You had it tradutor Português
13,099 parallel translation
I was hoping you had it down by now.
Esperava que já o tivessem decidido.
I didn't think you had it in you.
Não sabia que eras assim.
Because I knew you had it.
Porque eu sabia que o tinhas.
I knew you had it.
Eu sabia que o tinhas.
Hanna, once the cops talk to you and realize you had nothing to do with this... It will all be over.
Hanna, assim que os polícias falarem contigo e virem que não tiveste nada a ver com isto, terá acabado tudo.
Well, just because you had a bad day... Doesn't mean it has to end that way.
Bem, só porque tiveste um dia mau... isso não quer dizer que ele tenha de acabar assim.
- Had I slapped, you would have felt it.
Se vos tivesse ferido, tínheis sentido.
I'm so sorry it had to turn out this way, but the council cannot risk keeping you alive.
Lamento por isto ter de acabar assim, mas o Conselho não pode arriscar a manter-te vivo.
From the moment Hive popped up on our radar, you suddenly knew where to find this and had your hands on it until our distress call diverted you to Malick's base.
Desde que o Hive surgiu no nosso radar, de súbito, soube onde encontrar isto. Era seu, até o nosso pedido de ajuda o desviar para a base do Malick.
You know damn well it was never my intention to get them thrown into a gulag, but I had no other option.
Sabe que nunca quis atirá-los numa Gulag, mas não tive outra opção.
If you had a time machine that could go to only one time period in the past, when would it be?
Se tivesse uma máquina do tempo que lhe permitisse viajar para o passado, para onde viajaria?
I can't believe you had the balls to do it.
Não acredito que tiveste coragem para o fazer.
You know, even though it took a lot of time, and I had to go to the store twice, you... are worth it.
Apesar de ter demorado muito tempo e de ter ido à loja duas vezes, tu mereces.
This was my house long before any of you had claim to it.
Esta casa foi minha muito antes de vocês terem direito a ela.
You had a bad day and it drove you as crazy as everybody else, only you won't admit it.
Tiveste um dia mau e isso pôs-te louco como a toda a gente, só que tu não o admites.
You know, maybe it turns out that I'm not and I fail, but at least I'll know that I had tried and I...
Talvez se verifique que não sou e fracasso, mas pelo menos saberei que tentei e...
Ezra was just another guy who had something that we needed, and you're right, we don't need it anymore.
O Ezra foi mais um a ter algo que precisávamos, e tens razão, não precisamos mais.
Don't you think if had anything to add I would've done it by now?
Não acha que se tivesse algo a acrescentar, já o teria feito?
If you call the police, we've had it.
Adrián, se chamares a Polícia estamos feitos.
If your girl had disappeared, you'd want the culprit to know he wouldn't get away with it.
Se tivesse sido a sua filha a desaparecer, desejaria que o culpado soubesse que não se iria safar com isso.
If it was like that, Tomas Garrido only had to prepare the scene to frame you and vanish the way out his wife had set out.
Assim sendo, Tomás Garrido apenas teve de montar o cenário para o culpar e desaparecer, seguindo o caminho que a mulher havia preparado.
I had to be sure you'd help me stop it.
Tinha de saber que me ajudaria a evitá-lo.
Stiles, it was self-defense, and I would destroy every shred of evidence to protect you if I had to.
Stiles, foi em defesa própria, e eu iria destruir cada pedaços de evidências para te proteger se fosse preciso.
Deputy, it's time you and your alter ego, all had a proper introduction.
Delegado... é altura de você e o seu alter ego terem uma apresentação apropriada.
Deputy, it's time you and your alter ego, had a proper introduction.
Delegado, é altura de você e o seu alter ego, terem uma apresentação apropriada.
Have you ever had a dream that's, that's so real that you thought it was a memory?
Alguma vez tiveste um sonho que parecia tão, tão real... Que pensavas que era uma memória?
It had to be you.
Tinhas que ser tu.
What if I told you I had the means to put it together?
E se te dissesse que tenho forma de as decifrar?
I'd prefer you didn't especially when I had nothing to do with it.
- Preferia que não o fizesses. Especialmente quando não tive nada a ver com isso.
What if it had been you?
- E se tivesses sido tu?
I did what I had to do after you made it necessary.
Tive de fazer isso por causa de ti.
How'd you even know he had it?
- Como sabias?
If I had any luck looking for what I'm looking for, I would be telling you about it instead of looking for it.
Se tivesse sorte em encontrar, estava a contar-te e não a procurar.
Whatever it is, it can wait until you've had some water.
Isso pode esperar até beberes um pouco de água.
When I said I had their location, how do you think that I got it?
Quando disse que sei onde estão, como achas que eu consegui?
Tell me, how's it feel knowing that you had no problem pulling the trigger to protect a bunch of afghanis that you never knew, but you don't have the guts to do what's necessary to protect your own wife and child?
Diz-me. Como te sentes sabendo que não tens problemas em disparar para proteger um grupo de afegãos que não conhecias, mas não tens coragem para fazer o que é necessário para proteger a tua mulher e a tua filha?
It was the- - the hope you had in me was able to counteract his magic.
Mas isso foi antes de ele ter ficado tão poderoso. A esperança que tinhas em mim permitiu-me contrariar a magia.
It's happening tomorrow. You have had a serious accident.
Teve um acidente grave.
I didn't think you were gonna make it. I thought you had to work.
Não achava que fosse conseguir, achei que tinha que trabalhar.
Come on, you had your heart broken. It's okay.
Qual é, você teve o seu coração partido.
I think you'll feel better if you pay for it. I've already had lunch.
Acho que se sentira melhor se você pagar por isso, eu já almocei.
It makes me happy that you had your heart broken. What?
Me deixa feliz que você tenha tido o coração partido.
It means you had the capacity to love.
Isso significa que você tem a capacidade de amar.
Man, look, as soon as I heard about it, man... I had to come through, you know what I'm saying...
Cara, olhe, assim que eu soube disso, eu tive que vir.
It's like you've had three lives.
É como se tivesse três vidas.
Well, it seems you had good reason to be concerned for Mr. Jackson's safety.
Pelos vistos, tinha razão por estar preocupado com a segurança do Sr. Jackson.
Course, we would never have had the slightest chance of saving him were it not for you.
Claro, nunca teríamos a mínima hipótese de salvá-lo se não fosse por si.
- You got it in your hair ; Mom had to cut it out. - Yeah.
Colaste o cabelo, a mãe teve de o cortar.
You had to, it's okay.
Não tiveste escolha. Está tudo bem.
I think it's time we had a heart-to-heart, don't you?
Não achas?
You also said that I had to want it.
Também disse que eu tinha que o querer.
you had it coming 17
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had me worried 35
you had enough 29
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had no idea 21
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had me worried 35
you had enough 29
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had no idea 21