You had it coming tradutor Português
133 parallel translation
You had it coming.
Mereceste. - Obrigado.
- You had it coming, didn't you?
- Estavas a pedi-las, não estavas?
You had it coming.
A conseqüência disso.
As they say, you had it coming!
Como se costuma dizer, você tinha que vir!
You had it coming to you.
Não, é o que estava procurando.
You had it coming, man!
Foste tu que pediste!
You had it coming, you son of a bitch.
Estavas a pedi-las, filho da mãe.
You had it coming.
Estavam a pedi-las?
You had it coming.
A culpa é sua.
- You had it coming.
- Estavas a pedi-las.
You had it coming.
Teve que ser
- Well, you had it coming.
- Estavas a pedi-las.
But I think you had it coming for that stunt you pulled
Mas acho que o mereceste, pela cena que fizeste.
You had it coming...
He had it coming, but next time will you please do it in the parking lot?
Ele mereceu, mas, para a próxima, pode fazì-lo no estacionamento?
Suppose that cop last night had called up and said he was coming to collect for the Police Fund. You think I'd given him $ 5 if I'd had the chance to think it over?
Achas que se o polícia da noite passada tivesse dito logo que andava a angariar fundos eu lhe teria dado 5 dólares se pudesse ter pensado com calma?
I had it shipped in from a Boston importer when I heard you were coming.
Mandei-o vir por um importador de Boston quando soube que vinhas.
Good for you! He certainly had it coming.
Bom para você!
Sure you did, Ben. But they had it coming.
Claro que sabias, mas eles estavam a pedi-las.
Since you had the bad taste to bring it up, when is the bugger coming?
Já que tiveste o mau gosto de tocar nisso, quando chega o sacana?
You know, I know, everybody knows that Otter certainly had it coming.
Tu sabes, eu sei, toda a gente sabe que o Otter estava a pedi-las.
That your wife told you she saw a dingo coming out of the tent, she thought it had Azeria... sorry, Azaria.
É mesmo verdade que a sua esposa lhe disse que viu um dingo a sair da tenda e que devia estar com a "Azeria"? Desculpe. Azaria.
If I had some kind of warning that you were coming... You would have changed it, and I would have missed all the fun.
Se tivesse um género de alarme de que aqui vinha... teria-o modificado, e teria perdido toda a diversão.
If I had some kind of warning that you were coming... You would have changed it, and I would have missed all the fun.
Quer dizer que posso ficar com a minha cozinha?
You had no right for coming after me like this, with that stupid and mistaken idea that it was
Não tinhas o direito de vires atrás de mim assim.
Coming to a briefing late and is it true that you had a fight with Lieutenant Rollins?
Chegar para uma conferência atrasado e é verdade que você teve uma briga com o Tenente Rollins?
- Had it coming to you, bro.
- A culpa foi tua, meu irmão.
Had worms coming out of the eyes, fungus in his hair, and it kept saying, " I love you.
Tinha minhocas a sair-lhe dos olhos, fungos no cabelo, e continuava a dizer, " Adoro-te.
I wrote it out put it in an envelope and shoved it right up my ass ruining any chance you had of coming to my party.
Escrevi-o... coloquei-o num envelope e enfiei-o no meu cu arruinando qualquer hipótese de tu vires à minha festa. Desculpa, amigo Pippo.
'Ve had it with you unatics coming in here week after week.
Estou farto de aturar doidos, semana após semana.
We started looking in the sky, and coming in on this line... we had gone out on the fantail... was a "V" formation of twin-engine bombers coming in, and you could see the five-inch antiaircraft bursts up there by it.
Olhámos para o céu e vindos desta direcção, tínhamos saído pela popa, estava uma formação em V de bombardeiros bimotores a vir, e podia-se ver as explosões das antiaéreas de 10 mm em seu redor.
Well if you ask me, they had it coming.
Ora, achei que mereceram.
You had it coming, bill.
Puseste-te a jeito, Bill.
Although, I mean, you know, Earl had it coming.
Embora, quero quiser, o Earl estivesse a pedi-las.
It had to look real, Sweetheart. You fall lousy when you know it's coming.
Quando você cai de propósito fica horrível.
His wife and I decided you two had it coming.
A mulher dele e eu decidimos que vocês precisavam de uma lição.
I invented her because I had something to say. And somehow I thought if it were coming from a 65-year - old Ph.D., you'd see it the way I had.
lnventei-a porque tinha algo para dizer e, de alguma forma, pensei que se fosse uma doutorada de 65 anos a dizê-lo, vê-lo-iam como eu vi :
Hey, he had it coming. I'll tell you that right now.
Ei, ele estava a pedi-las, isso digo-lhe já.
You had no idea it was coming.
Não fazias ideia de que ela estava a chegar.
- If you ask me, the bastard had it coming.
- Se me perguntares, o bastardo teve o que mereceu.
You know, maybe I had it coming, you know? .
Sabes, talvez estivesse a pedi-las, sabes?
Then I was looking through some other pieces of paper here, he had this bellows right here and there's a flexible hose coming off of it so I'm thinking that if he were to use the bellows you're actually giving compressed air to the diver.
Depois andei à procura em alguns outros pedaços de papel aqui, Ele tinha este foles aqui e há uma mangueira flexível a sair deles Então estou a pensar que se fossemos usar os foles
- You had to know it was coming.
- Já se estava a prever.
Now you're all just gonna stand there and tell me that that's it, that you've given out all the passes that you had and you're not coming to my diner anymore because you don't like Brennon?
Agora vocês vão-me dizer que se acabou... que já deram todas as hipóteses que tinham... e que não vêm mais ao meu restaurante porque não gostam do Brennon?
You see. the slivers were coming for dinner... and rumour had it that Anthony was back in town.
Os Silver foram convidados para jantar e... diziam que Anthony tinha voltado para a cidade.
Louise, ever since I can remember... I have had this thing inside of me, you know... and it just keeps coming and coming... there's no stopping it.
Louise, desde que eu me lembre... eu tenho tido essa coisa dentro de mim, entende... e isso so vem e vem...
Just because you had an easier time coming out to your mom doesn't mean it's easy for me.
Lá porque não tiveste dificuldade em contar à tua mãe não quer dizer que seja fácil para mim.
He had this really big huge house, that... was so fucking cold - it was in the middle of winter and you could literally see holes in the walls where the air was coming through.
Ele tinha uma casa enorme. Era fria como o raio. Foi a meio do inverno, e podias ver literalmente os buracos na parede por onde o ar passava.
i think they had it coming, you know, in a biblical sort of way.
Acho que tiveram o que mereciam, sabes, num sentido bíblico.
It's not easy to make that type of money doing anything, especially if you've been going to school for the past four years and you see this random other guy, you know, watering plants in his basement, coming out of it with an extreme amount of money. Interesting, you had your degree.
Não é fácil ganhar essa quantia de grana fazendo outra coisa, especialmente se cursou 4 anos de universidade e vê um cara qualquer que rega plantas em seu porão e tira dele muito dinheiro.
To tell you the truth, whatever happened to Curtis, he had it coming.
Para ser sincero, O quer que aconteceu ao Curtis, ele estava a merecê-lo.
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had me worried 35
you had enough 29
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had no idea 21
you had it 22
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had me worried 35
you had enough 29
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had no idea 21
you had it 22