More than likely Çeviri İspanyolca
773 parallel translation
Yeah, more than likely, they've caught someone - who was Miles away from the scene of the robbery!
Mas probablemente habrán... cogido a alguien que estaba millas alejado de la escena del robo.
He'll more than likely refuse to let me be your bridesmaid and just because he's in a beastly temper.
Probablemente se negará a que sea su dama de honor y sólo porque su humor es terrible.
Well, Andrews is Armitage's assistant. More than likely he's in the know.
Andrews es el ayudante de Armitage, sabe muchas cosas.
I'll more than likely own this whole shebang before the night's over.
Seré el dueño de todo este tinglado antes de que terminemos.
More than likely.
¡ Seguro!
Well, they was more than likely right.
Tenían razón.
We'll more than likely make up all that time and get there at, uh, 6 : 30.
Es muy probable que compensemos todo ese tiempo y que lleguemos a las... 6 : 30.
When our antagonists discover we've separated, it's more than likely you'll be followed, so I want you to make yourself as conspicuous as possible.
Cuando descubran que nos hemos separado, le seguirán. Quiero que sea precavido.
If you told the truth, it would be more than likely that he owed you.
Lo normal sería que él le debiera dinero a usted.
If he were alive, it's more than likely he'd hang you.
Si estuviera vivo, seguro que él le colgaría.
Well it seems more than likely that the people who planned the first attempt were not discouraged by one failure and will stop and nothing to insure success the second time.
Probablemente las personas que ya lo intentaron no se echarán atrás ni se detendrán ante nada para tener éxito en la segunda ocasión.
I'm more than likely the postman's son.
Soy muy probablemente El hijo del cartero.
More than likely they'll turn tail at the first shot.
- Darán la vuelta al primer disparo.
Leo, when we get you out of here I'll be going to New York more than likely.
Leo, cuando te saquemos de aquí seguramente me iré a Nueva York.
More than likely.
Es lo más probable.
He knew, of course, that this rather unique system of betting... Would more than likely result in a loss, but he didn't care.
El sabía, por supuesto, que ese particular sistema de apostar... resultaría mas probablemente en una pérdida, pero no se cuidó.
Over at the hotel, more than likely.
Probablemente en el hotel.
An opium den more than likely.
Un fumadero de opio seguramente.
More than likely, I should say.
Es más que probable.
And if those who happened to believe, as these Hungarian freedom fighters believed, had taken a strong moral stand on their behalf, at the time when it most mattered, then it is more than likely that 20,000 of these people,
Y si esos que lo creen, como estos combatientes húngaros, se hubiesen comprometido en el momento en el que era más importante,
They fall back, the Germans are more than likely to throw tanks in to fill the gap
Vuelven a caer, los alemanes son más que probable para lanzar los tanques para llenar la brecha
During the last few minutes, Leffingwell's chances have improved... and it seems more than likely he will be confirmed by a small margin... of maybe one or two votes.
En los últimos minutos las probabilidades de Leffingwell han mejorado y parece probable que sea confirmado por un pequeño margen de tal vez uno o dos votos.
More than likely he's got a wife and six kids waiting for him.
Seguramente tendrá una esposa y seis hijos esperándole.
More than likely.
Claro que sí.
Look, it's more than likely that if the police had caught him,
Mira, .. lo más probable es que si la policía hubiera atrapado,... se hubiera disparado un tiro de todos modos.
More than likely a dream.
Más bien fue un sueño.
Aye, more than likely.
Todo por el contrabando!
I've a gun and don't know how to use it, so you're more than likely gonna taste it.
Tengo un arma y no sé cómo usarla,... así que es más que probable que la vayas a probar.
No. More than likely, I'll call you.
Más bien te necesitaré yo.
It's more than likely.
Es probable.
It's more than likely we may not be able to defeat this menace.
Es más que probable que no seamos capaces de derrotar a esta amenaza.
Off to a big conference, more than likely.
Van a alguna conferencia, probablemente.
