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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Shut her down

Shut her down Çeviri İspanyolca

297 parallel translation
We'll shut her down in five minutes.
En unos cinco minutos.
- We'll never be able to shut her down now.
No se puede detener ya.
Shut her down.
Hup! Shut her down!
¡ Apaga el motor!
When her suppliers suspected she was broke... they demanded to see the rest of her collateral by this weekend or... or they'd shut her down.
Los suministradores empezaron a sospechar que no tenía dinero y exigieron ver el resto de la fianza antes del fin de semana o le cerrarían el negocio.
We got to shut her down.
Debemos cerrarla. Desliza aquel apoyo.
Shut her down.
Quiero que lo detengan.
- We had to shut her down.
Debemos apagarla.
All right, guys, shut her down. Shut her down!
Bien, chicos, apáguenlo.
They want to shut her down.
En fin, intentan cerrarlo unilateralmente.
Shut her down, man.
Detén el barco.
We may have to shut her down.
Podriamos tener que apagarla.
On my mark, Frank, shut her down.
Cuando diga ahora, apágalo.
Shut her down.
- Shut her down. Get the blast doors open.
Ciérrelo y abra las puertas blindadas.
I'm not erasing her. I shut her down to protect her from you!
No la voy a borrar. ¡ La cerré para protegerla de ti!
I had to shut her down.
Te tuve que cerrar.
Contraband check. Shut her down.
Verificacion de contrabando.
Shut her down, boys.
Ciérrenla, muchachos.
- When we realized what was happening... my team was dispatched to shut her down.
- Jesús - Cuando nos dimos cuenta mi equipo fue enviado a apagarla.
If you want a cup of juice, the well's dried up. city shut her down.
Si quieres una dosis de metadona, el pozo se secó. La ciudad lo cerró.
- I, like, shut down. I wish I had not told her.
Estaba desvastada, no tenia ganas de contarle nada a ella.
The only way I can shut her up is to sit down and write.
Sólo calla cuando me siento a escribir.
- Air shut! Take her down, 6-0 feet!
- ¡ Inmersión!
The place is shut down for a week and she's completely on her own.
El sitio está cerrado por una semana y ella está sola.
That's it for tonight, shut'her down.
Esto es todo por esta noche, deténla.
Put a man on her and he shut down the engines.
Un barco lo remolcó. Un hombre lo abordó y paro el motor.
Don't shut down the cover, Miss Chancellor. Just let her overflow.
No cierre la cala, Srta. Chancellor, simplemente déjela rebosar.
It's almost as if her brain has shut down.
Parece como si se le hubiese parado el cerebro.
I designed her to shut down in the event the truth was discovered.
La diseñé para desactivarse en caso de descubrir la verdad.
We should let her shut it down.
Debemos dejarla que lo desconecte.
The Captain is prepared to shut down the system one minute from now, if you don't agree to her terms.
La capitán cerrará el sistema dentro de un minuto si no accede.
Death came when her central nervous system shut down due to oxygen deprivation caused by four puncture wounds to the heart.
Murió cuando el sistema nervioso dejó de funcionar debido a falta de oxígeno causada por heridas de punzadas en el corazón.
So, when Carol couldn't get her money and get out, shejust shut down.
Así que, cuando Carol no pudo recuperar su dinero ni vender, cerró las puertas.
Basically, it's shut down her body while it continues to grow.
Básicamente, ha inhabilitado su cuerpo, mientras sigue creciendo.
Someone wants to shut down her mud-wrestling club.
Un grupo intenta cerrar su club de lucha con lodo por molestias. Obviamente irán a la corte hoy parcialmente.
And her kidneys have shut down.
Sus riñones han dejado de funcionar.
Doctor said her brain just shut down.
Los doctores dicen que su cerebro se desconectó.
Her kidneys have shut down.
Los riñones se le han bloqueado.
Throwin'her down the steps to shut her up.
¿ La violó y la tiró por la escalera para que no hablase?
- We could just let her shut down.
- Podemos dejar que cierre.
In 2006, she shut down the Red Room after her daughter Zoe was murdered.
En 2006, cerró esa sala después de que su hija Zoe fuera asesinada.
And three months ago, she abruptly shut down her practice.
Y hace tres meses, de repente dejó de ejercer.
If we can't beam her out, maybe we can shut down the transmission.
Quizás podamos afectar su transmisión. Si nadie los mira.
You make a play for her she shut you down? Bruise your ego?
Mas interesante que tus otros casos, creo.
Until we find out, should I shut down her confidential access?
Hasta que lo averigüemos, ¿ bloqueo su acceso confidencial?
- Fine, shut down her access.
- Bien, cancelen su acceso.
- Joey, shut her down.
Joey, apágalo.
That pulse forces the circuit breaker to shut down her mainframe for 30 seconds. After that, if I don't have her board, she can reboot.
Ese pulso obliga a los interruptores a apagar el Servidor Principal por 30 segundos... después de eso, si no tiene la tarjeta no se puede reiniciar.
Maybe you could shut down with her.
Tal vez olvidaste lo que hizo.
Bullet entered her brain, shut down her central nervous system - - immediately fatal.
La bala atravezó su cerebro, apagó su sistema nervioso central- - murió inmediatamente.

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