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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ J ] / Just him

Just him Çeviri İspanyolca

60,241 parallel translation
Well, no, it's not just him.
Bueno, no es solo él.
It's not just him at risk.
No está solo él en peligro.
Just tell him to put down the bloody knife. Yeah?
Solo dile que baje el puto cuchillo. ¿ Vale?
We just need him to turn his bloody phone on.
Solo necesitamos que encienda su puto teléfono móvil.
- You just betrayed him.
- Tú acabas de traicionarle.
I just hate that I hurt him.
Siento haberlo lastimado.
We can't just stay here and wait for him to burst in and slaughter us.
No podemos quedarnos a esperar que entre y nos mate.
And we're just leaving him there?
¿ Y lo dejaremos ahí?
You're just gonna leave him there?
¿ Va a dejarlo ahí?
I'm just saying, I wouldn't want him to pull focus from what you're trying to achieve.
Solo digo que no querría que apartara la atención de lo que usted intenta conseguir.
Don't tell me you sat there and just watched the Tafero brothers pull up and go in and kill him.
No me digas que te sentaste a ver a los hermanos Tafero matándolo.
I just need to ask him a few questions.
Solo necesito hacerle unas preguntas.
He always whinnied when he saw me, and that's how he showed me that he loved me just like I loved him.
Siempre relinchaba cuando me veía... y así me demostraba que me amaba como yo lo amaba a él.
Just tell him I did a good job, okay?
Dile solo que he hecho un buen trabajo, ¿ vale?
Shouldn't we just grab him now?
¿ No deberías cojerlo ahora?
And I'm worried, I'm just... if he screws up with one more big client... it's just gonna destroy him! God.
No estoy preocupado.
I'll tell you whatever you want to know, just let him go.
Te diré lo que quieras saber, solo déjalo ir.
Just keep your mind on Maddox... because you're gonna be with him before you know it.
Solo concéntrate en Maddox... porque vas a estar con él antes de que te des cuenta.
The rest all just served under him.
El resto servía bajo sus órdenes.
We can't just walk him out.
No podemos salir andando con él simplemente.
It's just that... I can see him in your eyes.
Es solo que... puedo ver sus ojos en los tuyos.
- And if you hadn't just killed him, we would've had a better chance of figuring out who he is and who the hell he works for.
- Y si no lo hubieras matado, tendríamos una mejor posibilidad de averiguar quién es y para quién cojones trabaja.
- So we're just gonna hand him over?
- Así que, ¿ vamos a entregarlo?
Nothing, just leave him alone.
Nada, solo déjalo en paz.
But Dilton Doiley had just opened Pandora's box, and now, there was nothing I, or anyone, could do to save him.
Pero Dilton Doiley acababa de abrir la caja de Pandora y no había nada que yo, ni nadie, pudiéramos hacer para salvarlo.
Just that I had a few words with our director / host, and reminded him that he's heard you sing on numerous occasions.
Solo que he tenido unas palabras con nuestro director / anfitrión, y le he recordado que ya te ha escuchado cantar en numerosas ocasiones.
You just have to help me get out of here, and then I'll go to meet him.
Tienes que ayudarme a salir de aquí e iré a reunirme con él.
I asked him for an alibi, and he just gave me lip.
Le pedí una coartada, y me contestó de mala manera.
I just... I can't believe she kicked him out.
Es que... no creo que lo haya echado.
Or maybe, the only friends he has just completely betrayed him.
O, a lo mejor, los únicos amigos que tiene le han traicionado.
So, did you know him well, or did you just do it for kicks?
¿ Le conocías bien o lo hiciste por diversión?
We just wanted to talk to him, to see if he knew anything about FP.
Solo queríamos hablar con él, ver si sabía algo sobre FP.
Brother, I want payback just as much as you do, but even if there was a shooter, how are we gonna find him?
Hermano, yo también quiero vengarme, pero si hubiera un tirador, ¿ cómo lo hallaremos?
Oh, he just asked me to change his grade for him, and I said no.
Solo me pidió que le cambiara la calificación, y le dije que no.
To him, you're just a computer nerd.
Para él, eres una nerd.
I just can't respect him anymore, you know what I mean?
Le perdí todo el respeto, ¿ me entiendes?
I'm just givin'him a ride.
Solo le llevo.
Just leave him alone, okay?
Dejadle en paz, ¿ vale?
Yes, I just didn't want him there.
¿ Por qué no?
You just need to talk to him.
Tienes que hablar con él.
He was a suspect, and they had him take a lie detector test, and he passed, but something just...
Era sospechoso y le sometieron a un detector de mentiras, y lo pasó, pero hay algo...
I just don't... I just don't like him.
Solo que... no me cae bien.
It's not in the registry. I think maybe you should just go and try calling him again. So I...
No está en el registro.
I don't think that you are. I think that you're human and you just wanted to see in him what you needed to see in him. I...
No... no creo que lo seas.
Although I did happen to bump into him in the village just this week and, you know, he's doing well.
Aunque resulta que me tropecé con él en el pueblo este fin de semana y le va bien.
But Norman is in a really fragile state right now, and i--i just--i don't- - i don't want him to get upset.
Pero Norman se encuentra en un estado muy frágil ahora mismo y... Es que no quiero que se altere.
Look, i--i just- - i really need to try and get him into a safe place and control his environment, okay?
Es todo lo que puedo decirte. Mira, tengo que intentar llevarlo a un lugar seguro y controlar su entorno, ¿ vale?
- look, why don't- - why don't you just give me your husband's name and I can ask him myself if he's seen him and- - um, I'm sure he'll let you know.
Mira, ¿ por qué no me dices cómo se llama tu marido y yo mismo le pregunto si lo ha visto? Seguro que te dice algo.
I just want to talk to him, Norman.
Solo quiero hablar con él, Norman.
He just... he has another side to him, you know.
Solo que... tiene otra parte en su ser, ya sabes.
If I ever lay eyes on him again, I might just kill him.
Si alguna vez vuelvo a verle, puede que lo mate.

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