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Come one Çeviri İspanyolca

15,294 parallel translation
You've come one body short.
Les faltó uno.
♪ Come on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine ♪ All right, everyone, listen up. I don't know about you, but I, for one, am sick and tired of hate speech that serves to marginalize others.
♪ ven a South Park y reunete con algunos amigos mios ♪ All right, todos, escuchen no los conozco, pero estoy enfermo y cansado del discurso de odio que margina a los demás.
A foreign accent must come in handy, when selling yourself as one.
Un acento extranjero debe resultar útil, cuando te vendes a ti mismo como uno.
- I've called every one of my exes to come down and vouch for me, and they're freezing me out.
- He llamado a todos De mis ex novios venir abajo y responder por mí, Y ellos me están congelando a cabo.
- Oh, come on, I can grab one.
- Oh, vamos, que puedo tomar uno.
I called you here to inform you of an important epiphany I had earlier this very afternoon. It isn't the one about not pooping where you eat again, is it?
No es la de no volver a hacer popó donde se come, ¿ o sí?
Come on, DJ, one little clue.
Vamos, DJ, una pequeña pista.
Yeah, I sort of remember her going up one time but I never saw her come out.
Sí, en cierto modo me acuerdo de ella subiendo una vez pero nunca la vi salir.
If the liver doesn't come from your wife, he won't get one.
Si el hígado no viene de su esposa, No va a conseguir uno.
I'm waiting for one more test to come back, and if the results are what I think they are,
Estoy esperando una prueba más para volver, Y si los resultados son lo que creo que son,
Come on, first one out, let's go.
Vamos, primero en salir, vamos a ir.
In search of wisdom... two cultures come together as one.
En busca de la sabiduría... dos culturas se hacen una.
Come on, one more.
Vamos, uno más. Vamos.
Did he come clean, or did his mobbed-up lawyer get him to take one for the team?
¿ Salió limpio, o su mafioso abogado... lo obligó a tomar una por el equipo?
Well, there's just the four of us, and you're the only one who eats it.
Bueno, no es sólo el cuatro de nosotros, y eres el único que lo come.
How come I slept on the couch last night but you're the grumpy one?
¿ Como es que yo dormí en el sofá anoche pero tú eres el del mal humor?
And few challenges come bigger than the one in this ocean.
Y pocos desafíos vienen más grande que el de este océano.
Come on, chaps, steel yourselves, this one's for the club.
Vamos chicos, haced el esfuerzo, es por el club.
Polar bears are one of the few animals on Earth that will come and find you.
Los osos polares son uno de los pocos animales de la Tierra que vienen a conocernos.
So you can do one of those but if you pick her up and you soothe her and you mess up her sleep training, I'll know about it and I'll come to your house and wake you up, OK?
Así que puedes hacer una de esas cosas, pero si la coges y la calmas y rompes su rutina para dormir, lo sabré y vendré a tu casa a despertarte, ¿ de acuerdo?
Three, two, one. Come on!
Tres, dos, uno. ¡ Vamos!
And, this is a tiny one, but... as I look at you, all the reasons that I fell in love with you have come flooding back so much that I think I might throw up.
Y esta es una pequeña, pero... al mirarte, todos las razones por las que me enamoré de ti resurgen con tanta fuerza que creo que podría vomitar.
Come on, I'll buy you another one.
Vamos, te compraré otro.
I'm working with Scotland Yard on this one so you'll have to take a back-seat - but feel free to come and watch.
Estoy trabajando con Scotland Yard en este caso, por lo que tendrás que descansar, pero no dudes en venir a ver.
It was just the right thing to do. And now you come here to engage me in one of these agreements.
Era solo lo que habia que hacer tu vienes para contratame en uno de esos acuerdos
You have one too.
Come tú también.
Come on, you're so pretty and you're so cool, and I really like you, and you're the only one I want to touch it.
Vamos, eres tan linda... tan genial. Y me gustas mucho. Y eres la única que quiero...
Well, wouldn't it come across a bit sinister knowing every detail about one woman's life?
¿ No sería un poco siniestro saber todos los detalles de la vida de una sola mujer?
No one knows for sure why they gather in such numbers, but some certainly come to these oases in search of food.
Nadie sabe por qué se reúnen en gran número, pero algunos sin duda vienen a este oasis en busca de alimento.
I couldn't even get my own family to come out with me for one night.
Ni siquiera pude convencer a mi familia para que venga conmigo por una noche.
Tell them he's the one that stole the wristbands, he's the one that wouldn't let you come back home.
Dígales que es el que robó las pulseras, Él es el que no dejaba que vuelvas a casa.
One good thing has come out of this tragedy.
Algo bueno salió de esta tragedia.
I am in charge of the entertainment for the benefit tonight, and we'd so love it if you would come and perform one of your little ballet solos for the crowd.
Estoy a cargo del entretenimiento del baile a beneficio de esta noche y nos encantaría si vienes y haces uno de tus solos de ballet.
Don't be scare... come here... no one can save you now.
No te asustes, ven aquí, ahora nadie puede salvarte.
On one condition.. That you guys come to the party tomorrow.
Con una condición... que vengan a la fiesta mañana.
And this is one of those moments where all of the elements have just come together in an exquisite display of colour and light.
Y este es uno de esos momentos en el que se combinan todos los elementos en un espectáculo exquisito de luces y colores.
How come no one said anything about you?
¿ Por qué nadie ha dicho nada sobre ti?
I have come to believe that for Ramanujan, every single positive integer is one of his personal friends.
He llegado a creer que, para Ramanujan cada número entero es un amigo íntimo.
Just come home for one or two days.
Regresa solo uno o dos días.
My mom said, "One day, they would come in handy."
Mi mamá dijo que un día me vendrían bien.
Well, then get them to come to one meeting'.
- Entonces haz que vengan a una asamblea.
Get them to come to one union league meeting'.
Que vengan a una asamblea de la Liga.
We all come with the promise of being healed... and instead The Ancient One gives us parlor tricks.
Todos venimos con la promesa de ser sanados y, en cambio, Ancestral nos da trucos de salón.
And for your sake, I hope, one day, you will come regret the things you just said to him.
Y por tu bien, espero que un día te arrepientas de lo que le dijiste.
Come on, we'll get one.
Vamos, compremos uno.
I'll come, but I have one stipulation.
Iré. Pero con una condición.
If we don't come together, no one's walking out of here alive.
Si no nos unimos, nadie saldrá de aquí con vida.
FYI, five mini lion-bots come together to form one super-bot, so...
Para tu información, cinco minileones robots se unen para formar un superbot.
Actually, Miles is the one who convinced me to come back home.
De hecho, Miles fue quien me convenció de regresar a casa.
We can come back to this one if you want. Yeah.
- Podemos intentarlo después.
There's no one here to save you. Come out.
No hay nadie aquí para salvarte.

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