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Almost perfect Çeviri İspanyolca

308 parallel translation
It's almost perfect. What do you mean, almost perfect?
¿ Así que le gusta mi salsa?
As fancy a piece of homicide as anybody ever ran into... smart, tricky, almost perfect, but... I think Papa has it all figured out.
Un homicidio así no es nada común... bien planeado, astuto, casi perfecto, pero... creo que lo he resuelto.
Almost perfect.
Y casi perfecto.
Say, it's an almost perfect paradise
Es casi un paraíso perfecto
- Almost perfect.
- Casi perfectos.
Almost perfect crime.
Un crimen casi perfecto.
Your metabolism will soon be in almost perfect balance.
Vuestro metabolismo pronto estará en perfecto equilibrio.
The injustice of it is almost perfect.
La injusticia de esto es casi perfecta.
In other words, my answers were almost perfect, and I would have been at ease, if only he had been a little less inquisitive.
En otras palabras, mis respuestas eran casi perfectas, y hubiese estado relajado, si él no hubiese sido tan inquisitivo.
We have created bodies and brains almost perfect.
Hemos creado organismos y cerebros casi perfecto.
- N... n... Almost perfect.
- Ca... ca... casi perfecto.
¿ Se conformaría con casi perfecto?
- Casi perfecto.
My palm technique is almost perfect,
Mi técnica de la palma es casi perfecta.
Well, almost perfect.
Bueno, casi perfecto.
- Wonderful. It's almost perfect!
- Maravilloso. ¡ Es casi perfecto!
Now, both crews are rowing with almost perfect style and lots of polish.
Los dos equipos reman con gracia y estilo.
And in addition to this almost perfect existence, which made me the envy of all my married friends, there was no one to tell me it was time for me to get up and put the coffee on because I loved her.
Y además de esta existencia casi perfecta, que era la envidia de mis amigos casados, no había nadie que me dijera que ya era hora de levantarme y preparar el café por amor.
Your life here must be almost perfect, if you haven't wanted to leave.
Su vida aquí debe ser casi perfecta, si no han querido irse.
You find, in this life exempt from wear and tear and with no thrill in it other than these suspended moments, an almost perfect happiness, fascinating, occasionally swollen by new emotions.
En esta vida sin desgaste... y sin más estremecimiento que esos instantes suspendidos, hallas un felicidad casi perfecta, fascinante, a veces repleta de emociones nuevas.
Almost perfect.
- Caramba, perfecto. - Si... es casi un...
this new german vacuum pump, which allowed him to have an almost perfect vacuum inside his bulb.
esta nueva bomba de vacío alemana, la que le permitió tener un vacío casi perfecto dentro de su ampolla.
This is almost perfect.
Está casi perfecto.
This is almost perfect justice for him.
Esto es casi justicia perfecta para él.
No record of any damage. It's almost perfect.
No hay detalles de ningún daño, está casi perfecto.
Almost perfect.
Casi perfecto, cap. Trunk.
- Almost perfect.
- Casi perfecto.
Almost perfect.
Casi perfecta.
Almost perfect.
Casi perfecto.
Those first few weeks in Europe were almost perfect.
Esas primeras semanas en Europa fueron casi perfectas.
Annie Blackburn, you have almost perfect timing.
Annie Blackburn, eres muy oportuna.
This is almost perfect. We got them where we want them.
Es casi perfecto, ahora los tenemos donde queríamos.
Almost too perfect.
Casi demasiado perfecto.
You have seen other Horses in my stables Almost as perfect as asoka.
Vio otros caballos en mis caballerizas casi tan perfectos como Asoka.
Almost a perfect fit. My grandmother was just a little bit of a thing like you.
A su medida, mi abuela también era muy delgadita como usted
Almost a perfect match, though.
Casi en perfecto estado.
Am i late? No. Almost perfect timing.
¿ Qué tal se te da elegir regalos?
Almost a perfect...
Es casi un círculo.
So perfect, that we almost don't need each other anymore.
Tan perfecto, que no necesitaríamos uno del otro.
As you see, these occurrences were on this line... almost a perfect circle around the Pole.
Como ven esos sucesos ocurrieron en esta línea... casi un círculo perfecto alrededor del Polo.
You are almost a perfect physical match for Ballantine.
Eres casi el doble perfecto de Ballantine.
Because Carol's death has been almost too perfect
Porque la muerte de Carol ha sido casi demasiado perfecta.
It never suffered any contamination from the outside world... and even less so from the modern, radically different world... its beauty is surrealy perfect, exciting and almost excessive.
Al no haber sufrido nunca la contaminación de mundos diferentes... y mucho menos del mundo moderno, radicalmente diferente... su belleza tiene una forma de perfección irreal, casi excesiva y excitante.
And all I have to do now is get my posing routine down more perfect... which is almost impossible to do.
Lo único que me falta es perfeccionar mi rutina de poses... lo cual es casi imposible.
Yes, I'd almost completely forgotten about him, but when I heard a piece he'd composed on the radio, I realized his clear and sunny music is perfect to accompany the memory of my dead friends.
Sí, casi me había olvidado de él, pero cuando escuché en la radio una pieza que él había compuesto, me di cuenta de que su limpia y alegre música... es perfecta para acompañar el recuerdo de mis amigos muertos.
It was almost hellishly perfect.
Fue el momento perfecto.
She was perfect. 'He knew almost nothing about her, and she didn't know much more about him.
" Casi no sabían nada el uno del otro.
She's almost too perfect.
Casi demasiado perfecta.
She's so perfect, we almost feel like intruders.
Es perfecta. Casi nos hace parecer intrusos.
And I've learned something, too. I've learned that a flawless profile, a perfect body, the right clothes and a great car can get you far in America, almost to the top, but it can't get you everything.
Yo aprendí que un perfil impecable, un cuerpo perfecto buenas ropas y un gran auto, pueden llevarte lejos en Estados Unidos.
We're nearly there. I think she's had almost a perfect day...
Bueno, ya casi ha terminado un día perfecto.

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