Bring her Çeviri İspanyolca
9,069 parallel translation
He took the time to bring her all the way out here, but he didn't bury her.
Se tomó su tiempo para traerla hasta aquí pero no la enterró.
Bring her up to speed.
Que sea rápida.
To pick her up at the opera and bring her to Mr. Nazif.
Recogerla en la opera y llevarla con el Sr. Nazif.
Bring her in here.
Traedla aquí.
Tomorrow, you bring her a cup.
Mañana le llevarás una taza.
A memorial service isn't gonna bring her back.
Un servicio conmemorativo no va a traerla de vuelta.
Sandy, give Mrs. Badali 30 milligrams of diazepam before you bring her to the O.R.
Sandy, dale a la Sra. Badali 30 miligramos de diazepam antes de llevarla a quirófano. ¿ 30?
Now bring her back in there.
Vuelva a llevarla ahí dentro.
Your daughter is facing expulsion, and Janet would be within her rights to bring her up on charges of assault.
Su hija se enfrenta a la expulsión y Janet estaría en su derecho de denunciarla por agresión.
Don't fucking bring her here.
No la traigas aquí.
- Don't fucking bring her here.
- No la traigas aquí.
Surprise her, bring her some flowers.
Sorpréndela, tráele unas flores.
Do you really think this excessive motion will bring her to us sooner?
¿ Crees que esta actividad excesiva la va a traer de vuelta antes?
We just need to find her and bring her back up to the surface.
Sólo tenemos que encontrarla y traerla a la superficie.
And then get his woman and bring her to me.
Y luego vayan a por su mujer y tráiganmela.
You want to make Mom happy, bring her to my house.
Si quieres hacer feliz a mamá, llévala a mi casa.
I mean, it's a holiday, we got to bring her back.
Quiero decir, es un día festivo, la traemos.
- We gotta bring her in.
- Tenemos que detenerla.
Bring her here every month.
Tráela aquí cada mes.
It'll take a lot more to bring her down.
Se necesitará mucho más para acabar con ella.
But if you want to keep seeing her, why don't you bring her to the club...
¿ por qué no la traes al club?
Should we bring her in, then?
¿ Deberíamos entrarla?
Why would they save her And then just wait so long to bring her back to us?
Es imposible. ¿ Por qué la salvarían y luego esperar tanto para enviárnosla de vuelta?
I am... so sorry to interrupt your mentally stimulating and fulfilling day, but this morbidly grumpy housewife is taking a little time away from spit-up and dirty diapers to bring her husband a homemade turkey sandwich and a Twinkie.
Yo... siento interrumpir tu mentalmente estimulante y satisfactorio día, pero esta morbosa y gruñona ama de casa se ha tomado algo de tiempo lejos de las vomitonas y los pañales sucios para traerle a su marido un bocadillo casero de pavo y un pastelito.
She bring her boyfriends around here?
Ella trae sus novios por aqui?
She bring her boyfriends around here?
¿ Suele traer a sus novios aquí?
Why did you bring her into this?
¿ Por qué la metiste en esto?
You don't bring her along when you travel?
¿ No viene contigo cuando viajas?
Ever since I found one of our ancestors in that condition, I've been searching for a way to bring her back.
Desde que encontré a uno de nuestros ancestros en estas condiciones he estado buscando una forma de traerla de vuelta.
- Bring her up to my office.
Llévela a mi oficina.
The sooner we bring her son's body home from Turkey, the sooner this story goes away.
Cuanto antes traigamos el cuerpo de su hijo a casa desde Turquía Cuanto antes esta historia se acaba.
Bring her in for protective custody.
Ponla en custodia protectora.
- before you bring her back.
- antes de que vuelvas a traerla.
Find her and bring her to me, now!
¡ Encuéntrenla y tráiganla ante mí, ahora!
No, I fear that would bring her more pleasure than pain.
No, me temo que eso le causaría más placer que dolor.
Here, bring her this.
Ten, llévale esto.
I promise I'll bring her back.
Te prometo que la traeré de vuelta.
Because if you bring her into this, anything could happen.
Porque si la metes dentro, puede pasar cualquier cosa.
Find Molly Woods and bring her in.
Encuentra a Molly y tráela.
He's due to bring her back in the next 72 hours or so.
Tenía que traerla de vuelta en las próximas 72 horas más o menos.
I'm going to bring in the ex-wife and her new husband.
Citaré a la ex esposa y al nuevo marido.
The reason I bring it up is because she seems to think that you're seriously considering it, so, uh, you might want to talk to her and let her down gently.
Te lo comento porque ella cree en serio que lo consideras... así que debes quitarle esa idea delicadamente.
Bring Samnang back to her.
Tráele a Samnang.
Bring him back to her.
Tráelo a su lado.
She can bring Sarah with her.
Puede llevar a Sarah con ella.
I didn't bring her here, Abby.
No la he traído aquí, Abby.
It is my great pleasure to bring you Hasmig, singing her genocide remembrance song "One Night in Yerevan"
Es un gran placer presentarles a Hasmig cantando su canción en conmemoración del genocidio "One Night in Yerevan"
But I do know if those drops of blood match her DNA, your friends will be the first people I bring in for questioning.
Pero sé que si esas muestras de sangre coinciden con su ADN, tus amigas serán las primeras personas que serán interrogadas.
If those drops of blood match her DNA, your friends will be the first people I bring in for a questioning.
Si esas gotas de sangre concuerdan con su ADN, tus amigas serán las primeras a las que traeré para interrogarlas.
She's trying to bring us all down with her, and I keep trying to figure out if a girl is flirting with me or not.
Ella intentará arrastrarnos a todas con ella y estoy intentando descifrar si una chica está flirteando conmigo o no.
Because you're gonna tell her she's agent-in-command, so that when she's not pathetically trying to make me jealous by hitting on this idiot beard-face sweater-model, she's gonna lord it over me and Ray, who, by the way, forgot to bring gum!
Porque vas a decirle que ella es la agente-al-mando, para que cuando deje de hacer patéticos intentos de ponerme celoso coqueteando con el idiota cara-barbuda modelo de suéteres, empiece a darnos ordenes a Ray y a mí, quien, por cierto, ¡ olvidó traer la goma de mascar!
bring her to me 58
bring her back 80
bring her up 22
bring her here 52
bring her in 128
bring her out 21
bring her down 17
bring her home 16
here 35434
hermes 98
bring her back 80
bring her up 22
bring her here 52
bring her in 128
bring her out 21
bring her down 17
bring her home 16
here 35434
hermes 98
here we go 9033
hernandez 57
hermano 85
heroes 83
hero 275
here you go 5858
heroine 19
hers 94
herpes 52
herman 232
hernandez 57
hermano 85
heroes 83
hero 275
here you go 5858
heroine 19
hers 94
herpes 52
herman 232
here we go again 374
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here goes nothing 99
hermann 78
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
hermann 78
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366