And his перевод на французский
136,860 параллельный перевод
Finding out that my husband and his partner arrested one of my clients.
Découvrir que mon mari et son équipier arrêtent un de mes clients.
She still believes in Noah and his amazing zoo boat.
Elle croit toujours à Noé et son super bateau-zoo.
Boyd and his team were gonna swoop in before anything got deadly.
Boyd et son équipe seraient intervenus avant que ça devienne mortel.
And we've got Jared's weapons and his bomb materials.
Et on a les armes de Jared ainsi que son matériel pour les bombes.
I went back to that damn compound to fix the mess you made... to kill Rittenhouse and his son.
Je suis retourné là-bas pour réparer ce que tu as fait... pour tuer Rittenhouse et son fils.
And his name is Wes Gilliam.
Et son nom est Wes Gilliam.
I travelled with a man called the Doctor and his friend called Nardole, and I did this to save him.
J'ai voyagé avec un homme appelé le Docteur et son ami Nardole, et je l'ai fait pour le sauver.
The man is looking to expand his shrimp truck business, and he told me he's gonna be needing about four or five new trucks.
L'homme cherche à développer son entreprise de camion de crevettes et il m'a dit qu'il allait avoir besoin de quatre ou cinq nouveaux camions.
And his case worker?
Et son tuteur?
He recently had a yard sale and sold all of his possessions.
Il a récemment organisé un vide-grenier et vendu tous ses biens.
- His first car should have 100,000 miles on it and be missing at least two hubcaps.
- Sa première voiture devrait avoir au moins 100.000 bornes et deux enjoliveurs en moins.
Yeah, could be why Dino kept his mouth shut and just did his time.
C'est peut-être la raison pour laquelle Dino l'a fermée et a fait sa peine.
So Trish is his attorney and mentor.
Donc Trish est son avocat, et son mentor.
We had the clothes that he was wearing, and we know his MO.
On a les vêtements qu'il portait, et on sait comment il procède.
He has a reputation for going rogue and not following procedure, because of his unwillingness to tell the truth under oath, I move to have this case dismissed immediately.
Il a la réputation d'être un solitaire et de ne pas suivre les procédures, et devant sa réticence à dire la vérité sous serment, je demande à ce que les charges soient immédiatement abandonnées.
- danger. - That criminal is too smart to steal a car from the cops and then hide his bad guy costume in an open locker. Brenda?
Ce criminel est trop intelligent pour voler une voiture aux flics et ensuite cacher son costume de vilain dans un casier ouvert.
Dino got out of prison and raised his little brother with the kind of care and compassion that speaks to his commitment to living right.
Dino est sorti de prison et s'occupe de son petit frère avec toute l'attention et la compassion qui prouvent son engagement à suivre le bon chemin.
And I think that Dino's being silent to protect his brother.
Et je pense que Dino s'est tu pour protéger son frère.
A small human wreaks havoc on his wife's genitals and he gets time off.
Un petit humain ravage l'entre-jambe de sa femme et il obtient du temps libre.
"But it was the Father who sent his envoy, the serpent, to tempt his children and lead them astray."
"Mais c'était le Père qui avait envoyé ce messager, le serpent, pour tenter ses enfants et les égarer."
- We have a BOLO out on his car, and we're tracking his credit cards.
- On surveille sa voiture, et on suit ses cartes de crédit.
I ran his name through Omaha, and I got a hit on an archived wiretap, a recorded phone conversation from last year.
J'ai cherché son nom dans Omaha, et j'ai eu un enregistrement archivé, une conversation téléphonique de l'année dernière.
No, he lies about everything and sells his story for profit.
Non, il a menti sur tout et a vendu son histoire pour l'argent.
And now, I'm about to go sit in his living room and interview him.
Et je vais m'asseoir dans son salon et m'entretenir avec lui.
His name in French means "the world," and this is the world of Greg LeMond in Paris today.
Il porte bien son nom, aujourd'hui, le monde appartient à Greg LeMond.
He had helped me dope, and he was gonna test my samples through his WADA lab in Moscow.
Il m'avait aidé à me doper et allait tester mes échantillons dans son labo conventionné à Moscou.
In fact, our recommendation is the director of the laboratory be removed from his position, that the WADA accreditation be withdrawn, and the Russian Federation be suspended.
En fait, nous recommandons que le directeur de ce laboratoire soit démis de ses fonctions, que son accréditation lui soit retirée, et que la fédération russe soit suspendue.
He has his own protocols, and he really had great success.
Il avait ses propres protocoles et a obtenu de grands succès.
Nikita Kamaev's death comes just two months after he resigned his post, which is, obviously, following the doping scandal that has rocked Russia and the rest of the world in athletics.
Le décès de Nikita Kamaev est survenu deux mois exactement après sa démission, suite au scandale de dopage qui a frappé la Russie et le monde de l'athlétisme.
He's my friend since school time, and he never complained about his heart or any health problem, and...
On est amis depuis l'école primaire, et il ne s'est jamais plaint du cœur et n'avait aucun souci de santé.
