I call him перевод на французский
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I don't know, but, you know, I can find out tomorrow... I call him.
J'en sais rien, mais si tu veux, je l'appellerai demain et on verra.
I don't know what the fuck he does with his days, but... Supposedly he's running a semi-improvised dance troupe and working at the glove department at Barney's, but whenever I call him, he's sleeping.
Je sais pas ce qu'il fait de ces putains de journées mais... mais chaque fois que je l'appelles, il dort.
But he likes that I call him Francis.
Mais il aime que je l'appelle Francis.
And it's weird that when I call him this girl, Lourdes, answers.
Et ce qui est bizarre, c'est que quand je l'appelle, cette fille, Lourdes, répond.
I call him Dr. Dick.
Je l'appelle Dr. Bite.
I call him Uncle Rob because... he robbed us!
Je l'appelle Oncle Rob parce que... Il nous a volé!
I call him el diablo!
Je l'appelle El diablo!
Tell Harris I'll call him back.
Dites à Harris que je le rappellerai.
I'll call him back.
Je le rappellerais.
He's talking to him now and I'm telling him, he's going to have his call but not now.
C'est moi. Je vous dis que vous pourrez téléphoner. Mais plus tard.
I'm gonna call Kev, and he's gonna help me find a park bench somewhere far, far away to dump him.
Je vais appeler Kev et il va m'aider à trouver un banc dans un parc très loin d'ici où s'en débarrasser.
Hey, if you want, I can call him right now.
Si tu veux, je l'appelle.
I can't wait for the guy who wants to marry you to call me up and ask for your hand in marriage. I'm gonna give him such a hard time.
Tu sais, mon cul n'a pas besoin de sauvetage ou de réparation ou de peaufinage ou d'amélioration ou de changement.
He was fallible. I was lucky to call him a friend.
Vous devriez croire que tou ce que vous traversez
I'll call tomorrow to check in on him.
Je prendrai des nouvelles de lui demain.
They'll call Immigration, put him on his lawn mower back over the border while I'm on the phone with Bank of Greater Santa Fe.
Ils vont lui faire traverser la frontière sur sa tondeuse à gazon pendant que je serai au téléphone avec la Banque de Santa Fe.
I was lucky to call him a friend.
J'ai eu de la chance de l'avoir comme ami.
So when may I tell my superiors to expect a call from him?
Donc quand pourrais-je dire à mes supérieurs de s'attendre un appel de sa part?
You call him, and tell him that I am sorry about the...
Tu l'appelles, et tu lui dis que je suis désolé pour...
I wouldn't call him the benchmark ; I'd say he's.
- Je ne dirais pas qu'il est une référence...
Get me a call list so I can tag-team with him.
Donnez-moi une liste pour que je lui donne un coup de main.
- I'll call him.
- Je vais l'appeler.
I'm sorry to have to pull you back into my Tilt-A-Whirl of a life... but I need you to call your dad for me... and tell him that I'm in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Chicago.
Pardonne-moi de t'entraîner encore dans ma vie chaotique, mais il faut que tu appelles ton père et que tu lui dises que je suis à Chicago, au Centre métropolitain de détention.
I don't want to fucking call him, and I do not want to know his password.
Je ne veux surtout pas l'appeler et je ne veux pas le savoir.
I will let him know you're going to call.
Je lui dirai que vous allez appeler.
I saw Harmon at the post office. Why don't you call him?
J'ai vu Harmon, tu devrais l'appeler.
Can you keep an eye on him while I call the sitter?
Peux - tu garder un œil sur lui pendant que j'appelle le baby-sitter?
Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't call Your father right now and tell him you're here.
Dites-moi une bonne raison de ne pas pas appeler votre père maintenant et lui dire que vous êtes ici.
He ordered me to call him "my lion," so I did.
Il m'a ordonné de l'appeler "mon lion", ce que j'ai fait.
Oh my God, I got to call him.
Oh mon Dieu, je dois l'appeler.
Oh, I said I'd pick him up at midnight, and I totally forgot to call her.
Je devais aller le chercher à minuit, et j'ai complètement oublié de l'appeler
- So I'll-I'll talk to him, and... I can ask him if you can call home after supper.
- Je lui demanderai si vous pouvez appeler chez vous après souper.
I believe one would certainly call him hot-headed.
Je crois que certains l'appelleraient une "forte tête".
I'll call him and set up a meeting.
Je l'appellerai pour convenir d'une réunion.
I'll call him and we'll set up a meeting.
Je vais l'appeler et nous arrangerons une rencontre.
I'll call Frankie, get him to look at what's been posted on Instagram,
Je vais appeler Frankie, dis lui de regarder tout ce qui a été posté sur Instagram,
Well, I think you should call Cousin Rudy and talk all this over with him.
Je pense que tu devrais l'appeler pour discuter de ça avec lui.
I'll call him. Great.
- Je vais l'appeler.
And if you'd like, I can give him a call beforehand and let him know you'll be reaching out.
Si vous voulez, je peux l'appeler avant pour le prévenir.
So I'm proud to introduce him today and to call him my friend.
Donc je suis fier de le présenter aujourd'hui et de l'avoir comme ami.
And I'm gonna call Lassie and tell him that we found our murdering witch.
Et je vais appelé Lassie. Et lui dire qu'on a trouvé notre sorcière meurtrière.
... while I jerk him off and call him a faggot.
Pendant que je le branle en le traitant de pd.
I'll call him, but, you know, from the way they were talking about it, I think we've got a real shot.
Je les appellerai, mais leur enthousiasme est positif.
- Can I have him call you back?
- Il peut vous rappeler?
I told you him that he needed to call you.
Je lui ai dit de t'appeler.
( Crying ) And I thought he might be here, and I wanted to call the house to see if he was there, but if I do, then my dad will answer, and... and I'll have to tell him.
Et j'ai pensé qu'il pourrait être ici, Et j'ai voulu appeler la maison pour voir s'il était là, Mais si je fais ça alors mon père va répondre,
You bet. I will do that. I will call him.
Bien sûr que je vais l'appeler.
We're doing all we can to find out who he is, but I'm sure we'll get him before he makes that call.
On fait tout pour le démasquer. Mais on l'identifiera avant qu'il ne se manifeste.
I don't give a fuck, I'm sick of waiting, call him.
Je m'en tape. Ras le cul d'attendre, appelle-le!
I just promised mom I wouldn't call him.
Je viens de promettre que je ne l'appellerai pas.
Don't go all catholic on me Because I will call the pope and tell him about javier.
Ne joue pas la catholique avec moi parce que je vais appeler le pape et lui dire à propos de Javier!
i call shotgun 25
i call her 23
i call you 38
i call death 27
i called him 132
i called it 59
i call the shots 24
i called you 172
i call 87
i call your name 20
i call her 23
i call you 38
i call death 27
i called him 132
i called it 59
i call the shots 24
i called you 172
i call 87
i call your name 20
i called 270
i called earlier 21
i called them 49
i called her 89
i called the hospital 16
i called the police 46
i called the cops 33
i called your office 21
i call it 154
i call the police 17
i called earlier 21
i called them 49
i called her 89
i called the hospital 16
i called the police 46
i called the cops 33
i called your office 21
i call it 154
i call the police 17
i call them 20
i call for justice 27
i called dr 19
call him 398
call him back 40
call him again 29
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
i call for justice 27
i called dr 19
call him 398
call him back 40
call him again 29
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36