But more than likely, you hit with your open hand.
Pero lo más probable es que le pegue con la mano abierta.
More than likely Orville will shame us all.
Los más seguro es que... Orville nos humille a todos
We must emphasize once again that it is, now more than ever, every mother and father's sacred duty to alert their children to this ever present danger and to the friendly guise it is likely to assume.
Debemos recordarle de nuevo que el primer deber de una madre es resguardar a sus niños de los peligros que, constantemente, los amenazan. También, el peligro, a menudo, se esconde tras una atractiva carnada.
Oh. You mean you nominated me... because I was more likely to be defeated than anyone else.
Ah, quiere decir que me nombraron a mí... porque era más probable que perdiera yo que cualquier otro.
A person to a Doctor is more likely to come from a Hospital than a hunt, and when the letters'CC'appears before the Hospital, the name "Charing Cross Hospital" rather obviously presents itself.
Es más probable que el regalo de un doctor proceda de un hospital que de un club de caza. Si tenemos dos "ces" delante de Hospital, el nombre del Hospital Charing Cross se hace bastante obvio.
No more likely than you are to see them soldiers in their fancy pants from the fort.
Será más probable que ver a los soldados del fuerte.
More than likely save you a day or two.
Ganarán un día o dos.
And it's a great deal better, Workhouse, that she died when she did, or else she'd have been doing hard labor in Bridewell. Or transported or hung, which is more likely than either, isn't it?
Y fue mejor que muriera cuando murió, o estaría haciendo trabajos forzados en la cárcel, o la habrían deportado, o ahorcado, que es lo más probable.
- You're likely to hear more than that.
- Es probable que oigas más.
Well, Bushrod Gentry this arm's gonna need more tending to than it's likely to get here in these woods.
Bueno, Bushrod Gentry este brazo necesitará más cuidados de los que se encuentran en el bosque.
They're more likely to let us go on with someone wounded than...
Ellos serán más amables con nosotros si llevamos alguien herido que...
You knew more about it than I did, most likely.
Tú sabías más sobre él que yo, muy probablemente.
I'm more likely to travel in my new post at the Vatican... than I was as a seminary lector.
Es más probable que viaje con mi nuevo cargo en el Vaticano que cuando era rector de seminario.
All I can say is that it's more likely to be Earth than anywhere else and it's very strange indeed.
Todo lo que puedo decir es que lo más probable es que sea la Tierra que cualquier otro sitio y es muy extraño.
More likely than flying saucers.
Un médico con 30 años de experiencia, ¿ eso es probable?
I'm not at all sure B is more likely to be true than A. More likely the reverse.
No estoy nada seguro de que B tenga más probabilidades de ser cierta que A. Menos, incluso.
Why is Earth any more likely to be attacked now... than during the last fifty-thousand years?
¿ Por qué es más probable que la Tierra sea atacada ahora... que durante los últimos 50.000 años?
Now people carried outdoors are more likely to die from smog than the plague.
Ahora son más personas subidas al exterior propicio para morir con la contaminación que con la plaga.
Alfred, you're the first man I've ever gone to bed with... where I didn't feel he was a lot more likely to get pregnant than I was!
Alfred, eres el primer hombre con el que me acosté... ¡ y que no sentí que era más probable que él quedara embarazado antes que yo!
more than you know 97
more than you think 24
more than ever 118
more than you can imagine 30
more than anything else 28
more than enough 37
more than you 43
more than you'll ever know 22
more than me 30
more than anything 252
more than you think 24
more than ever 118
more than you can imagine 30
more than anything else 28
more than enough 37
more than you 43
more than you'll ever know 22
more than me 30
more than anything 252
more than once 124
more than that 286
more than anything in the world 53
more than a few 27
more than anyone 57
more than a little 19
more than usual 36
more than one 77
more than 287
likely 68
more than that 286
more than anything in the world 53
more than a few 27
more than anyone 57
more than a little 19
more than usual 36
more than one 77
more than 287
likely 68