They want him to go to New York and appear in a grand jury and provide his information.
Ils veulent qu'il aille à New York pour comparaître devant un grand jury et révéler ses informations. AVOCAT DES RÉALISATEURS
When the A and B bottles were split on to two different carts, my assistant wheeled the B bottles into a storage room and slipped the Russian athletes B bottles into his lab coat.
Quand les flacons A et B étaient séparés sur deux chariots différents, mon assistant emportait celui des flacons B dans une réserve et glissait ceux des athlètes russes dans sa blouse blanche.
What everyone is interested in is the evidence he has, both in terms of the documents on his computer and the cell phone that he was using at the time.
Tout le monde s'intéresse aux preuves qu'il détient : les documents sur son ordinateur et le téléphone portable qu'il utilisait à l'époque.
The main concern is that they would be able, through those communications, to try to triangulate his location, and if they have agents in the United States, then to do him harm.
On craignait surtout qu'ils parviennent, par ces communications, à repérer l'endroit où il se trouve, et que des agents sur notre sol l'atteignent.
Grigory risked his life, and is risking his life, to do this.
Grigory a risqué sa vie et il la risque encore, pour témoigner.
" Dear Mr. Fogel and Dr. Rodchenkov, the IOC has full confidence in the authority of Professor Richard McLaren and respects his judgment to ensure a comprehensive inquiry.
" Chers M. Fogel et Dr Rodchenkov, le CIO a toute confiance en l'autorité du professeur Richard McLaren et respecte son jugement dans la poursuite de l'enquête exhaustive.
So he's fired, and then somehow ends up in the United States, where he subsequently took his story to The New York Times.
Il a été viré et il s'est retrouvé aux États-Unis, où il a ensuite raconté son histoire au New York Times.
" Winston sank his arms to his sides and slowly refilled his lungs with air.
" Winston laissa tomber ses bras et remplit lentement d'air ses poumons.
His aim was to get back to Mars and find his queen.
Son but était de retourner sur Mars et trouver sa reine.
I rear-ended him in a drive-thru, and he gave me his card.
Je l'ai embouti avec ma voiture, et il m'a donné sa carte.
I spoke to the receptionist, who said Burnett was the first one in the office today, and outside of a sales meeting, he's been in his office, holed up with the blinds drawn and the door locked.
J'ai parlé à la réceptionniste qui a dit que Burnett était le premier au bureau aujourd'hui, et absent d'une réunion des ventes, il est resté dans son bureau terré avec les stores tirés et la porte verrouillée.
Just wait till everybody left, then put Mitch in the trunk of his own car and drove around, looking for a spot to dump the body?
J'ai attendu que tout le monde parte, puis j'ai mis Mitch dans le coffre de sa voiture et nous avons chercher un endroit où jeter le corps?
But even considering the dog eat dog of it all do you think it makes sense for a guy to come in and attack his coworker- - physically attack him- - over a $ 500 commission?
Mais même en considérant que le chien mange le chien dans tout ça penses-tu qu'il est logique pour un gars d'entrer et d'attaquer son collègue - - de l'attaquer physiquement - - pour une commission de 500 $?
Took him into his office and offered him a discount on another vehicle.
Il l'a pris dans son bureau et lui a offert un rabais sur un autre véhicule.
You agree to take a test drive to get the manager out of his office, you go into his office, get on his computer and find out the name and address of the buyer.
Vous acceptez de faire un essai sur route pour que le directeur sorte de son bureau, vous entrez dans son bureau, accédez à son ordinateur et découvrez le nom et l'adresse de l'acheteur.
And satellite surveillance shows his car's parked there right now.
Et la surveillance par satellite montre que sa voiture est garé en ce moment.
Sheldon walked on my back two weeks ago, but that was just'cause there was a spider on his pillow and he was trying to get away.
Sheldon a marché sur mon dos il ya deux semaines, Mais c'était juste parce qu'il y avait une araignée sur son oreiller Et il essayait de s'enfuir.
Chase Graves asked Patrice to pick up his dog in Paris and fly it back to him here.
Chase Grives a demandé à Patrice de récupérer son chien à Paris et de prendre l'avion pour le ramener ici.
But flip a few years back in his file, and things get interesting.
Mais recherche quelques années plus tôt dans son dossier, c'est intéressant.
The executioner may now discuss his immortal soul and any peril thereunto.
L'exécuteur peut maintenant discuter de son âme immortelle et quel qu'en soit le péril.
His aim was to get back to Mars and find his Queen.
Son but était de rentrer sur Mars et de trouver sa reine.
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his son 20
hiss 20
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
hiss 20
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
his brother 146
his wife 438
his family 108
his best friend 29
his name is dr 18
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
his wife 438
his family 108
his best friend 29
his name is dr 18
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
historically 99
his birthday 23
his house 47
his name is 110
his watch 21
his name is ethan 17
his shoes 20
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his daughter 107
his place 22
his birthday 23
his house 47
his name is 110
his watch 21
his name is ethan 17
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his daughter 107
his place 22