You got him tradutor Português
5,289 parallel translation
You got him?
You got him, babe.
- Apanhou-o, fofo.
Well, just the fact that you got him up here still says a lot.
O facto de o teres trazido até aqui já diz muito.
You got him a putter.
Compraste-lhe um putter.
You got him, Molky?
Apanhaste-o, Molky?
You got him.
Na verdade, tenho uma coisa a dizer-lhes. Agente Finley.
But he didn't come home last night. You got him?
Mas ele não voltou ontem à noite.
JJ, you got him?
- JJ, tratas dele? - Vai!
You got him?
Está seguro?
You're some charity case my dad took pity on, and you got him killed.
O meu pai teve pena de ti, e tu deixaste-o morrer.
Then you said all you wanted was your son. Now you got him.
depois disses-te que tudo o que querias era o teu filho.
You got him antibiotics?
Tu compraste-lhe antibióticos?
But you should've called before you got him.
- Pois. - Deviam ter ligado antes de o apanharem.
Well, you wanted Rogers, right? You got him.
Bem, tu querias o Rogers, não era?
- You got him an Uber account?
- Deste-lhe uma conta no Uber?
But you got him, Susie.
Mas apanhaste-o, Susie.
You got him?
I know this sounds crazy, but you got to be happy for him in there.
Sei que parece uma loucura, mas tem de ficar feliz por ele estar ali.
What's gonna happen is, when he comes, you tell him all you got is the $ 20,000. He'll take it, even if I have to persuade him.
Quando ele aparecer vais dizer que só tens 20 mil, ele vai aceitar, mesmo que tenho de o persuadir.
Why are you doing that to him? Got a call says he's the guy that ripped off the apartment upstairs.
Recebi uma chamada que diz que foi ele que roubou o apartamento lá em cima.
Tell him you got AIDS.
Diz que apanhaste SIDA.
- Rick. You got close enough for him to tell you that?
- Conseguiu que ele lhe dissesse isso?
You've got him.
È teu.
Auster, you got to do something about him.
Auster, tens de fazer alguma coisa a este respeito.
You're gonna walk right up to that foreman, show him that badge of yours, And you say whatever you got to say. to get Akama to come out and come back to the car with you.
Vais ter com o mestre de obras, mostras-lhe o distintivo, e dizes o que for preciso para trazer o Akama até aqui ao carro contigo.
You think Daddy'd be enjoying himself this much if Sarah got to him first?
Achas que o papá se estaria a divertir assim tanto se a Sarah lhe aparecesse primeiro?
That is a great man in there, and I'm not gonna have you harass him because you've got some kind of bizarre beef with me.
Aquele lá dentro é um grande homem, e não vou deixar que o incomode só porque tem desavença bizarra comigo.
You got photos of him? Done.
- Fotografaste-o?
You got a bead on him?
- Tens alguma pista?
You got to stop letting him boss you around.
Tens que parar de o deixar mandar em tudo.
You know, my heart went out to him a little because he left as everyone's favorite, and I'm sure word got out about, you know... me.
O meu coração fraquejou um pouco, pois ele saiu como favorito e estou certo que soube... sobre mim.
You see, when Rumple saw that Neal was dying, he... absorbed him. And, uh, Zelena got ahold of the dagger.
Sabes, quando o Rumple viu que o Neal estava a morrer, ele... absorveu-o e... a Zelena apoderou-se da adaga.
You helped him do whatever got him into trouble.
Ajudaste-o a fazer o que quer que o tenha metido em apuros?
The point is he got away, and you are the only person who can track him to Sam.
O ponto é que ele fugiu, e tu és o único que nos podes levar até ao Sam.
But Sam's got a beast, and you're only one who can stop him.
- Mas o Sam tem um monstro, - e tu és o único que o pode parar.
And then he got out and you brought him to the Jubilee and it made me have to face a lot of that- - that judgment- - how kind you were to him, how selfless, how you loved him like Jesus would.
Depois quando ele saiu, e tu trouxeste-o para o jubileu, e isso fez-me ter que encarar muito desse julgamento. O quanto eras simpática com ele. O quanto eras altruísta.
And then I told him, I says, "You know what? I got to be honest with you."
E, depois, eu disse-lhe : " Sabes?
So, 500 years after you guys here at warehouse 9 bronzed him, He got released.
Então, 500 anos depois de vocês, do Depósito 9, o colocarem no bronze, foi libertado.
And I got right up to him, you know?
Cheguei muito perto.
How do you expect him to react to that? And you got her pregnant?
Que a engravidou?
But now that you've got rid of him, perhaps you'd like to have lunch with me?
Mas agora que te livraste dele, talvez queiras almoçar comigo?
I don't want him in a vehicle unless it's got checkers on it, and I'm telling you all this because it's your ass if I get played.
Não o quero num veículo, a menos que seja um com padrão xadrez, e estou-lhe a dizer isto porque você é que se lixa se eu for aldrabada.
But you made sure to have him tell me it was because of you I got out.
É o procedimento. Mas garantiste que ele me dizia que só saía por tua causa.
You got a recent address for him?
- Tem o endereço actual dele? - Sim.
Show him you got the hustle.
Mostra-lhe que tens aquilo que é preciso.
You should've got him for at least 30.
Devias ter-lhe "sacado", pelo menos, 30.
Did you feel a chill when you got near him?
Sentiu um calafrio quando se aproximou dele?
- Oh, you got him? - I got him.
- Apanhaste-o?
I figured you must have slept with him without blinking an eye, because you got to go home with the contracts and I returned empty-handed, but with a newfound respect for your will to do anything to win.
Imaginei que dormiste com ele sem pestanejar... Porque tinhas de regressar com os contratos e eu voltei de mãos vazias. Mas com respeito pela tua vontade de dar o máximo para vencer.
Got it. And I want you to find the guy who designed and built this submarine and bring him to the boatshed.
E quero que encontres o tipo que projectou e construiu este submarino e leva-o para a casa dos barcos.
You got any idea how I can find him?
Sabe como posso encontrá-lo?
you got this 563
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you got that right 241
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you got anything 117
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got a problem 205
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you got that right 241
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you got anything 117
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got a problem 205