And just now Çeviri İspanyolca
13,038 parallel translation
Now, it's just you and me.
Ahora, sólo somos tú y yo.
Now, in a way, it's just an unremarkable video of a dad and a son playing.
De algún modo, es un video común y corriente... PAPÁ DE OWEN de un papá y su hijo jugando.
Now, I'm under the bedspread, and I just bite down hard, you know.
Yo sigo debajo del cubrecama... y me muerdo los labios.
And now I'm just standing here waiting.
Y ahora solo estoy aquí parada esperando.
And right now, we're just a tumbleweedin'piece of scrap metal.
Y ahora mismo, somos solo un pedazo de chatarra dando vueltas.
Yeah, I'm gonna keep mine in, just for now. and they all just took their tits out.
- y todas ellas mostraron las tetas.
It's just I'm making your mom... very sad right now, and I need to give her some space.
Sólo que ahora le estoy causando mucha tristeza a tu mamá y necesito darle un poco de espacio.
That's why she has to live in a hospital now, just like me, and now she has to tell Fat Perez all of her secrets.
Por eso ahora tiene que vivir en un hospital, al igual que yo. Y le tiene que contar al Gordo Pérez todos sus secretos.
Well, now, new footage has surfaced of the accident-prone candidate and his rescuer just crushing the spin doctors on karaoke.
Bueno, ahora ha salido a la luz una nueva grabación del candidato... propenso a accidentes y su rescatista destrozando a Spin Doctors en karaoke.
Now Paris and my identity was just 2 days away.
Ahora París y mi identidad estaban a sólo 2 días de distancia
But now that I've seen her, I can't get her out of my head, and I don't know if that's a thing that happens or if I'm just weird, but something tells me she is the one I'm supposed to bump into
Pero ahora que la he visto no puedo olvidarla, y no sé si es algo que pasa o yo soy raro, pero algo me dice que se supone me tropiece con ella... para pasar el resto de nuestra vida juntos,
It's just that at work you're always so serious and now you come up with this idea.
En la oficina eres siempre tan fría y de pronto sales con esta idea.
Now I just sit sometimes and remember how you learned to ride your bike how I once found you at a bus stop.
Ahora me siento allí, de vez en cuando, y recuerdo cómo aprendiste a andar en bicicleta o cómo te recogí, alguna vez en la parada del autobús.
And now she's just stuck back at Las Rocas with the Irish flu.
Y ahora se quedó en Las Rocas, con la gripe irlandesa.
Only for now, still... Their luck is out. 'Cause he's just been diagnosed with cancer and is going to die.
Pero ahora tampoco van a tener suerte... porque a él le han diagnosticado un cáncer y va a morirse.
Now, Neil, you can't just grind and grind and grind until you get everything you want, changing the bid every time.
Ahora Neil, no puedes pujar y pujar y acabar hasta que lo consigas todo lo que quieras, cambiando la oferta todo el tiempo.
I'm sorry, but just from what I know right now, this case could easily cost five times that, and anyone who tells you any different is lying.
Lo siento, pero por lo que sé este caso podría costar cinco veces eso y el que les diga otra cosa, miente.
Now, we played a lot of Purge games tonight, and we have just one more.
Hoy hemos jugado muchos juegos de Depuración. Solo nos queda uno más.
Podría tumbarme y morir ahora mismo, pero no lo haré.
Just the traffic and now with that new highway...
Sólo el tráfico y ahora con la nueva carretera...
You know, there's just so much stuff going on right now, and...
Ya sabes, hay tantas cosas pasando en este momento, y...
Now, my multifaceted plan for the Crispus Attucks Complex is just yet another way to bring hope to a new generation, to incubate the kind of innovation and creativity and progress that Harlem's famous for.
Mi plan multifacético para el Crispus Attucks Complex es una manera más de traer esperanza a una nueva generación, de incubar la innovación, la creatividad y el progreso que han hecho famoso a Harlem.
Now get a security guard to take you down to the control room, and just fix the...
Ahora conseguir un guardia de seguridad que lo lleve a la sala de control, y acaba de fijar el...
And now they just want to be left alone... Oh. So they can scratch out some small purpose that can give their life some meaning, community, hope, like all the rest of us.
Y ahora solo quieren que los dejen en paz... Así podrán encontrar algún pequeño propósito que pueda darles a su vida algo de sentido, comunidad, esperanza, como a todo el resto de nosotros.
Now, you can't just walk in it and sit at my table.
Ahora, no puede sólo entrar y sentarse a mi mesa.
Now, just stick your hand up my back and make me talk.
Ahora, méteme la mano en la espalda y hazme hablar.
Now, if you'll excuse me, the cake from Theodore Roosevelt's 35th birthday just arrived, and it's in terrible condition.
