And his friends перевод на французский
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according to these spreadsheets, amir and his friends had a nice little drug business.
Selon ces feuilles, Amir et ses amis avaient un joli commerce de drogues.
wasn't like jeffrey and his friends.
Pas comme Jeffrey et ses amis.
Unlike the pie maker and his friends the Dandy Lion car company did not survive once its dark secrets were revealed.
Contrairement au pâtissier et à ces amis La compagnie Dandy Lion ne survécu pas à la révélation de ses sombres secrets.
Mason and his friends are cops, dirty cops.
Mason et ses amis sont des policiers, des policiers véreux.
And his friends laughed at his drawings.
Et ses camarades se moquaient de ses dessins.
Your daughter's been paying Mr. Wix and his friends to sabotage her own charity.
Votre fille a payé M. Wix et ses amis pour saboter ses propres soirées.
We wanted to ask about some other places Jack and his friends might have played.
On voulait vous demander d'autres endroits où Jack et ses amis auraient pu jouer.
We think your so and his friends were killed elsewhere, moved to the pool.
On pense que votre fils et ses amis ont été tués ailleurs puis déplacés jusqu'à la piscine.
Lucio and his friends knew this.
Lucio et ses amis le savaient.
And his friends are killing people with Uzis.
Et ses amis tuent des gens avec des Uzi.
Then Brett and his friends lied.
Alors, Brett et ses amis mentaient.
My observation of Brett Chandler and his friends, or Colby coming back, or could've even been you and Larry.
Mon observation de Brett et ses amis, Le retour de Colby. Ou toi et Larry.
I'm sure he and his friends would've gotten intoxicated one night and sodomized me.
Avec ses amis, ils m'auraient sûrement fait boire pour me sodomiser.
- They did this to me your father and his friends.
- Ils m'ont fait ça, ton père et ses copains.
Dale Collins and his friends jolted me.
Dale Collins et ses potes m'ont cogné.
He and his friends only talk business.
Ses amis et lui parlent toujours affaires.
I was 18 years old when my uncle and his friends declared the independence of Azerbaidjan's Iranian province.
J'avais 18 ans quand mon oncle et ses amis ont proclamà © l'indà © pendance de la province iranienne d'Azerbaà ¯ djan.
Yeah, him and his friends, they were going to change the world.
Ses amis et lui allaient changer le monde.
Him and his friends must leave the City.
Lui et ses amis doivent quitter la Ville.
You date a guy, and his friends are part of the package.
Tu sors avec un mec, et ses amis font partie du lot.
we want the cash from the dope he and his a-rab friends are dealing.
On veut l'argent de la drogue que ses amis arabes et lui dealent.
so jeffrey and his surf rat friends bought those drugs from amir and company.
Donc Jeffrey et les Rats du Ressac achetaient leur drogue à Amir et cie.
then jeffrey kills his two friends and takes his mother and amir.
Ensuite Jeffrey tue ses deux amis et enlève sa mère et Amir.
Pretty much just his friends and family.
En général, ses amis et sa famille.
Surely there's another beach somewhere where Mr. Singer and his freaky friends can throw their Frisbees.
Il y a sûrement une autre plage ailleurs où M. Singer et ses amis, les dingues peuvent lancer leur Frisbee.
Could not believe it, that something so serious was happening with his book and we were friends thereafter.
Il ne croyait pas qu'une chose aussi sérieuse se passait avec son livre et on est amis depuis lors.
'Cause we showed your photograph to Brett and all his friends and none of them knew who you were.
- Oui? On a montré vos photos à Brett et ses amis. Ils ignoraient qui vous étiez.
Not only that but all of my friends are single and so are all of his so tonight we're gonna have a big dinner party and...
En plus, tous mes amis sont célibataires, et les siens aussi, alors, ce soir, on organise un grand dîner et...
Reid and I will go make friends with his neighbors.
Je vais aller parler à ses voisins avec Reid.
I want to write about you and his other friends.
Je voudrais écrire sur vous et ses autres amis.
He spent most of his weekends on his yacht, The Nina with a small circle of friends and with his family.
Il passait la plupart de ses week-ends sur son yacht, The Nina, avec un petit cercle d'amis et sa famille.
And this is the strangely contradictory, almost adversarial nature... that John Ford had with his friends.
C'est le comportement étrangement contradictoire, presque adverse... que John Ford avait avec ses amis.
