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Whatever it took перевод на испанский

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I would do whatever it took to save my family.
Yo haría lo que fuera para salvar a mi familia.
She'd tell him a lie or curse him, whatever it took to get him away from the house.
Ella tenía que contarle cualquier milonga para que se fuera lejos de casa.
I thought you were a man who'd do whatever it took to get what he wanted
Pensaba que eras un hombre que haría todo lo necesario para conseguir lo que quiere.
So you would do whatever it took to send me to Spain?
Entonces, ¿ harías lo que fuera para mandarme a España?
Or whatever it took to resist your invading force.
O lo que fuera necesario para resistir tu poder sobre mi.
All headquarters told me was to hold the firebase, whatever it took.
Todo lo que los cuarteles me comunicaron, fue que mantuviera la base. Cueste lo que cueste.
I was always willing to do whatever it took to get the job done.
Siempre hacía lo necesario para lograr las cosas.
Whatever it took to get you here, it was worth it.
Lo que sea que te haya tomado llegar hasta aquí valió la pena.
Whatever it took. Why?
Lo que fuese necesario.
Siempre es a costa de algo.
You'd do whatever it took.
Harías lo necesario.
I did whatever it took to get you off your ass and us on our way to California.
Hice lo que pude para sacarte de tu pereza y salir a California.
I'd hock everything I owned, do whatever it took to get her back.
Empeñaría todo lo que tengo, con tal de tenerla devuelta.
You told me to do whatever it took.
Me dijiste que haga lo que fuera necesario.
Wrong. I was willing to do whatever it took to get you off of your ass and us on our way to California, and there's a big difference. Wrong.
I was just as scared in the hospital as I'd been when we went for the generator so scared that all I could think about was doing whatever it took to stay alive.
Pero tuve tanto miedo en el hospital... Solo pensaba en hacer lo que fuera para seguir vivo.
You did anything, whatever it took, but you didn't lose.
pero no perdiste.
You were laced with convention. And he would do whatever it took to break you out of it.
Estabas atado a las convenciones y él hacía cualquier cosa para que las rompieras.
- He'd do whatever it took.
- Haría lo necesario.
Apparently, these two contestants did whatever it took to get to the end, but, you know, it's not the end of the contest yet, in my opinion, because they haven't suffered all the ramifications of getting there yet. GERVASE :
Aparentemente, estos 2 concursantes, hicieron lo que fuese falta para llegar al final, pero aun no se ha acabado el concurso, en mi opinión, porque no han sufrido las consecuencias de haber llegado aquí así.
If I had a chance to square his death, I'd do whatever it took.
Yo haría lo que fuera por saldar ese asunto.
We had two cars on our side... we would outflank them, chase them, ambush them, whatever it took.
Tuvimos dos coches de nuestro lado... nos flanquear a ellos, los persiguen, una emboscada, lo que fuera necesario.
Han had a friend named Jesus who helped him steal, bribe or do whatever it took to get the test sheets for us.
Han tenía un amigo llamado Jesús... que lo ayudaba a robar, sobornar o hacer lo que fuese necesario... para obtener las hojas de las pruebas para nosotros.
Whatever drove him to it, he took the secret with him.
Lo que le llevara a hacerlo se lo ha llevado con él.
Henry took photograph after photograph, but seemed to have no urge whatever to follow it up with a visit to the darkroom.
Henry tomó fotografía tras fotografía... pero no parecía tener prisa ninguna por continuar con una visita al cuarto oscuro.
Whatever it was, it took them along.
Fuera lo que fuera, se los llevó.
Whatever it was, it's a little item he took along with him.
Podría ser. Puede que tuviera un ataque al corazón o algo parecido.
Now, whatever it was that was in here before came back and took Jill. But how?
Fuera lo que fuese, ha vuelto y se ha llevado a Jill.
And whatever it was that took him, it came this way.
Y lo que sea que se lo llevó, vino en esta dirección.
Although whatever civilization that might have been here was destroyed by some natural catastrophe, it would appear that one of the race took refuge in the cave.
Aunque la civilización que haya existido aquí se destruyó por alguna catástrofe natural parecería que uno de esa raza se refugió en la cueva.
I took the liberty of checking with the CSIRO, and they tell me that the prime content of whatever it was that fell... was petroleum, oil.
Me tomé la libertad de consultar al CSIRO, y me dicen que el componente principal de lo que fuera que cayó, era petróleo.
Whatever you took, bring it out.
Lo que sacaste, devuélvelo.
Then you took whatever money you had left and you sunk it into the glass slipper business.
Cogiste todo el dinero que te quedaba y lo invertiste en el negocio de los zapatos de cristal.
... that whatever actions the... uh, America took at the end of the war, it was for the welfare of the world at large.
... que sean cuales hayan sido las acciones de EE.UU. a fines de la guerra, fue por el bien del mundo en general.
It took whatever strength I had to send her away.
Usé todas mis fuerzas para echarla.
whatever it was, i just took off.
- Lo que fuera, esta despejado.
Nope. Not yet. Whatever he used, the killer probably took it with him.
No, si utilizó otra cosa el asesino se la llevó con él.
I took that turbo-tube or whatever it is.
He cogido ese turbo... como se llame.
And I say to myself, whatever it took to get myself here, it was worth it.
De eso hablamos, ¿ no, señora Rye?
- ( Sobbing ) - You had to have it, whatever the cost, so you stole into the house and took it.
Querías tenerla, pase lo que pase, así que entraste en la casa y la robaste.
I think whatever it was, he took it with him.
Creo que, fuese lo que fuese, se lo llevó con él.
I'm telling you, he took whatever was in that goddamn deer, and he put it right into me.
Sacó lo que tenía dentro ese maldito venado y me lo metió a mí.
She took me, death-consecrated, as pledge and seized the work in her hand. However she turns it, however she ends it, whatever she reserves for me, wherever she leads me,
La obra de la muerte la tomé audaz con la mano, la señora del amor la ha arrebatado a mi poder.
Whatever it was, it nearly took my bloody head off!
casi me arranca la cabeza.
For whatever it's worth, Annie, took a lot of guts for you to come here.
Como sea en mi opinión, Annie, se necesitó valor para venir acá.
The thing is, his Identicard was used several times after his death so it looks like your boy switched IDs with the dead guy took whatever money he had.
El caso es que su identificación fue usada después de su muerte... así que parece que su muchacho cambió su identificación con el tipo muerto... y la cogió todo el dinero que tenía.
Okay, sir, what if- - What if it was a bunch of us guys... and we took all your daughters out in a group, and we had them back by whatever time that you said?
Muy bien, señor, ¿ qué tal si fuéramos un grupo de muchachos y sacáramos a todas sus hijas en grupo y las regresáramos a la hora que usted nos dijera?
Get up, turn the computer off, grab whatever you took or printed out and give it to me.
Levántese, apague la computadora, grabe lo que sea que tenga o imprímalo y démelo.
Mm. Whatever kind of ambition it took to do what you did around here... this world could use a lot more of it, Herman.
Mm. cualquier clase de ambicion que se necesite para hacer lo que tu hiciste por aqui... este mundo podria usar un monton mas de eso, Herman.
Yeah, Lois, sorry I took your show away from you but I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you get your chance next year.
Sí, Lois. Lamento haberte quitado la obra pero haré lo que sea para que tengas tu oportunidad el año que viene.
Whatever I have done till today... I took pride in doing it I know, my worst enemy's life lies trapped in his daughter
Lo que l lo han hecho hasta hoy... l se enorgullecía de hacerlo Lo sé, la vida de mi peor enemigo yace atrapado en su hija

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