You had me tradutor Português
12,860 parallel translation
Yeah, that SSR agent, the one you had me go after, Peggy Carter?
Aquela agente da RCE que me mandou procurar? Peggy Carter?
How soon until you wanted visitors when you had me?
Quão cedo até quereres visitá-los quando me tens a mim?
Wow. You had me at palindromic.
- Deixaste-me palíndromo.
You had me worried there the other day.
Deixaste-me preocupado no outro dia.
You had me at French craftsmen.
Conquistaste-me nos artesãos franceses.
Had a whole speech prepared, and none of my plans involved asking you to marry me with my hands in the couch because I lost the ring.
Tinha um grande discurso preparado... e nenhum dos meus planos envolviam pedir-te em casamento com as mãos no sofá porque eu perdi o anel.
I wouldn't even be in this situation had you not put me up for the SOE position to begin with and then gotten yourself killed just so I would take up your flag.
Eu nem estaria nesta situação se não me tivesses indicado para a posição na E.O.E. para começar, e de seguida fez com que morresses só para eu assumir o teu lugar.
Still not sure why you had to punch me back there in the desert.
Ainda não percebi porque me bateste no deserto.
You told me that you had a hope...
Disseste-me que tinhas esperança.
Are you mad at me because I had you fire Rob?
Estás zangada comigo por ter despedido o Rob?
I'll just keep my door closed, and text me, "Had a good night," on your way home, and I'll know you guys are gonna do it.
Eu fecho a porta, envias-me uma SMS a caminho com : "Foi uma boa noite" e saberei que o vão fazer.
Look, I know you blame me for hurting Ryan, but I had no one else to turn to when I was framed.
Olha, sei que me culpas por magoar o Ryan, mas não tinha mais ninguém a quem recorrer quando me incriminaram.
I've had a depressing day and I just wanted to get something that would remind me that happiness can find you when you least expect it.
Tive um dia deprimente e queria algo que me lembrasse dessa alegria que se encontra quando menos se espera.
Looks like you and me had a pretty bad day, Danny.
Parece que eu e tu tivemos um mau dia, Danny.
Do you know how many awkward courses I had to take before they let me put my arm inside a horse?
Sabes quantos caminhos estranhos tive que seguir antes de me deixarem colocar o braço dentro de um cavalo?
It's just that seeing you, lying down, reminds me of this bloated corpse I had to clean up today.
- É que ao ver-te, aí deitado, lembra-me o cadáver inchado que tive que limpar hoje.
You and Rick had every reason to leave me out there, but you didn't.
Tiveram toda a razão para me deixarem lá. Mas não deixaram.
He had attacked me on the road before, when I was trying to find you.
Ele tinha-me atacado antes na estrada, quando andava a tentar encontrar-te.
Look, I had a really great time hanging out with you the other day.
Mas diverti-me imenso contigo no outro dia.
You know, if you had listened to me in the first place and hadn't blown up the deal with Axelrod, we would not be in this spot, would we?
Se me tivesses ouvido, não tinhas lixado o acordo com o Axelrod e nós não estaríamos aqui, pois não?
You know, if you had listened to me in the first place and hadn't blown up the deal with Axelrod, we would not be in this spot, would we?
Se tivesses ouvido e não tivesses lixado tudo com o Axelrod, não estaríamos assim...
I wish, Father, that you had first discussed this matter with me.
Gostava, pai, que primeiro tivésseis falado sobre isto comigo.
I haven't had an audition in 18 months and you get me a schizophrenic Yardie.
Não tenho uma audição há 18 meses, só um jamaicano esquizofrénico.
You should've killed me when you had the chance.
Devias ter-me matado enquanto podias.
Just as you told me you would be unable to perform the ascension ritual, even if you had the flame.
Tal como me disseste que não conseguias fazer o ritual de ascenção, nem mesmo se tivesses a tivesses a Chama.
If you had just trusted me, I...
Se tivesses confiado em mim, eu...
Why didn't you tell me Malick had George?
Porque não me disse que o Malick tinha o George?
Last time you came to see me, I had to ice my face for a week.
Na última vez que vieste ver-me, fiquei com gelo na cara durante uma semana.
You had promised me. You forgot, but I didn't.
Você tinha prometido esqueceu-se mas eu não.
Please, you're always bragging about how you had to raise us when you were 16.
Tu sempre te gabaste por cuidares de nós desde os 16 anos. Gabei-me?
Wait, you're telling me you don't know anyone who's had breast cancer?
Está a dizer que nunca conheceu ninguém com cancro da mama?
Because you had turned your back on me!
- Porque me viraste as costas.
You told me you had a relationship with this person.
Disseste-me que tinhas uma relação com essa pessoa.
Last night you asked me if I thought my friends had anything to do with Charlotte's murder.
Ontem à noite, perguntaste-me se pensava que as minhas amigas tinham alguma coisa a ver com o homicídio da Charlotte.
The tree had medicine, you said.
Disseste-me que a árvore tinha a cura.
You had your chance to be with me and you left me.
Podias ter ficado comigo e deixaste-me.
You need a father figure, like you had with me, only with money.
Precisas de uma figura paterna, como a que tens comigo, só que com dinheiro.
But she had me when she was 18, and you know what? She gave up.
Mas teve-me quando tinha 18 anos e desistiu.
I had to be sure you'd help me stop it.
Tinha de saber que me ajudaria a evitá-lo.
Barry, I wish a year ago you had told me the truth.
Barry, eu queria que há um ano me tivesses contado a verdade.
And I could feel the fear rise in the back of my throat and something else rising also, some... dark instinct inside me about what I would do to the person who had taken you... the things I would do...
Conseguia sentir o medo a subir do fundo da garganta e algo mais a subir... Instintos sombrios que estavam dentro de mim sobre o que eu faria com a pessoa que te levou, as coisas que faria, coisas indescritíveis.
At the gym... you had the chance to end me.
No ginásio. Tiveste a oportunidade de matar-me e hesitaste.
If you had just given me what I asked for...
- Se me tivesses dado o que te pedi...
But if you had just listened to me we wouldn't be here right now.
Mas se me tivesses dado ouvidos, não estaríamos aqui agora.
You had to punch your hand through my chest.
Tinhas de dar-me um soco no peito.
Uh, I was wondering if you had a lost-and-found?
Perguntava-me se teriam Perdidos e Achados.
You wanted to believe that the army had straightened me out.
Querias acreditar que o exército me ajeitou.
You know, I guessed I hoped by giving you Intel on Shadowspire you would, um, let me out of my cell, but this isn't what I had in mine.
Sabes, pensei que, dando informações sobre a Shadowspire, ias deixar sair da minha cela, mas isto não me tinha passado pela cabeça. Lyla.
I heard you had something for me.
Ouvi dizer que tens uma coisa para mim.
Tell me, how's it feel knowing that you had no problem pulling the trigger to protect a bunch of afghanis that you never knew, but you don't have the guts to do what's necessary to protect your own wife and child?
Diz-me. Como te sentes sabendo que não tens problemas em disparar para proteger um grupo de afegãos que não conhecias, mas não tens coragem para fazer o que é necessário para proteger a tua mulher e a tua filha?
It was the- - the hope you had in me was able to counteract his magic.
Mas isso foi antes de ele ter ficado tão poderoso. A esperança que tinhas em mim permitiu-me contrariar a magia.
you had me at 66
you had me worried 35
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had it 22
you had no idea 21
you had me worried 35
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had it 22
you had no idea 21