In front of Çeviri İspanyolca
36,852 parallel translation
Eli triggered the Silo right in front of me.
Eli activó el silo justo delante de mí.
I was actually right in front of you, trapped between dimensions.
En realidad, estaba delante de ti... atrapado entre dimensiones.
I'm sorry the Director put you on the spot like that in front of the press.
Lamento que el Director te pusiera en el candelero así... en frente de la prensa. Me hizo audible.
When I think of everything that that girl has managed to overcome, everything she has in front of her, changing my name, that wasn't just religion.
Cuando pienso en todo lo que esa chica ha logrado superar, todo lo que tuvo que enfrentar, cambiar mi nombre, eso no fue solo por la religión.
I swear, I wish I'd never mentioned Dead Poets Society in front of you.
Ojalá nunca te hubiera mencionado "El Club de los Poetas Muertos".
Isn't it better to get in front of it...
¿ No es mejor enfrentarse a esto...?
She wandered out to the balcony, fell off and died on the sidewalk in front of the building.
Ella salió al balcón y se cayó y murió en la acera, frente al edificio.
When I was seven... my dad killed my mum in front of me.
Cuando tenía siete años... mi papá, mató a mi mamá delante de mí.
You wouldn't risk losing in front of the girls.
No se correría el riesgo de perder frente a las chicas.
How are we supposed to extract her in front of the entire Inazagi delegation?
¿ Cómo vamos a extraerla frente a toda la delegación Inazagi?
Tomorrow, in front of a live audience, you'll each get a chance to show us how your charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent has grown.
Y mañana, en frente de una audiencia en directo, tendrán la oportunidad de mostrar cuanto de su carisma, originalidad, talento y osadía crecieron.
Never felt more alive than when he died in front of you.
Nunca me sentí más vivo que cuando murió delante de ti.
Suddenly, Mr. Pyarelal saw a growling snow leopard in front of him.
De repente, Pyare ji vio un leopardo de nieve rugiendo delante de él.
I ran to my room so I could write another letter for her to see her smile in front of my own eyes.
Corrí a mi habitación así podía escribir otra carta para ella. Así se la podía dar en ese momento. Yo, en ese momento..
As fate would have it in front of Captain Aphonso.
Como destino.. .. delante del Capitán Aphonso.
You want me to read this in front of workers drafted by force?
¿ Quiere que lea esto frente a los trabajadores reclutados por la fuerza?
They didn't... they didn't use their names in front of me, but I heard them whispering in their language.
No usaron sus nombres delante de mí, pero los oí susurrando en su idioma.
What started popping in my mind was the street in front of Raffaele's apartment... my front door being open...
Lo que se me vino a la mente fue la calle frente al apartamento de Raffaele... mi puerta del frente abierta...
If you can force yourself to take a minute, breathe and actually think, the solution's generally right in front of you.
Si puedes forzarte a tomarte un minuto, respirar y realmente pensar, la solución está generalmente delante de ti.
What happened back there? You pulled in front of Cloris.
Te le cruzaste
If I'd just been here, if I'd been in front of this, none of this would have happened.
Si... Si tan sólo hubiera estado aquí, si hubiera estado al frente de esto, nada de esto habría sucedido.
Right in front of Supergirl?
¿ Justo delante de Supergirl?
We put Mac in front of that nuke, let him disarm it.
Ponemos Mac frente a esa arma nuclear, dejamos que desarmarlo.
Fine, so if it's computers we're talking about, we put Riley in front of the bomb, have her hack it, and then it's cocktail time at TGIF.
Bien, así que si es computadoras que estamos hablando, Podemos poner Riley delante de la bomba, tiene su ilegalmente en él, y entonces es el momento de cócteles en TGIF.
But when the man gets shot right in front of you...
Pero cuando disparan al hombre delante de ti...
Last night in front of my house.
Anoche, frente a mi casa.
In front of my home, Eldon!
¡ Frente a mi casa, Eldon!
It just slipped out in front of her assistant one day. I didn't mean to.
No quería.
Well, my boss said he hadn't decided yet, so I gently reminded him that he's an old rich white guy, and I'm a sweet little pregnant lady who's not afraid to cry in front of a jury.
