You had a tradutor Português
47,542 parallel translation
- It said you had a knife.
- Dizia que tinhas uma faca.
You had a nickname for him, didn't you?
- Tinha uma alcunha para ele, não tinha?
Hey. Sounds like you had a long night.
Parece que tiveste uma longa noite.
Hey, I thought you had a project due tonight.
Pensava que tinhas de entregar um projeto.
You had a meeting with Frost?
- Tinha com o Frost a reunião.
She told me you had a setback.
Ela disse-me que tiveste um revés.
I trust you had a pleasant voyage.
Acredito que tenha feito boa viagem.
Anything else can be had if you're willing to put in the work.
Qualquer outra coisa pode ser conquistado, se estiveres disposto a fazer o esforço.
I would like to apologize to each and every one of you who, yesterday, had to endure the behavior of those men.
Eu queria pedir desculpa a cada um de vocês que ontem teve de aturar o comportamento daqueles homens.
I'm calling because we had an appointment with you guys for, I think, Wednesday?
Estou a ligar porque temos uma marcação convosco para acho eu, quarta-feira?
So, if I had a small battery, say, from a watch or something, and I got it close to you, close to your skin, you'd know? I would feel it, yes.
Senti-lo-ia, sim.
So, just so you know, i had to do my due diligence.
Só para que saiba, tive de fazer a devida diligência.
Listen, I've been reviewing your documents, and I thought I might've had to refer you to a colleague, but... I think I may have a solution to your problem myself.
Ouça, tenho estado a rever os seus documentos e achava que ia ser melhor referi-lo a um colega, mas acho que eu própria tenho a solução para o seu problema.
You had your chance.
Tiveste a tua oportunidade.
She had been using me and my company from the beginning, and when I confronted her about that, she used my obsession with you to make it appear as if I was crazy.
Ela estava me usando e à minha empresa desde o início, E quando eu a confrontei sobre isso, ela usou minha obsessão contigo para fazer parecer que eu era louco.
And now that I've had time to think about it, I decided that the right thing to do is to give you and not them this tape.
E agora que tive tempo para pensar nisso, decidi que o mais correto é dar-te a gravação a ti e não a eles.
- And if you hadn't just killed him, we would've had a better chance of figuring out who he is and who the hell he works for.
Se não o tivesse matado, teríamos hipótese de perceber quem era e para quem trabalhava.
Do you know what Christina has that I never had?
Sabe o que tem a Christina que eu nunca tive?
Hey, you ain't sat out a game since you had your tonsils out when you was six. Appendix.
Não ficavas no banco desde que tiraste as amígdalas aos 6 anos.
I thought you said you had eyes on the SVR building.
Disseste que estavas a vigiar o edifício do SVR.
Are you living mannequins suggesting I had something to do with my brother's death?
Estão a sugerir que tive algo a ver com a morte do meu irmão? Só estamos curiosas.
You know, this is the most honest talk we've had in a while.
Sabes, esta é a conversa mais sincera que tivemos há muito tempo.
We had a brownie sundae, if that's what you hyenas mean.
Comemos um brownie com gelado, se é a isso que se referem.
Okay, if I had a football game tomorrow night, would you stop me from going?
Se eu tivesse um jogo de futebol amanhã, impedias-me de ir?
You did what you had to do, like you're doing here now.
Fez o que tinha a fazer. Tal como está a fazer agora?
Hey, all this stuff with your sister, I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I wasn't there to help you.
Tudo isto com a tua irmã, lamento que tenhas de passar por isso e que não tenha estado disponível para te ajudar.
Fred, he just had you and your mom to provide for,
O Fred só te tinha a ti e à tua mãe para sustentar.
And you've never had a better foreman than me.
E nunca tiveste um capataz melhor do que eu.
Hey, I was talking to Kevin. He told me that you and Chuck had some scene in the cafeteria yesterday.
Estive a falar com o Kevin e ele disse-me que tu e o Chuck tiveram uma cena
Betty, what you and Veronica did when you guys got me kicked off the football team, you ruined any chance I had of playing for Notre Dame.
