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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / Have you been smoking

Have you been smoking tradutor Português

80 parallel translation
Have you been smoking?
Você foi fumar?
Have you been smoking?
Vem cá? Andaste a fumar?
And have you been smoking?
Estiveste a fumar?
What have you been smoking?
O que é que anda a fumar?
- How long have you been smoking?
Há quanto tempo fumas?
What have you been smoking?
O que andaste a fumar?
- What have you been smoking?
- O que estiveste a fumar?
Have you been smoking in here?
Estiveram a fumar cá dentro?
Have you been smoking weed?
Andou a fumar droga?
Have you been smoking pot since high school?
Tens fumado erva desde o liceu...
Have you been smoking?
Estiveste a fumar?
- Have you been smoking?
- Voce está fumando?
- How much have you been smoking?
- O que andaste a fumar?
Have you been smoking again?
Andou fumando de novo?
Have you been smoking marijuana?
Andaste a fumar marijuana?
What have you been smoking, man?
O que é que anda a fumar, homem?
Susan, what the hell have you been smoking?
O que raio andaste a fumar, Susan?
That's why we're here. Oh, man, what have you been smoking?
Por isso estamos aqui.
Have you been smoking? It smells so bad.
Cheira-me a qualquer coisa.
- How long have you been smoking?
- Há quanto tempo fumas?
What have you been smoking?
Que andaste a fumar?
– Have you been smoking?
Estiveste outra vês a fumar, Marley?
Have you been smoking the shit home the soldier?
Andaste a fumar da merda caseira do soldadinho?
Have you been smoking marijuana, sir?
Esteve a fumar erva?
Ron, have you been smoking pot again?
Ron, andaste a fumar erva outra vez?
How long have you been smoking that?
Há quanto tempo andas a fumar aquilo?
Have you been smoking?
Tens fumado?
- What have you been smoking, man?
- O que andou a fumar?
Have you been smoking pot?
Andou a fumar erva?
Have you been smoking?
Estás a fumar?
What the hell have you been smoking?
O que andou a fumar?
- Have you been smoking?
Andas-te a fumar?
Arthur, have you been smoking?
Arthur, esteve a fumar?
What have you been smoking?
O que tem fumado?
Have you been smoking any illegal substances this evening?
Fumou alguma substância ilegal?
Have you been smoking pot with them?
Tu foste fumar erva com eles?
Comrades, you must have been smoking a lot.
Camaradas, devem andar a fumar muito.
Have you been smoking?
- Estiveste a fumar?
Have you been smoking again, Uncle?
Esteve outra vez a fumar, tio?
Have you been telling him some smoking-room stories?
Tem estado a contar-lhe histórias dignas duma sala de fumo?
What have you been smoking?
Ei, Klepto.
- Have you, uh, been smoking?
Tem fumado?
You haven't been smoking out, have you?
- Não andaste na passa, pois não? - Não!
What we don't know is what you guys have been smoking.
O que não sabemos é o que vocês têm andado a fumar.
And if Miss Zeder would've been able to quit smoking, would you have kept her on the payroll?
E se a Ms. Zeder conseguisse deixar de fumar, continuaria na empresa?
Javier have you guys been smoking or not?
- Javier... os seus homens andam a fumar... ou não?
What the hell have you people been smoking out there?
O que diabo andaram vocês a fumar?
- You must have been smoking crack.
Vocês devem ter estado a fumar crack.
Have you guys been smoking marijuana?
Vocês fumaram marijuana?
Since your QB's been smoking doobies, you guys are gonna have to work twice as hard to beat the Bradleyville Panthers on Friday night.
Já que o vosso atacante está a cheirar a cigarro vocês terão que trabalhar duas vezes mais para vencer o Bradleyville Panthers na sexta à noite.
I've been smoking a lot longer than you have, babe.
Já fumo à muito mais tempo do que tu, querida.

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