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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / What have you found

What have you found tradutor Português

405 parallel translation
- What have you found out?
- Que descobriste?
What have you found?
E o que encontrou?
Alan, what have you found?
Alan, o que encontraste?
What have you found out about the robe?
Que descobristes sobre a tal túnica?
What have you found out, professor?
Que encontrou, professor?
- What have you found?
- O que encontraste?
Max, o que já descobriu sobre a sede da KAOS?
- What have you found this time? - Look!
- O que achaste desta vez?
Now what have you found out? Shh!
O que é que descobriu?
What have you found out so far?
O que descobriu até agora?
Now, what have you found for me?
E agora, me diga o que você achou para mim?
Now, what have you found for me about the other generals?
O que conseguiu averiguar dos outros generais?
Tashichi, what have you found?
Tashichi, o que encontraste?
What have you found?
O que encontraram?
What have you found?
O que encontraste? - Também nós vamos morrer?
What have you found?
O que é que encontraste?
- What have you found?
- O que viu?
- What have you found out?
O que é que descobriste?
Kinney, what have you found on his background?
Kinney, o que descobriste sobre o passado dele?
Well, what have you found?
- Bem, o que encontrou?
What have you found?
Que descobriu?
What have you found out about it?
Que conclusões obtiveram?
What have you found out?
Fazem alguma ideia?
- What is it? What have you found?
O que encontraste?
What have you found?
O que descobriu?
What have you found out?
- O que descobriste?
O que descobriste?
Have you found it? Who wants to talk about what they found?
Quem quer falar sobre o que encontrou?
Bigger men than you have found out what the power of the press is.
Outros mais importantes que você conheceram esse poder.
- Do you know what I have found? - No.
- Sabe o que cacei?
What's the need for witnesses? If the villagers had listened to me, you would have found the place barricaded, the houses loopholed, people in arms...
Se os aldeões tivessem me ouvido, você teria encontrado... o lugar bloqueado, as casas fechadas, as pessoas armadas...
It wouldn't have hurt you to have found out what the gentleman wanted.
Não te teria feito mal descobrir o que o cavalheiro queria.
- If you had simply found that note in the victim's dressing room and knew no more about it than that what would you have made of the affair?
Se tivesse apenas descoberto a carta no camarim da vítima e nada mais soubesse, quais seriam as suas conclusões?
Greco já descobriu.
Greco já descobriu o que...
We found if you're familiarized with what you will have to undergo,
Sabemos que se estiver familiarizado com o que pode vir a enfrentar,..
And what actually have you found so far?
E o que encontraram até agora?
What have you got, Jim? We found John Gill.
- O que descobriu, Jim?
It is important to give what you have found, as a gift, to whomever will accept it.
É importante dar o que encontraste, como um presente, a quem quer que o aceite.
I have found what you're looking for.
Encontrei o que está procurando.
What have you found out?
O que descobriste?
Gentlemen, I'm sure we have found what you're looking for. - Thank you, Mr. Choudry. - No mention.
Tenho a certeza que encontrámos o que andam a procurar.
Have you found what you're looking for?
Encontrou o que procurava?
Have you found what you were looking for?
Você encontrou... O que estava procurando?
And tell me have you found what you seek?
Encontraste o que procuravas?
Well, are you going to share with us what you have found, or not?
Entäo, vai partilhar connosco aquilo que descobriu, ou näo?
Have you considered what might happen if that girl found out whose side you're really on?
Já pensaste no que pode acontecer se a rapariga descobrir de que lado é que estás?
What's this? "You have just found the A-Team"?
What have you found?
Vem comigo.
We have in fact, found some way, I can describe to you in some detail what took place in this school on that fateful night.
Dar-lhe-ei um exemplo de como situar o colégio nessa noite fatídica.
Good. You have any idea what would happen If people found out about me?
O que aconteceria se as pessoas me descobrissem?

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