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You going home перевод на испанский

3,988 параллельный перевод
You've been talking to us fair while now. You get the fact we're all scrambling still as we sit here not knowing exactly who's going home.
Estuviste hablandonos por largo rato y entiendes el hecho de que estamos pelando mientras no sabemos quien exacto se irá a casa.
I thought you were going home.
Pensé que volverías a casa.
You know, they tell you, you have to have someone drive you home because you're going to be heavily sedated?
¿ Sabes que te dicen que lleves a alguien para que te lleve a casa porque te van a sedar fuertemente?
Come on, honey, you're going home right this minute.
Vamos, cariño, te vas a casa ahora mismo.
You're going to take out the garbage, and you are going to drive me home right now!
Vas a sacar la basura... ¡ Y a llevarme a casa ahora mismo!
There's cracks and i don't know if people are telling me the truth, but i am not going home after you.
Hay aberturas y no sé si los demás me están diciendo la verdad, pero no me iré a casa después de ti.
I am not going home after you.
No me iré a casa después de ti.
But what I'm saying is, you don't have to avoid going home anymore.
Pero lo que estoy diciendo es que ya no tienes que evitar venir a casa.
You're right, we might end up both going home alone.
Tienes razón, tenemos que terminar con eso de volver solas a casa.
Hey, Anders, I know it's not going home, but at least you're gonna get to see your wife.
Oye, Anders, sé que no es ir a casa, pero al menos vas a ver a tu esposa.
Burt, if you're going to come home with these stories, you have to lead with the species, so I know if I should care or not.
Burt, si vas a venir a casa con estas historias Tienes que empezar con las especies para saber si me tiene que importar o no
Any one of them could be looking for a little payback. ♪ I still remember the day that... that you told me that Mommy wasn't going to be coming home anymore.
Cualquiera de ellos podría estar buscando un pequeña venganza.
Well if you have the idol, which you do, you're not going home for five days at least.
Bueno si tienes el ídolo, porque lo tienes, no te irás a casa hasta dentro de 5 dias, al menos.
As for the rest of you, after 27 days, somebody is going home tonight.
En cuento al resto de ustedes, después de 27 días, alguien de irá a casa esta noche.
And that means, one of the other six of you will be going home tonight.
y eso significa que otro de ustedes 6 se irá a casa esta noche.
Sadly one of the five of you will be going home tonight. Your shot at the money will be over.
tristemente uno de ustedes 5 se irá a su casa esta noche y su oportunidad por el dinero acabará.
Abi, surprised that it's even a consideration that you won't be going home tonight?
Abi, sorprendida que aún haya la consideración de que no te vayas esta noche a casa?
If you win this challenge, you are guaranteed a spot in the final four you lose, you could be going home.
Si ganás este desafío, te garantizas 1 lugar en la final de 4. Si perdés, podrías irte a casa.
Skupin, we were really close, and I kind of want to know what your thought was on when you found out I was going home. I just want to know what you have to say about that.
Skupin, fuimos muy cercanos y.. quiero más o menos saber que pensaste cuando supiste la forma en la que me iba a casa?
"I never voted for Artis. I never voted for Pete. " but it's kind of like a Judas situation where you kind of didn't vote for us, but you kind of knew that we were going home.
"nunca voté por Artis ; nunca voté por Pete", pero es como una situación en la que no votaste por nosotros, pero sabías que nos íbamos a casa.
I had no idea you were going home.
- No tenía idea que te ibas a casa.
Well, say good night, pay your tab, and go home to the child you're never going to be trusted with again.
Bueno, di buenas noches, paga la cuenta, y vuelve a casa con el niño que nunca más volverá a confiar en ti.
You sit at tribal council, not knowing if you're going home and that anticipation increases your adrenaline drive true the roof and that draws you in to compete.
Usted se sienta en el consejo tribal, y al no saber si se va a casa. y que la anticipación aumenta, la unidad de adrenalina por las nubes. eso te atrae al competir.
You're going to go home you're gonna get your laptop
Vas a ir tu casa vas a recoger tu laptop
If you don't start talking, I'm going home
Si no hablas me voy.
Afterwards, if you still have some cash left, you're not going to sit around at home all day.
Y todavía te queda dinero. Y no te quedarás en casa todo el día.
The plan is you're going home.
El plan es... regresarlos a casa.
In the event that a head of household is enslaved and his family faces hardship, I told you to exempt him and send him home. How is that going?
En el caso de que un cabeza de familia sea esclavizado... y su familia se enfrente a dificultades... dije que se le liberara, y se le enviara a casa. ¿ Cómo va eso?
You feel like going home tonight?
Quieres irte a casa esta noche?
I just need to know if I'm going home to Nebraska, work on my dad's farm, or, you know, maybe you could just read 20 pages.
Sólo quiero saber si tengo que regresar a la granja de mi padre.
Imagine it's 130 degrees on the deck and tomorrow you're going home and you know if you don't scratch that itch now, you never will.
Imagínese en su puesto a 150 grados y que mañana se va a casa. Y sabe que si no calma esa picazón ahora, jamás lo hará.
You're going home.
Usted va a casa.
In return for the money, the cars, the dogs and the personal property... you're going to sign over the title of your Las Vegas home on Laramore to Lee.
A cambio de ese dinero, de los coches, de los perros y de sus otros bienes... usted va a firmar la cesión del título de su casa "Laramore" de Las Vegas a favor de Li.
- Oh, you're going home.
- Oh, irás a casa.
You just going to go home and stare at an empty dog bed?
¿ Te irás a casa con una cama de perro vacía?
And I was wondering if you wouldn't mind going home now.
Y me preguntaba si te importaría irte ahora a casa.
I found out that the authorities will probably drop all charges against you, but they're going to keep you here until they can get in touch with your family or find you a temporary home.
Me enteré que las autoridades muy probablemente retirarán todos los cargos en tu contra, pero te van a mantener aquí hasta que puedan comunicarse con tu familia o encontrarte un hogar temporal.
Going home is the best solution for you.
Irte a casa es la mejor solución para ti.
It was all set about taking the woman home, about you going and getting a car, about you putting her in the trunk.
Todo fue sobre llevar a la mujer a casa, sobre tu yendo a conseguir un carro, sobre meterla en el maletero.
You're going home.
Te vas a casa.
I say you're going home, you're going home.
Si digo que vas a casa, te vas a casa.
When he's home secretary, you're going to get the proper tools you need to do your job, and half the people in this city won't be shit-scared just to walk down the street.
Cuando sea ministro del interior, tú tendrás lo que necesitas para hacer tu trabajo y la mitad de la gente en esta ciudad no estará aterrada de caminar por la calle.
I thought you were going home.
pense que te ibas a casa.
I think where you're going is a home for the spirit... and it's filled with kindness and wonder.
Creo que adonde te diriges es un hogar para los espíritus, lleno de bondad y maravillas.
You're going home?
¿ Te vas a casa?
We're going to take you back home.
Te llevaré de vuelta a casa.
Y no te sentirías satisfecho yendo a casa cada noche con una novia diferente cada noche.
Hey, when you say's your dad was going to be home?
Hey, ¿ cuándo dijiste que tu papá llegaría a casa?
Hey, I'm not going to ditch you just'cause my dad's home.
No quiere decir que te vaya a botar sólo porque mi papá está en casa.
Wait! How are you going to get home?
¿ Cómo llegarás a casa?
The last thing I remember is going home, opening my front door, then waking up in this minivan with you.
Y la última cosa que recuerdo, es ir a casa, abrir la puerta... después desperté en el automóvil.

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