Betty, o que tu e a Veronica fizeram quando fizeram com que fosse expulso da equipa de futebol americano, arruinaram qualquer hipótese que tinha de jogar por Notre Dame.
Jason never had the stomach for any of it. But you... You're a Blossom, through and through.
Porque o Jason nunca teve estômago para nada disso, mas tu és uma Blossom, até ao fim.
'Cause of dinners like we just had. And what you're writing about in your book.
Por causa de jantares como o que tivemos e por causa do que estás a escrever no teu livro.
Cleaning the trailer. Convincing me that you had quit drinking.
A limpeza do roulotte, convencendo-me de que havias deixado a bebida.
You had to know you wouldn't live past this moment, right?
Já devias saber que não sobrevivias a este momento, não?
I assume the death of your father earlier that year had an adverse effect on you.
Presumo que a morte do teu pai, nesse mesmo ano, te tenha afetado negativamente.
I assume those guys you killed had it coming.
Suponho que os tipos que você matou a tenham traído.
I'm in a traditionally female-dominated profession, and if I had to diagnose what's happening, you're jealous because I'm killing it.
Estou numa profissão dominada por mulheres e se tivesse de calcular o que se passa, tens inveja por eu ser bom nisto.
No need to defrost the Pepperidge Farm Coconut Cake, or whatever other delicacy you had planned.
Não precisas de descongelar o bolo de coco da Pepperridge Farm, ou qualquer outra delícia que estejas a planear fazer.
When was the last time you had sex?
Quando foi a última vez que fizeste sexo?
Hey, why is it you never had a girlfriend?
Porque nunca tiveste uma namorada?
That conversation we had about the Park Rapist that you segued into a conversation about the Mercedes killer.
Na conversa que tivemos sobre o violador do parque que antecedeu a conversa sobre o Assassino do Mercedes. Essa conversa?
I had to do a lot of Googling, but, Elena, I got you.
Tive de pesquisar imenso no Google, mas, Elena, feito.
All this was going on right under your nose... and you didn't even had a clue.
Tudo isso estava a acontecer bem debaixo do seu nariz e não teve suspeitas.
You had the perfect opportunity to leave those poisoned chocolates.
Teve a oportunidade perfeita para deixar os chocolates envenenados.
The thing is, all you had to do that night was wait.
A coisa é esta. Você só precisava, naquela noite, era esperar.
They don't know yet, about me eyes, when the dressings come off, but they say without the water you had on you, well, it gives me a chance I wouldn't have had.
Ainda não sabem nada sobre os meus olhos, quando as ligaduras sairem, mas dizem que, a água que tinha consigo, bem, me dá uma possibilidade que não teria tido.
If you've been following the instructions on the pamphlet I had specially Roneoed for you before I left for South Africa, you shouldn't have any trouble at all with these new exercises.
Se têm estado a seguir as instruções do panfleto que dupliquei especialmente para vocês, antes de ir para a Àfrica do Sul, não deviam ter problema algum com estes novos exercícios.
If you had seen her, you would believe me when I say that.
Se a tivesse visto, acreditava naquilo que estou a dizer.
You've always said you couldn't've had a happier childhood, or a better life.
Sempre disseste que não podias ter tido uma infância mais feliz, Ou uma vida melhor.
You always had a way of pressing doorbells really hard when we was kids, playing Ring The Bell And Run Away.
Sempre tiveste um modo duro de pressionar campaínhas de portas quando éramos miúdas, ao brincar ao'toca a campaínha e foge'.
You've had a long day, lass.
Já teve um longo dia, rapariga.
you had a bad day 18
you had an accident 24
you had a gun 20
you had a choice 41
you had a vision 21
you had an affair 18
you had a bad dream 17
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had sex 37
you had an accident 24
you had a gun 20
you had a choice 41
you had a vision 21
you had an affair 18
you had a bad dream 17
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had sex 37