Now, I'll be sure and call the school on Monday and let them know what a hardworking teacher they have that comes to his student's house on a Saturday night when he could be out with some friends his own age.
J'appellerai l'école lundi pour être sûre. Et dire qu'ils ont un enseignant modèle. Qui vient à la maison de son élève un samedi au lieu de voir ses copains.
Friends of Big Z gathered to remember and celebrate his life.
Ses amis se sont rassemblés pour se rappeler et célébrer sa vie.
Rembrandt... intelligent and perceptive man that he is though a miller's son, converted to uneasy bourgeois, still stocking up his money like a peasant, and trying to make friends in high places like a parvenu,
Mais Rembrandt, lui, savait... en homme avisé et perspicace qu'il était... bien que fils de meunier portant difficilement l'habit de bourgeois, entassant encore son argent comme un paysan, recherchant l'amitié des gens haut placés comme un parvenu
I looked down to see that one of my friends had blood coming out of his back and his mouth.
Je me suis retournée pour voir qu'un de mes amis avait du sang qui sortait de son dos et de sa bouche.
His friends spoke about his kindness, his laugh, his graciousness, his helpfulness and consideration to everyone around him.
Ses amis appréciaient sa gentillesse, son rire, sa bienveillance, sa serviabilité et sa considération pour ceux qui l'entouraient.
At the height of the influenza epidemic, a father told friends he'd been to the future and seen the graves of his two small children.
Au plus fort de l'épidémie de grippe, un père raconta qu'il avait voyagé dans le futur et qu'il avait vu les tombes de ses deux jeunes enfants.
"Mr. Beji and all his friends and family will do it all," it won't fly.
... "M. Beiji avec ses amis, ses copains, sa famille, ils vont tout faire" ça ne passera pas.
In fear for my life, since my wife's lover... who had just beaten me... uh, was in the room with his friends... and the other officers.
Par peur pour ma vie, vu que l'amant de ma femme... qui venait juste de me frapper... était dans la pièce avec ses amis... et les autres agents.
His friends, and in this regard I would count myself as one of his closest and dearest buddies, call him Geek.
Ses proches, dont je fais partie, pour être l'un de ses meilleurs amis, l'appellent Geek.
'Mr Manning would like to thank his family and friends for support throughout,'in particular his wife Joanna, who has been his rock.
sa femme Joanna qui a été son rocher.
What - what if I go in there and he's just sitting up in his room with his dead beat friends playing gin rummy or, I dunno, detoxing, getting a mole removed
Que se passera-t-il si j'y vais, et qu'il est juste assis dans sa chambre, avec ses vieux potes, jouant au rami? Ou qu'il est en désintox, se fait enlever un grain de beauté.
Allie Boy has killed some of his oldest and closest friends just on the chance that they might betray him.
Allie Boy a tué certains de ses plus vieux et meilleurs amis juste au cas où ils pourraient le trahir.
Neither Montriveau, nor his friends found trace of the Duchess. She had obviously chosen the cloister. A few months after the last interview, a merchant ship left Marseilles and headed for Spain.
After all, he was out with friends, and that had nothing to do with his dedication to me within our sessions.
Après tout, il dinait entre amis, ça n'avait rien à voir avec le temps consacré à mes consultations.
Gus and his friends used to come here often.
Gus et ses amis venaient tout le temps ici.
He created this story about... his friends in jail had gotten tested, you know, some of them, and they came up positive.
Il a inventé cette histoire sur... ses amis en prison qui avaient été testés et pour certains, le résultat était positif.
His folks and mine were good friends and whenever they came round, my sisters would ask about him.
Ses parents étaient des amis à mes parents. Quand ils venaient à la maison, mes soeurs prenaient de ses nouvelles.
If I make friends with the murderer... and I see his face, I can tell the cops.
Si l'assassin a pas peur alors je vois son visage. Je peux le dire aux policiers.
Matias had just entered college and was already going easy with his friends.
Matias venait juste d'entrer en faculté et déjà il était permissif avec ses amis.
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his mother 31
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his son 20
his friends 61
friends 2160
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friends of yours 55
friends of mine 20
and happy birthday 27
his friends 61
friends 2160
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friends of yours 55
friends of mine 20
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and here 683
and here you go 26
and hopefully 74
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here 683
and here you go 26
and hopefully 74
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and he's 185
and he didn't 42
and her husband 30
and he's not 37
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and he's 185
and he didn't 42
and her husband 30
and he's not 37