More than a few Çeviri İspanyolca
1,204 parallel translation
Oh, it couldn't have been more than a few days ago.
No hará más de dos días.
If he's in there for more than a few hours, we could end up with a transporter pad full of shape-shifters.
Si está mucho tiempo, podríamos transportar a varios metamorfos.
and more than a few there were who had never returned from the quest.
y unos cuantos los que nunca habían vuelto.
She can't be gone more than a few minutes.
No tardará en regresar.
It was more than a few dates.
Hubo más que varias citas.
We need more than a few sniffing dogs to stop the flow of drugs.
Se necesita mas que unos pocos perros oliendo para detener el flujo de drogas.
But if you stay here more than a few months, you're a real sucker.
Pero si te quedas mucho tiempo, eres un tonto.
We don't know how it'll affect you after more than a few minutes.
No sabemos cuánto te afectará después de unos minutos.
It's more than a few days, though.
Es más que unos pocos días.
If we got expenses for Slim, there's not more than a few thousand.
Si tenemos gastos con Slim, sólo quedan unos pocos miles.
From the beginning, she's been argumentative and on more than a few occasions, she's disobeyed your direct orders.
Desde el principio, ha sido cuestionadora y en más que pocas ocasiones, ha desobedecido sus órdenes directas.
You know, we've had our differences. We've yelled at each other. I mean, there's been more than a few times when I wanted to deck you.
Sé que hemos tenido nuestras diferencias que nos hemos gritado el uno al otro... incluso hubo unas cuantas veces que hubiera querido golpearte.
I crawled up your butt more than a few times when I got here.
Lo fastidié muchas veces cuando llegué.
That little personality quirk must have cost you more than a few relationships.
Esa rara personalidad debe haberle costado bastantes relaciones.
You couldn't have heard Neelix say more than a few phrases. It was all I needed.
No pudo escuchar de Neelix más que unas pocas palabras.
With our shields down, we won't be able to withstand the thermal reaction for more than a few seconds.
Con nuestros escudos abajo sólo podremos soportar la abrasión termal por unos segundos.
More than a few.
- More than a few.
Más que algunas.
At the moment, you would do well to be more concerned about your job... because I can see more than a few mistakes... you've made along the way.
En este momento, debería estar más preocupado por su trabajo, teniente... porque veo más que sólo unos cuantos errores... que ha cometido en su camino.
- More than a few to have alcohol in your blood this afternoon.
- Debieron ser más de unas cuantas cuando todavía tienes alcohol en la sangre esta tarde.
If this hospital pays millions in damages more than a few hundred clinic patients will go without treatment.
Si este hospital paga millones por daños serán miles los pacientes que se queden sin tratamiento.
No more than a few months.
No más de unos meses.
More than a few. It was dozens.
Tienes razón, fueron más.
I haven't advanced more than a few hundred yards in four hours!
¡ No he avanzado más que unos cuantos metros en 4 horas!
Well, actually we haven't moved more than a few yards.
En realidad no nos hemos movido más que unos cuantos metros.
You need more than a few lies.
Necesitas más que un par de mentiras.
I've never written anything more than a few pages in my whole life.
Yo nunca he escrito más de un par de páginas.
Donald Ross said she wasn't away from the table for more than a few minutes.
Pero Donald Ross dijo que no se apartó de la mesa más que unos pocos minutos en total.
More habitable than this thing's going to be in a few minutes.
Más habitable de lo que esto va a ser. - ¿ Estamos cerca?
If you feed that thing more than the smallest morsel in a few hours, you'll have ten tribbles then a hundred, then a thousand. Calm down.
Si lo alimenta, pronto tendrá 10 tribbles, luego 100, luego 1.000.
In a part of space where there are few rules, it's more important than ever that we hold fast to our own.
En una zona del espacio en la que apenas hay normas, es importante que nos aferremos a las nuestras.
A few more months in that rehab colony would have been a hell of a lot better than being here.
Unos meses más en rehabilitación me habrían venido mejor que esto.
Well, nothing can give the last few days of my life more worth than to be able to comfort you.
Bueno nada le daría más sentido a los últimos días de mi vida que ser capaz de confortarte.
A few cells still alive. More than I need.
Sólo necesito unas pocas células vivas.
My clit ring can give me more pleasure in a few seconds than that can give me in a million years.
El anillo de mi clítoris me da más placer en unos segundos del que puedas tú en un millón de años.
Oh, quite a few books here, much more than I have.
¡ Que cantidad de libros!
This will let us speak privately for a few minutes before they decide it's more than ordinary interference.
Esto nos permitirá hablar en privado unos minutos... antes de que descubran que es más que una interferencia ordinaria.
I've done quite a few more ER procedures than she has.
He hecho más en Urgencias que ella.
I could use a few more than that.
No me vendrían mal algunos más.
He was a few years older than she was and had been around more, so she thought he was some sort of god walkin'this earth.
Tenía unos años más que ella y sabía más de la vida. Así que ella le consideraba una especie de dios viviente.
I noticed there are a few more guards around here than normal.
Me he dado cuenta que hay más guardias de lo normal por aquí.
I think there are a few more than before.
Creo que hay más que antes.
You're more than welcome to crash at my house for a few.
¿ Por qué no te vienes a mi casa unos días?
I've been in here a few more years than you have.
Yo he estado aquí tres años más de los que tu has estado.
We have learned more about astrophysics in a few months than in the last 50 years!
Hemos aprendido más acerca de la astrofísica... en estos pocos meses, que en los últimos 50 años.
You realize it's more than just a few days.
No será sólo por unos días.
In the history of the 15th precinct... few officers have done more to serve and protect... the public of this great city... than Lieutenant Nicholas Chen.
En toda la historia de la comisaría 15, pocos agentes han hecho más para servir y proteger a la gente de esta gran ciudad, que el teniente Nicholas Chen.
More than I hate spinach, traffic jams, and the last few years of M * A * S * H.
Los odio más que las espinacas, los atascos y el último año de M * A * S * H.
Whatever they are... there's a lot more to this than costumes and a few fights for money.
Sea lo que son... Hay mucho más que estos tipos y peleas por dinero.
When it's over, there will be more than enough territories available to compensate Cardassia for the loss of a few minor planets.
Cuando haya terminado, habrá territorios más que suficientes para compensaros por la pérdida de unos planetas insignificantes.
Bevvox founded our group more than 100 years ago, after wandering the galaxy on his own for a few millennia.
Bevvox fundó nuestro grupo hace más de 100 años, luego de vagar solo por la galaxia durante algunos milenios.
more than you know 97
more than you think 24
more than you can imagine 30
more than ever 118
more than anything else 28
more than you 43
more than enough 37
more than me 30
more than you'll ever know 22
more than anything 252
more than you think 24
more than you can imagine 30
more than ever 118
more than anything else 28
more than you 43
more than enough 37
more than me 30
more than you'll ever know 22
more than anything 252
more than once 124
more than likely 53
more than that 286
more than anything in the world 53
more than a little 19
more than anyone 57
more than one 77
more than usual 36
more than 287
a few good men 16
more than likely 53
more than that 286
more than anything in the world 53
more than a little 19
more than anyone 57
more than one 77
more than usual 36
more than 287
a few good men 16
a few minutes later 20
a few hours later 28
a few years ago 208
a few years later 32
a few days later 90
a few months ago 226
a few days ago 217
a few days 147
a few months later 40
a few minutes 47
a few hours later 28
a few years ago 208
a few years later 32
a few days later 90
a few months ago 226
a few days ago 217
a few days 147
a few months later 40
a few minutes 47