South park Çeviri İspanyolca
974 parallel translation
Mr. Edmund Green comes to our Science Department after 10 years at South Park High School, extensive experience in the so-called problem-area schools such as Calvin Coolidge, and an impressive war record in the military police.
El sr. Edmund Green accede al departamento de ciencias tras 10 años en el instituto de South Park, y tiene una amplia experiencia en centros de áreas conflictivas como el Calvin Coolidge, y un excelente historial como policía militar.
" Tuesday, 9 p. m. 50 Central Park South.
" Martes, 9 p. m. 50 Central South Park.
I'm going down to South Park Gonna have myself a time
Voy a viajar a South Park, a pasar un buen rato
I'm going down to South Park Gonna leave my woes behind
Voy a viajar a South Park, dejaré mis penas atrás
I'm heading on up to South Park Gonna see if I can't unwind
Me dirijo a South Park, a ver si me relajo
So come on down to South Park And meet some friends of mine
Así que vengan a South Park y conozcan a mis amigos
As the reports of UFO sightings increase, more mysterious crop-circle patterns are appearing in fields all around South Park.
A medida que aumentan los avistamientos de ovnis, aparecen más marcas circulares en los campos de los alrededores de South Park.
You put the people of South Park in jeopardy!
Todo South Park está en peligro.
It appears that the destructive creature is 8-year-old Stan Marsh of South Park.
La criatura destructiva es Stan Marsh de South Park, de 8 años.
No way! Everybody knows that Sylvester is the toughest dog in South Park.
Todos saben que Sylvester es el perro más rudo de South Park.
I won't remind you how important the game is to us South Park alumni.
Este partido es muy importante para los ex alumnos de South Park.
How about Stan, our South Park quarterback star?
¿ Qué tal Stan, nuestro defensor estrella?
- I want $ 500 on the South Park Cows.
- $ 500 a que achicamos la diferencia.
Now back to Jesus and Pals on South Park public access.
Volvemos a Jesús y Amigos para todo South Park.
Hello, this is Frank Hammond, South Park Radio, AM 900.
Hola, soy Frank Hammond, Radio South Park, AM 900.
Tonight is the Middle Park Cowboys against the South Park Cows.
Hoy los Vaqueros de Middle Park contra las Vacas de South Park.
Chef, the South Park Cows'coach, is nervous.
El entrenador de las Vacas está nervioso.
With a minute left in the half the score is Middle Park Cowboys, 52. South Park Cows, 0.
Cuando falta un minuto Ios Vaqueros de Middle Park van ganando 52 a 0.
South Park Cows, 6.
South Park, 6.
South Park beats the spread!
South Park achicó la diferencia.
The reason the parents of South Park are upset is because...
La razón del enojo de los padres...
Four boys from South Park, Colorado tried to viciously murder an innocent grandfather.
Cuatro niños de South Park, Colorado trataron de matar a un inocente abuelo.
As the day progresses, more South Park residents slingshot their bodies into the side of the Toon Central building.
El día avanza y más habitantes de South Park se lanzan contra el costado del edificio de Toon Central.
The die-hard South Park parents are still killing themselves in front of the Toon Central building.
Los padres de South Park siguen matándose frente al edificio de Toon Central.
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year
UNA NAVIDAD EN SOUTH PARK Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad
And now, South Park Elementary presents
Y ahora la Escuela Primaria de South Park presenta
Welcome to the South Park Elementary Holiday...
Bienvenidos a la Fiesta de Primaria de South Park...
Sometimes he walks in the park across the street. South side of the building.
A veces suele dar un paseo por el parque, al sur del edificio
18 gramercy park South.
Gramercy Park South, 18.
I want the key to the room at the end of the south wing. But my lady, that room hasn't been used... since we discovered the secret passage leading to the park.
Pero, señora, lleva cerrado desde que se descubrió el pasadizo secreto.
Hey, since when do you go south for Park?
¿ Desde cuándo va al sur para ir a Park?
Third bench from... south entrance, Rotten Row Hyde Park
Tercer banco... por la entrada sur de Hyde Park
Ritsurin Park is located at the eastern foot of Mt Shiun south of Takamatsu City
El Parque Ritsurin está en la parte este de Mt Shiun al sur de Takamatsu.
If it's absolutely necessary, but not otherwise... ring that number for a cab to pick you up outside the south entrance... to the tube station at Hyde Park Corner.
Si es absolutamente necesario, pero no de lo contrario... llame a ese número para que lo recoja un taxi en la salida sur... de la estación de metro de Hyde Park Corner.
I'm taking over the surveillance from Silvano and moving south in Central Park.
Estoy tomando la vigilancia de Silvano y voy hacia el Sur en Central Park.
Whitey going south on Central Park West.
Whitey yendo al Sur en Central Park West.
In the park, in Rosita, Rosita Beach State Park just south of Dago in Santa Rosita.
En el parque, en Rosita, el parque de la playa Rosita al sur de Dago, en Santa Rosita.
Gotham Park, proceeding south on West Drive.
Parque central, dirección West Drive.
Suddenly I heard the police sirens and then saw the police cars enter from the south gate of the park
De repente escuché las sirenas de la policía yendo hacia la entrada. Yo estaba en la puerta sur.
It must be Southwark Park, just south of the Jamaica Road.
Tiene que ser el Parque del Sur. Justo al sur de la calle Jamaica.
" Dear Emily, Since I last wrote you, the man across from me at the south end of Wilton Park has come back.
" Querida Emily : Desde mi última carta mi vecino, el hombre que vive al sur de Wilton Park, regresó.
When I tell you, I want you all to assemble at the south edge of the park, with your assigned officer.
Cuando les diga, iremos al lado sur del parque con el oficial asignado.
He's in a squad car on Park Avenue South.
Está en un coche en Park Avenue South.
All units, converge on Skyway platform, south side of park.
A todas las unidades, acudan a la plataforma del Skyway.
It's still tentative, Howard... but they'll most likely land the chopper in the south end of St. James Park.
Aún es tentativo, pero es probable... que el helicóptero aterrice en el extremo sur del parque St. James.
Using three teams of five men each. Now that's where most of the action is... here to Central Park south.
Con hombres en cada lado... la mayor acción se encontrará aquí hasta el Sur del parque.
The south entrance to elysian park.
La entrada sur al parque Elysian.
The 11 : 00 is East 16th, off Park Avenue South. Angela Brant.
A las 11 : 00 en la Calle 16 Este, esquina Park Avenue South.
Head 110 miles south-southwest ot the park entrance.
A 175 Km. al sudsudoeste de la entrada del parque.
They're in the park, headed south. -
Van por el parque, hacia el sur.
72nd and Broadway to Central Park South in three minutes.
Hemos atravesado Central Park en 3 minutos.
park 214
parker 861
parks 125
parking 45
parkour 16
parkman 56
park avenue 24
parked 42
parking lot 29
park sun 16
parker 861
parks 125
parking 45
parkour 16
parkman 56
park avenue 24
parked 42
parking lot 29
park sun 16
park it 18
park ha 18
parking tickets 27
parkinson's 23
south 263
southern 27
southwest 42
southland 24
southeast 42
southjet 16
park ha 18
parking tickets 27
parkinson's 23
south 263
southern 27
southwest 42
southland 24
southeast 42
southjet 16