Call it even Çeviri İspanyolca
884 parallel translation
Call it even.
Estamos en paz.
Why don't you call it even?
Pónganse de acuerdo.
Put us up at your place for that revival end of summer. - We'll call it even.
Alojadnos para el festival religioso y quedamos en paz.
Things have settled down here and you don't need me anymore and I've taken out much more than I invested, so let's just call it even.
Todo se arregló aquí, y ya no me necesitas. He ganado mucho más de lo que invertí, así que estamos a mano.
Give me a few bucks, we'll call it even.
Dame diez dólares y estamos en paz.
Give me a thousand lira and we'II call it even.
Déme mil liras y quedamos a mano.
You give us half of what you took us for at poker and we'll call it even.
Danos la mitad de lo que nos has ganado al póquer y quedaremos en paz.
Give me $ 5, we'll call it even.
Dame 5, y quedamos a mano.
They're constantly on call, always tense and alert, ever ready to spring into action, to follow even the slightest lead, as it just might be the one that solves the case.
Están siempre alertas. Siguiendo cualquier pista, hasta la más insignificante, que pueda conducirnos a nuestro hombre.
Even if I call, pay no attention to it.
Aunque le llame, no me haga caso.
You might even call it justifiable homicide.
Homicidio justificado, ¿ no?
You might even call it training.
Casi podríamos llamarle entrenamiento.
"we might even call it a crime..."
"podríamos llamarlo un crimen..."
But even Octavia calls her like that and you object that I call her by a name which all the world uses and think it's incredible that you compare her and Octavia in such a ridiculous manner
¡ Pero si incluso Octavia la llama así! Tú sacas conclusiones de que le llame por un nombre que todo el mundo usa. A mí me parece increíble que la compares con Octavia de una manera tan ridícula como lo acabas de hacer.
I might even call it threatening. What do you say?
Hasta podría llamarlo extraño. ¿ Qué dice Ud.?
They even call it "pure wine".
Incluso le llaman "vino fino"
And for his death no wind of blame shall breathe, and even his mother shall uncharge the practice and call it accident.
Y ningún viento suspirará reproches por su muerte. Su misma madre no albergará sospecha, pues la creerá accidente.
Call it that if you want. There's some things that even I wouldn't sell to an Indian.
Llámalo como quieras... pero hay ciertas cosas que yo no le vendería ni siquiera a un indio.
But I think it is only fitting that I forgo the honor of making this presentation myself and call upon a great gentleman of whom we are also very proud, even though he is not a native son.
Pero creo que lo adecuado, es que ceda el honor... de hacer esta presentación... a un gran caballero, de quien también estamos muy orgullosos... aunque no sea un hijo nativo.
You call it a sin to be with a man even to go to a picture show.
Para ti estar con un hombre es pecado, incluso para ir al cine.
Let's call it an even 46.
Redondeemos en 46.
I wouldn't call it running, even leaving Texas out.
No me parece que estemos huyendo, aunque no vayamos a Texas.
Even so, it's not customary to call them gentlemen.
Aunque no se les suele llamar "caballeros".
It's ridiculous to hear you call something "love".. .. that I knew even then, was mere useful infatuation.
Es ridículo oírte llamar "amor" a algo que incluso entonces sabía que era sólo una obsesión.
Well, I thought we'd call it something romantic... and maybe foreign even.
Bueno, pensé en ponerle un nombre romántico... tal vez incluso extranjero.
Let's just call it $ 75 even.
Vamos a decir que son solo 75 dolares.
All you have to do is sign a full statement naming names we won't even call it a confession, and you go free.
Sólo tiene que firmar una declaración con todos los nombres ni siquiera lo llamaremos confesión, y saldrá en libertad.
You call your Judah your homeland, Yet you've never even seen it.
Llamas a Judea tu patria sin haberla visto nunca.
Even if you had invented a time machine, or whatever you call it, what of it?
Aunque usted haya inventado Una maquina del tiempo o como quiera llamarla que importa?
But it's so funny, though, sometimes you'd never believe it, they call me Katharine, I don't even know it's my own name, I forget to answer.
A veces me llaman Katharine ¡ y se me olvida contestar!
But a bulb this weak, you can't even call it a light. It's a dark.
Una bombilla tan débil como ésta ni siquiera ilumina... oscurece.
It set an historic new low even for that greasy spoon nick dares to call a diner.
Esto lo puso en un histórico nivel bajo. Incluso para esa cocina grasienta esto no se llamar una comida.
Even if it's true, I can stop it with just one phone call. Trust me.
¡ No hablaré más contigo cuando pierda tu confianza!
You might even call it a... miracle.
Podríamos llamarlo... un milagro.
It's hard to say, but I call even.
Es difícil decirlo, pero creo que par.
I know it's not a big legal point but even in kindergarten, they used to call me Bloom.
Sé que no es un punto legal importante pero aun en el preescolar, me llamaban Bloom.
Call it a deep understanding of the way things happen to Vulcans, but I know that not a person, not even the computers onboard the Intrepid, knew what was killing them or would have understood it had they known.
Llámelo una profunda comprensión de cómo ocurren cosas a los vulcanos pero sé que ni una sola persona ni las computadoras a bordo del Intrepid supieron qué los mataba o lo hubiera comprendido de haberlo sabido.
We've got to call a truce, even if it's a pretense.
Debemos declarar una tregua, aunque no sea cierta.
You might even call it criminal. You'd be right.
Podrías incluso llamarlo criminal, y tendrías razón.
We'll call it $ 1 even, including the ice cream.
Que sea un dólar por todo, incluyendo el helado.
Well, we'll call it seven even.
Da lo mismo. Pongamos que eran siete.
Call it 279 D's even for Mr. Simonson.
Se lo dejo en 279 por ser el Sr. Simonson.
You might even call it madness!
Ya lo creo.
I mean, they don't even call us in unless that's what it is, somebody dead.
Nunca nos llaman a no ser que haya alguien muerto.
It's even hard to call it a room.
Ni siquiera llega a ser una "habitación".
The pious call it the kingdom of God, even though no one knows of it or sees it...
El reino de Dios, si lo preguntas. Pero no importa.
Well, call it whatever you like, even Juliana.
Bueno, llámalo como quieras, Yuliana tal vez.
We don't even know if it is a sickness. And we are haughty enough to call it lunacy.
Esta enfermedad que no se sabe si lo es, y que nuestra arrogancia ha llamado locura.
For instance : if we put a butterfly in a cage, within a few hours it will be able to gather around it many other butterflies which will quickly swarm in, in answer to its call even covering a distance of several miles.
Por ejemplo : si encerramos una mariposa en una jaula, en pocas horas será posible ver muchas mariposas a su alrededor en respuesta a su llamada incluso viajando miles de kilómetros para llegar ahí.
Even when those youths come from a... disadvantaged background, as they call it.
Incluso cuando vienen de un medio... desfavorecido, como le llaman.
Or even love, if we want to call it that.
O amor, si queremos llamarlo así.
call it in 159
call it 238
call it off 70
call it a night 23
call it what you want 71
call it a hunch 32
call it whatever you want 26
call it a day 19
call it what you will 24
call it what you like 22
call it 238
call it off 70
call it a night 23
call it what you want 71
call it a hunch 32
call it whatever you want 26
call it a day 19
call it what you will 24
call it what you like 22
even 1030
event 27
evening 1108
events 37
eventually 1458
evenin 44
even if you don't 27
evening news 25
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
event 27
evening 1108
events 37
eventually 1458
evenin 44
even if you don't 27
evening news 25
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even so 574
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even me 139
even though 141
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even so 574
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even me 139