw of them.
Ils ont emmené Pop et le gosse. Vous ne savez rien de plus.
You're the one who saw them.
C'est toi qui les as vus.

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