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Just friends Çeviri İspanyolca

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Of being just friends. Meanwhile, jane was trying to focus on What was best for her baby, and you know what wasn't best?
Mientras tanto, Jane estaba intentando centrarse en lo que era mejor para su bebé, ¿ y sabéis que no era lo mejor?
Because we're just friends.
Porque somos sólo amigos.
We're just friends. Yep.
Sólo somos amigos.
To be clear, we're all just friends here, right? - Just friends.
Mientras mi descontenta maestra estaba desechando a mi madre,
Ah... just friends.
Solo amigos.
Mom, we are just friends.
Mamá, somos solo amigos.
But you know, I get it, because you and April are just friends.
Pero sabes, lo entiendo porque tu y April sois sólo amigos.
- He doesn't have ben In the back of his mind. They're just friends.
- No piensa en Ben, Son solo amigos.
And you guys just became friends again.
Y acaban de convertirse en amigos de nuevo.
I just hope we can be friends.
Y espero que podamos ser amigos.
You know how you have those certain friends who you don't see for years and then when you see them again, I's like nothing's changed, and you can just pick right up where you left off?
¿ Sabes cómo es cuando tienes esos amigos que no ves por años y luego cuando los ves de nuevo, es como si nada hubiera cambiado, y puedes retomar justo donde lo dejaron?
You know, it's one thing to hurt me, but what you did affected all of my ghoul friends and that's a line that you just don't cross!
Una cosa es lastimarme a mí, pero lo que hiciste afectó a todas mis amigas, ¡ y esa es una línea que nadie puede cruzar!
He and I are just best friends.
Él y yo solo somos los mejores amigos.
Yeah, I just told my friends over there that I thought you were cute and they dared me to come over here and talk to you, so... please talk to me.
Sí, le dije a mis amigas de por ahí que pensaba que eras lindo y ellas me retaron a venir aquí y hablarte, así que... por favor háblame.
He just wants to be friends.
Solo quiere que sean amigos.
It's unfortunate that being with Andy means occasionally I have to put up with you, but I'm not gonna just stand here and pretend like we're friends.
Es lamentable que estar con Andy signifique que de vez en cuando tenga que aguantarte a ti, pero no voy a estar aquí y fingir que somos amigas.
Hey, um, I know you and my sister are friends, but can you just do me a favor and don't tell her that I'm here?
Eh, sé que mi hermana y tú sois amigas, pero, ¿ puedes hacerme un favor y no decirle que estoy aquí?
You can't just use my friends as pawns in your sick game.
Bueno, para mí. ¡ Hola, friendos!
WOMAN : Oh no, we're just good friends.
- No, solo somos buenos amigos.
BRANDO : Just good friends?
- ¿ Solo buenos amigos?
He's just getting drunk with his friends, not taking work seriously, not taking the baby seriously.
Acaba de emborracharse con sus amigos, no tomar en serio el trabajo, no tomar en serio al bebé.
It's just like I said, I have a lot of friends here, and... it's a big responsibility.
Es lo que le dije, tengo un montón de amigos aquí y... es una gran responsabilidad.
Listen, Dong, I need you to know... that Logan is my boyfriend, so you and I... will just be friends.
Escucha, Pollong, necesito que sepas... que Logan es mi novio, así que tú y yo... seremos solo amigos.
But then I realized, her friends are just the worst.
Pero luego me di cuenta, que sus amigos son los peor.
I thought Lee said this was just going to be a few close friends.
Pensé que Lee había dicho que esto iba a ser sólo para amigos cercanos.
You just lost one of your best friends.
Acabas de perder a una de tus mejores amigas.
I just need to clarify something about what Audrey and her friends found at that abandoned hospital.
Sólo necesito aclarar algo acerca de lo que Audrey y sus amigos encontraron en ese hospital abandonado.
We took fingerprints and swabs of Audrey and her friends, just in case they contaminated the scene.
Tomamos huellas dactilares e hisopos de Audrey y sus amigos, en caso de que contaminaran la escena.
Just making friends.
Solo hago amigos.
And they're just the best of friends.
Y son los mejores amigos.
Well, I was just wondering if it might've been possible he could've been friends with one of your kids.
Solo me preguntaba si a lo mejor era posible... que hubiera sido amigo de algunos de sus chicos.
Howdy, y'all. We're just a couple of old college friends from Dallas. How do you know the bride, y'all?
nosotros somos un par de antiguos amigos de un colegio de dallas como conoces the bride, y all?
My friends and I are having such a good time and we're not ready for the night to be over just yet.
Mis amigos y yo nos lo estamos pasando muy bien y no estamos preparados para que la noche termine ya.
One of my best friends just lost his son.
Uno de mis mejores amigos acaba de perder a su hijo.
I just want to hang out with my friends, be normal, or at least act normal for once.
Solo quiero quedar con mis amigos, ser normal, o, al menos, actuar con normalidad por una vez.
And eventually his friends left, and it was just me and him.
Al rato se fueron sus amigos, y sólo quedamos él y yo.
I know you were saying the other morning about, uh, about us just being friends.
Sé que esta mañana decías, que querías que... siguiéramos siendo amigos.
Think if we just stay friends, it'll hurt a lot less when I leave.
Creo que deberíamos quedar como amigos... dolerá mucho menos cuando me vaya.
No, they're not my friends, because anybody who's my friend is cool enough to recognize just how amazing you are.
No, ellos no son mis amigos, porque cualquiera que sea mi amigo debería ser genial para reconocer lo asombrosa que eres.
Or maybe just old friends.
O quizás solo viejos amigos.
If you can't be real about this, Tom, then this section of the cast is gonna be left blank and everybody's gonna think that you just don't have enough friends to fill a cast.
Si no lo tomas en serio Tom, Ésta parte del yeso quedará en blanco. y todo el mundo pensará que no tienes suficientes amigos para llenarlo.
- Where would you meet other friends? - Just around.
- ¿ De dónde conoces a otra gente?
And hon- - honestly, uh... Being friends with josh is just slightly less effort Than having to find somewhere else to live.
Ser amigo de Josh es menos esfuerzo que buscar donde más vivir.
I have some books, and it will take no time, it's just that unfortunately, me and my assistant are preparing to host a little party for some friends this evening, SO...
Tengo algunos libros, no tomara mucho tiempo, es solo que desafortunadamente, yo y mi asistente nos preparamos para ofrecer una pequeña fiesta para algunos amigos esta tarde, así que
So we just, you know, they're Facebook friends,
Así que, ya sabes, son amigas de Facebook,
Just'cause you have no friends doesn't mean you have to make everyone else suffer, 416.
Que no tengas amigos, no te da derecho... a poner a sufrir a los demás, 416.
We're just old friends.
Solo somos viejos amigos.
I'll just sit at home and do my nails like some old retired lady whose friends have all died.
Sólo me sentaré en casa y arreglaré mis uñas... como una anciana retirada cuyos amigos están todos muertos.
Just'cause I'm about to tell one of my good friends that I love him?
¿ Solo porque estoy a punto de decirle a uno de mis buenos amigos que lo amo?
We just started hanging out as friends, and...
Empezamos a salir como amigos y...
I was just thinking, for my friends, they should fail in their exams because then I would have, like, more opportunities for me, and it was just because our teacher said to us that just the 90 % of us, we are losing our time. I don't know.
No sé.

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