Move yourself Çeviri İspanyolca
293 parallel translation
Come on, move yourself. Give me a hand.
Vamos, muévete y échame una mano.
Move yourself.
Move yourself, son.
Muévete, hijo.
Either move yourself or we'll do it for you.
O te quitas tú o te quitamos nosotros.
Not only are you out of the race... but he expects you to move yourself... and your flying machine from Brookley as soon as possible.
No sólo estás fuera de la carrera... sino que quiere que te vayas de Brookley ahora mismo con tu máquina.
Move yourself!
¡ Múevete!
Move yourself.
En marcha.
Move yourself, lads.
Tráiganlo adentro.
Well, move yourself, Campbell.
Muévete, Campbell.
Move yourself.
¡ Muévete! ¡ Tira para arriba!
Move yourself out.
Empuja tu cuerda!
For Christ's sake, move yourself.
Date prisa, por el amor de Dios.
Come on, move yourself, lad.
Vamos, muévase, amigo.
Dont be mean, cause youre my queen, come on, move yourself!
Don't be mean, cause you're my queen, come on, move yourself!
Don't be mean, cause you're my queen, come on, move yourself!
Don't be mean, cause you're my queen,... come on, move yourself!
Move yourself, unless you want my boot behind you!
¡ Moveos, a menos que queráis sentir mi bota en el trasero!
Come on, move yourself.
Vamos, muévete!
Move yourself! ,
¡ Échala!
[Spitballs Clinking] Move yourself, lad.
Muévete, amigo.
Move yourself!
¡ Toma!
If you're afraid, dear Vaso, move your table or move yourself to another room.
Estimado Vaso, si teme que le caiga encima, ponga la mesa en otro lado. O pásese a otra habitación.
Move yourself.
Échate a un lado.
You must imagine that I'm looking at you in the... same way as the water with which you wash yourself... or the air you move in or the light that shines on you.
Imagina que te miro como te mira el agua con que te lavas o el aire en que te mueves, o la luz que te ilumina.
" You must imagine I look at you in the same way as the water... you wash yourself with or the air you move in... or the light that shines on you.
" Imagínate que te miro como te mira el agua con que te lavas o el aire en que te mueves, o la luz que te ilumina.
Have your fare ready and the instant that your cab stops move speedily through the muse and time yourself to reach the other end at exactly a quarter past 9 : 00 where you will find a small broom waiting close to the curb driven by a fellow with a heavy black coat,
Tenga preparado el importe, y en cuanto su taxi se detenga, muévase con rapidez y cronométrese para llegar al otro extremo exactamente a las 9 y cuarto, donde encontrará un pequeño carruaje esperando cerca de la acera,
Don't move or speak, otherwise you'll tire yourself out.
No se mueva, no hable, sino se fatigará.
If you distract yourself with details... and lose the attitude of the open mind... the sword will move off target... giving the enemy a chance to counterattack you.
Si te distraes con detalles..... y pierdes la actitud de la mente abierta..... la espada no dará en el objetivo..... dando al enemigo la posibilidad de contraatacarte.
Did you yourself not warn me that Modred watches our every move?
¿ Acaso no me dijiste que Modred vigila todos nuestros pasos?
Get a ruddy move on yourself, man.
Acaba de adelantarlo de una maldita vez, hombre.
- PaoIo, move yourself
- Paolo, date prisa.
If you don't move off the land... then you better start digging holes in it to bury yourself in... one apiece.
Si no salís de esta tierra... ya podéis empezar a cavar hoyos para enterraros... uno a uno.
You'd better get yourself set for another one because when I holler, I want you to move out in a hurry!
¡ Será mejor que os vayáis preparando, porque cuando grite, quiero que salgáis al galope!
Take the skirt up to your room and see if you can move around in it, you know, get used to it. And then get yourself out into this lovely day.
Lleve el traje a su habitación, acostúmbrese a llevarlo y luego salga a disfrutar de ese día maravilloso.
Smarten yourself up, keep your wits and move, fast.
Arréglese, olvide su curiosidad y muévase, rápido.
Put yourself right behind me and move like I do, move by yourself. OK?
Tú te pones aquí detrás, y movimiento que yo dé, movimiento que das tú. ¿ De acuerdo?
Keep this to yourself until we move out.
Mantén el secreto hasta que partamos.
I mean, you must pull it on by yourself! Move on Lorenzo, do something, anything!
Debes espabilarte tú sólo, ocuparte en algo, hacer algo.
Move and you'll find yourself split in two.
Moveos y os encontraréis partidos en dos.
- Move all these things. - Have yourself a ball
Quita todo esto.
You yourself told us not to move until the applause.
Usted nos dijo que no nos moviéramos hasta que aplaudieran.
Después de esto, usted estará en una trampa de la que le será imposible salir.
Lock yourself in and don't move.
Encià © rrate aquà con llave y no te muevas.
That just happens to be my birthday present to you, and you can just move it yourself!
Resulta que ése es mi regalo de cumpleaños. Sácalo tú mismo.
No room to move? Polluted air? Not a blade of grass left on the planet, and a government that locks you up if you think for yourself.
No hay sitio, el aire está contaminado, no queda ni una brizna de hierba en el planeta, y el gobierno te encierra si piensas por ti mismo.
Maybe after a while you could even move in yourself.
Quizá dentro de poco puedas trasladarte tú.
Fen... When you move to the States, you'd better behave yourself.
Fen, cuando estés allí pórtate bien.
After that, go hide yourself in Legrand's quarry and don't move. Until I'll told you we've an agreement with the girl.
Después ocúltate en la catera de Legrand y no te muevas hasta que te diga que tenemos un acuerdo con la chica.
Now, assume you were concerning yourself with this case... what would be your next move?
¿ Suponiendo que decidiera ocuparse del caso cual sería su próximo paso?
- You express yourself by how you move.
- Como te expresas, como te mueves.
Don't move, you'll hurt yourself!
- ¡ No se mueva, se lastimará!
Don't let him move so much as an inch, and you've got yourself 10,000 in cash, boy.
No dejes que se mueva un centímetro y obtendrás 10000 en efectivo.
yourself 387
yourself included 25
move it or lose it 23
move it 2576
move your feet 54
move your ass 143
move your car 23
move out of my way 19
move your hand 39
move over 401
yourself included 25
move it or lose it 23
move it 2576
move your feet 54
move your ass 143
move your car 23
move out of my way 19
move your hand 39
move over 401
move closer 21
move out of the way 104
move out 424
move in 316
move in with me 38
move up 92
move on 540
move faster 33
move it along 71
move fast 40
move out of the way 104
move out 424
move in 316
move in with me 38
move up 92
move on 540
move faster 33
move it along 71
move fast 40
move forward 97
move your hands 21
move it up 29
move now 53
move down 21
move it in 19
move along 326
move away 181
move to strike 31
move aside 200
move your hands 21
move it up 29
move now 53
move down 21
move it in 19
move along 326
move away 181
move to strike 31
move aside 200