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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ B ] / Bring her in

Bring her in Çeviri İspanyolca

1,548 parallel translation
Bring her in, bring her in.
Bring her in.
Digale que entre.
If it's a friend, bring her in.
Si es un amigo, tráelo.
I'll bring her in.
La voy a traer.
Have him find Aubrey Cain, Brown undergrad, bring her in.
Dile que busque a Aubrey Cain, alumna de Brown y que la traiga.
Curtis is prepping a tactical team to try to bring her in.
Curtis está preparando un equipo táctico para intentar traerla. Está bien.
We've just sent a tac team to bring her in.
Acabo de mandar a un equipo táctico para traerla.
I guess we'll have to bring her in.
Supongo que tendremos que traerla.
Go to Tina's house. Bring her in.
Ve a la casa de Tina y tráetela.
I hear they're about to bring her in to represent Jenny Dennison.
Escuché que están por traerla representando a Jenny Dennison.
You were supposed to make the list and then bring her in. Was I unclear?
Tenías que hacer la lista y luego traerla a ella. ¿ No quedó claro?
I'll give Lane a call and bring her in for a fitting.
Ok, llamaré a Lane y le diré que venga para una prueba.
She'll be in recovery for two to three hours. Then we'll start up on the anti-psychotics. We'll bring her in here... today.
Se recuperará en 2 o 3 horas y empezaremos a darle los antipsicóticos.
Bring her in as well.
Llévenla a ella también.
She could've gone after Joy right then, but... she didn't want to bring her in.
Ella podía haber ido tras Joy en ese mismo momento, pero... ella no quería apresarla.
- We'll bring her in.
- La traeremos.
We'll bring her in now.
La traeremos ahora.
We should contact Chloe and bring her in.
Tienes que contactar a Chloe y traerla de vuelta.
She's right outside. I'll bring her in in a minute.
- Está afuera, la traeré enseguida.
If T.J. gets to Ryland again, or any of them, before we can bring her in, people are gonna start to wonder if the United States government is capable of protecting its citizens. And that's the beginning of chaos.
Si T.J. se acerca a Ryland otra vez, o a cualquiera de ellos antes de poder atraparla la gente comenzará a preguntarse si el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos es capaz de proteger a sus ciudadanos y ése será comienzo del caos.
Let's bring her in.
Sin dirección conocida.
Bring her in anyway.
Tráigala de todos modos.
- I had a car bring her in.
Mandé a un oficial a traerla.
You should have just asked me to bring her in.
Deberías haberme preguntado para meterla en esto.
You give up now, they'll bring her in.
Ríndete ahora, y la traerán.
What if we do, we bring her in, then what?
Si lo hacemos, si la traemos. ¿ Qué pasará después?
Bring her in.
Tráela para acá.
Bring her in.
Tráela aquí.
Use a full security team and bring her in through the underground garage.
Coje un equipo de seguridad al completo y pasa por el garage del subterraneo.
Get someone round to her place and bring her in. If she's not at her desk in one hour, she's out of a job.
Envía a alguien a su casa y que la traiga, y si no está en su mesa dentro de una hora, está despedida.
He wants us to bring her in.
Quiere que vayamos a buscarla.
- Sarah in earlier. - But you didn't bring her in.
- Pero no lo hizo.
Never seen her ; you never bring her in.
Nunca la he visto, nunca la traes.
Go ahead and bring her in.
Vamos, tráela.
Well, bring her in.
Bueno, tráigala.
She's a computer with a glitch. Bring her in.
Es una computadora descompuesta.
If we left it to the royal undertakers, they'd bring her back in a crate.
Si se lo dejamos a los agentes funerarios reales la traerán en una simple caja de madera.
And if you're going to stand in the way of me trying to win her back, you'd better bring a pretty big candlestick.
Y si Ud. Se opone a mi lucha por reconquistarla... búsquese un buen candelabro.
In the hospital, when I gave birth, I told them not to bring her to me.
En el hospital, cuando di a luz, les pedí que no me la trajeran.
I felt like it would make sense to bring Björk in as a character, introduce her into the story that way.
Sentí que tendría sentido presentar a Björk...
If we don't bring her body temperature down, her baby might be in danger.
Hay una mujer, ella esta embarazada, Y si no bajamos su temperatura corporal,
Bevin wants me to remind you to bring your flatiron to her in the morning.
Bevin quiere que recuerdes llevarle la plancha por la mañana.
I'm in the hospital, you don't tell why, and bring her here.
Que estoy en el hospital, no le dices porqué, y la traes aquí.
Bring her to the hospital in Al-Fashir.
La llevaremos al hospital de Al-Fashir.
And Kacey sure as hell does not need me in her life, so do us both a favor, and do not bring her around here again, okay?
Y está muy claro que Kacey no me necesita en su vida así que háganos un favor a las dos, y no la traiga otra vez por aquí ¿ vale?
Whatever it is, she risked her life to bring it in.
Sea lo que sea, ella arriesgó la vida para traerlo.
Let's bring in every guy who was there, get Sydney Blair to ID her attackers.
Traigamos a los que hayan estado en la fiesta y que Sydney los identifique.
So we should bring in her dad.
- Pienso que debemos traer a su padre.
If the mother can sustain her cub for a few more weeks spring will bring an increase in prey and her task will lighten.
Si su madre puede mantener a su cachorro por unos meses más la primavera traerá un incremento de presas y su futuro se aclarará.
She can bring people in to lie for her.
Ella puede traer personas para que mientan por ella.
We'll bring her in.
La traeremos.

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