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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ B ] / Bring her down

Bring her down Çeviri İspanyolca

384 parallel translation
Bring her down.
Hazla bajar.
What? I'm going up in my ship to bring her down.
Cogeré el avión, iré a por ella.
- Bring her down easy. - "easy"?
- Tráelo de vuelta tranquilo - ¿ Tranquilo?
Bring her down quick, Hendricks.
Tráigala abajo, Hendricks.
Bring her down immediately.
Tráela de inmediato.
Bring her down to the corner of Elm and Republic right away.
Tráela a la esquina de Elm y Republic.
You'd better Bring her down.
Será mejor que vayas a buscarla.
Ask Olaf to bring her down.
Pídele a Olaf que la baje.
That is the sort of man who kills the soul of a woman... who bring her down to earth.. .. and you make it to desert.. ... or horrible dead and dry.
Eres el tipo de hombre que aniquila el alma de una mujer le pone los pies en la Tierra y convierte su vida en un serial en un páramo horrible y baldío.
Serves you right for not letting me bring her down.
Te está bien empleado por no dejar que la llevara yo.
Bring her down here.
Tráela aquí abajo.
- Bring her down here.
- Tráela aquí abajo.
Bring her down.
Tràela aquí.
Did you bring her down?
¿ La trajo?
- Would you bring her down here?
- ¿ Podrías hacerla venir aquí?
I was so worried, I thought I'd better bring her down here.
- Estaba preocupada. Creí que sería mejor bajarla.
Bring her down.
Tráigalo hacia abajo.
Bring her down 10 percent.
Bájela un diez por ciento.
Bring her down!
¡ Bajarla!
Bring her down.
- I'll bring her down for you.
La bajaré para que la vea.
- Bring her down.
- Que baje.
Bring her down.
Tráiganla aquí.
You know, I wish there was some way we could bring her down to our world. Then she could experience the real fun.
Si hubiera una manera para traerla a nuestro mundo y que se divierta un poco.
- Bring her down, bring her down.
- Bájelo, bájelo.
But she swore if I didn't bring her down here, she'd come on her own.
Pero juró que si no la traía aquí, vendría por las suyas.
Somebody will call you up on the house phone to bring her down. You got it?
Alguien te telefoneará para que la bajes. ¿ Entendido?
That book will bring her down to earth and I knew nothing else that could.
Ese libro la hará pisar la tierra y no sabía nada más que pudiera hacerlo.
That's it. Bring her down. Don't tense up.
And even more, how another letter would one day bring her world down in ruins.
Y tampoco sabía, cómo otra carta algún día arruinaría su mundo.
Then she started to bring her friends down here.
Después empezó a traer a sus amigos aquí.
Why don't you fly down there in an aerioplane with a bunch of roses in your hand... and meet her when she gets off and bring her home?
¿ Por qué no toma un avión con un montón de rosas... la recibe al bajarse del tren y la trae de regreso a casa?
Then she started to bring her friends down here.
Luego empezó a traer a sus amigos aquí...
Will you bring her down?
¿ Va a tllevarsela abajo?
I'll set her down and bring them in.
Voy a aterrizar y a recogerlos.
Put down full flap, bring your airspeed back to 110 adjust your trim, and start easing her down.
Baje completamente los flaps, baje la velocidad a 110 equilibre el avión, y empiece a bajarlo.
She's let the family down. And I shall bring her to book...
Nos ha fallado y la llamaré a orden...
- Hey look, I'll go tell the deputy she's up here. He can radio down and have someone bring her back to the sheriff's office.
Le diré al alguacil que está aquí para que la escolte a su oficina.
That may help. When you're ready, bring the money down, and you take her.
Cuando estén listos, bajen el dinero y se la podrán llevar.
If you don't allow me to bring Dr. McCoy down here, it'll soon be too late to do anything for her.
Permítame traer al Dr. McCoy o no podremos hacer nada por ella.
Track her down, boys. Bring her back.
"Buscad a la pequeña y traedla pronto."
Now I'll bring our airspeed down, put her on autopilot.
Bajaré la velocidad de vuelo. Conectaré el piloto automático.
Bring her down.
Alright, let's calm down, let's do the deal You cut her loose, you bring your van here, we're gonna load this shit up and we're out of here together, in separate vehicles That's the only way it's gonna be
de acuerdo escucha vamos hacer el trato la sueltas traes la furgoneta cargamos la coca y salimos todos separados es la única forma de hacerlo
Bring her on down.
Traiga su hacia abajo.
- Bring her on down, damn it!
- Llévala hacia abajo, maldita sea!
Bring her on down!
Traiga su encendido abajo!
And I thought that the best way to get her over it was to take her up and bring her back down again safe and sound.
Y pensé que el mejor modo de quitarle el miedo era subirla y bajarla de nuevo sana y salva.
Send her down, and I want her to bring the key with her.
Hazla bajar y quiero que traiga la llave con ella.
- I could bring it down to her.
- Yo podría llevárselo.
You tore her limb from limb before we were able to bring you down.
despedazaste es miembro a miembro, antes de que pudieramos derribarte.

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