Bueno, mi jefe dijo que todavía no lo había decidido, así que le recordé cuidadosamente que es un viejo blanco con dinero, y yo soy una dulce pequeña mujer embarazada que no teme llorar en frente a un jurado.
Not in front of me.
No enfrente de mí.
What do you care about that twelve-year-old boy on his knees in front of a man with wet clothes on a chilly day in February in 1955!
¡ Qué le importa ese doceañero de rodillas delante de ese hombre con la ropa mojada un frío día de febrero de 1955!
That little piece of government-engineered plastic on the desk in front of you is a window to your soul.
Esa pequeña pieza de plástico de ingeniería gubernamental en la mesa delante de vosotros, es una ventana a vuestra alma.
I mean, he actually did go through with it in the messiest way possible, right in front of me.
Me refiero a que lo llevó a cabo de la peor manera posible, justo en frente de mí.
I realized if I kill you in front of him, I'd just leave another boy growing up with a heart full of hate.
Porque si te mataba frente a él... dejaría otro niño con un corazón llenándose de odio.
And tell Dave whassup, but not in front of Keith.
Y dile a Dave : "¿ qué hay?", pero no delante de Keith.
He ripped apart the doll right in front of me.
Destrozó la muñeca delante de mí.
Standing right in front of me.
De pie justo en frente de mí.
Do you remember when we did it in that buggy in front of that family?
¿ Recuerdas cuando lo hicimos en la calesa delante de esa familia?
I threw a garbage can in front of her, but it only made her more cheerful!
He tirado un cubo de basura delante de ella, ¡ pero solo la ha animado más!
Someone jumped in front of our subway car.
Alguien saltó delante de nuestro metro.
Anything you say to me, you can say in front of him.
Lo que tengas que decirme, lo puedes decir delante de él.
To cry in front of millions of strangers?
¿ Llore frente a millones de extraños?
Five years ago, you showed up to a family dinner, and in front of everybody, you called my father, your boss, an ass.
Hace cinco años, tú te presentaste en una cena familiar y delante de todos llamaste a mi padre, tu jefe, idiota.
Uh, you're really going to have caffeine in front of me when I'm trying to get my life back on track?
¿ En verdad vas a tomar cafeína enfrente de mí cuando trato de regresar mi vida al buen camino?
So get up in front of this whiteboard and do it!
¡ Así que ponte frente a esta pizarra y hazlo!
Yeah, I may not be a sniper, but I hit what's in front of me!
¡ Sí, puede que no sea el mejor, pero le doy a lo que tengo adelante!
Hit what's directly in front of you, Rog.
Dispárale a lo que tienes directamente en frente, Rog.
And in front of the hunters.
Y delante de los cazadores.
[chuckling] Darling, please don't correct me in front of my students.
Cariño, no me corrijas en clase.
Yeah, well, some of the ladies that work on the front desk have upgraded their clothing and their jewelry lately, and they've been in the habit of accidentally running off extra copies of Paige's prescriptions.
Sí, bueno, algunas de las damas que trabajan en la recepción han mejorado su ropa y joyas últimamente y se han acostumbrado a accidentalmente hacer copias extra de las prescripciones de Paige.
In one hour's time, the Citizen's Liberation Front will be prepared to trade 1,667 hostages in exchange... for the delivery of Eric Boyer to their custody.
En una hora, el Frente de Liberación Ciudadana estará listo para entregar a 1.667 rehenes a cambio... de la entrega de Eric Boyer.
in front of you 59
in front of me 49
in front of everyone 57
in front of all these people 16
in front of everybody 36
in front 30
of course 48716
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
in front of me 49
in front of everyone 57
in front of all these people 16
in front of everybody 36
in front 30
of course 48716
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
of course not 6388
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official 47
offense 31
often 203
offspring 19
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officers 467
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of course not 6388
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official 47
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often 203
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of course you can 486
of course you do 750
of course i do 1281
off the grid 28
officer down 213
offices 24
offs 170
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off the top of my head 48
of course you can 486
of course you do 750
of course i do 1281
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
of course i can 204
off with his head 28
of course you don't 199
of course i will 266
off i go 35
of course i am 561
of course i can 204
off with his head 28
of course you don't 199
of course i will 266
off i go 35
of course i am 561