Ahora, si me disculpan, acaba de llegar la tarta del 35 cumpleaños de Theodore Roosevelt y está en pésimas condiciones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we go now to Frank B. Cooper high school where a shooting has just taken place.
Damas y caballeros, vamos ahora a Frank B. Cooper... la escuela secundaria, donde un tiroteo acaba de ocurrir.
- It's okay. Now, this day's just gettin'better and better, huh?
Este día se pone cada vez mejor, ¿ eh?
So now I'm working double-time just to be seen for who I am and what I'm capable of.
Así que ahora trabajo doble tiempo... para ser vista por quién soy y de qué soy capaz.
And maybe just wanting it is enough for now.
Y tal vez solo quererlo es suficiente por ahora.
Now it's just you and me, Mara.
Ahora sólo somos tú y yo, Mara.
- I'm just gonna go ahead and knock you out now understand?
Sólo voy a sacarte de ahí. ¿ Entendiste?
- Majesty, this agreement is valid just here and now.
Majestad, este acuerdo es válido aquí y ahora.
I've just had the best summer of my life and now I have to go back to salt lake.
Acabo de vivir el mejor verano de mi vida y ahora debo volver a Salt Lake.
I won't ask again. Now, boys and girls, in just a few moments the entire nation will be watching Rydell
Ahora, chicos y chicas, en sólo unos momentos, la nación completa estará viendo al Instituto Rydell.
And if we lift our heel off their necks now, they'll just come at us.
Y si ahora levantamos nuestro pie de sus cuellos, vendrán a por nosotros.
Now, me and john, we're just fucking bin men whose duty it is to obey.
Ahora, John y yo... somos como putos basureros... cuya obligación es obedecer.
That really freaked me out, and I just want this to end now. Whoo!
Eso me ha puesto los pelos de punta... y ahora quiero que esto termine ya.
You're acting like little children playing basketball who've fallen behind by several two-pointer buckets so you just take your basket home, and now no one else can play.
- No. Son como niños jugando al baloncesto... que han fallado varias salidas a canasta... así que se llevan a casa la cesta... para que nadie pueda jugar.
Now, this just needs to cook for another 11 hours, 32 minutes, and 6...
Esto solo necesita cocerse otras once horas, 32 minutos... y seis...
And all I've got to comfort myself with now is the idea that two years with me and all it's done is make you realise she's just not that bad.
Y el único consuelo que que tengo es que tras dos años conmigo te das cuenta - de que ella no es tan mala.
And now, she's just gone completely fruit loop. What's up?
- Y ahora, se ha vuelto totalmente loca.
Now, our structure can't support another floor, and unfortunately we can't just smuggle a wrecking ball into Chicago, so we need to shed weight.
Nuestra estructura no soporta otro piso... y no podemos llevar una bola de demolición a Chicago... así que debemos hacerlo más liviano.
Now, Jamie, you can't just keep skipping school and making excuses.
Jamie, no puedes seguir faltando a la escuela y haciendo excusas.
And I know that like, a lot has changed, and you're going through some hard stuff right now, but I just, I think you should know that I think you are such a beautiful, wonderful person, and you are so,
Y sé que como, mucho ha cambiado, Y usted está pasando por algunas cosas duras en este momento, Pero solo, creo que deberías saber
Now, you need to just go home and just relax.
Tienes que ir a casa y relajarte. Yo me encargo.
I just keep getting beat down and now the whole entire school is crumbling.
Siempre me rebajan y la escuela se está derrumbando.
Now, just because I've been known, in the past, to relieve the odd coke dealer of their associated possessions and sell it on to the highest bidder, that does not make me a fucking coke dealer.
Ahora, que previamente haya sabido aliviar a traficantes de drogas... de sus posesiones asociadas para venderlas al mejor postor... eso no me vuelve un traficante de cocaína.
- I mean, there was a moment there when I wanted to just, like, stop, but then I fought through the pain and now I feel, like, reborn.
Sí. En un momento quise parar, pero resistí el dolor y ahora me siento renacido.
It's just you and me now.
Solo quedamos tú y yo.
and just like that 171
and just in time 18
and just think 21
and just so you know 170
and just for the record 41
and just remember 20
and just 169
and just to be clear 26
and just so we're clear 26
just now 569
and just in time 18
and just think 21
and just so you know 170
and just for the record 41
and just remember 20
and just 169
and just to be clear 26
and just so we're clear 26
just now 569
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now is the time 102
now you know 219
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now is the time 102
now you know 219
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now's your chance 115
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now i am 50
now is not the time 119
now then 570
now look 431
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now i 66
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now i am 50
now is not the time 119
now then 570
now look 431
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now i 66