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That means something Çeviri İspanyolca

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I know that means something bad.
Yo sé que significa algo malo.
And here's the part that means something to us :
Y aquí está la parte que significa algo para nosotros :
Oh, and you think that means something to him?
¿ Y crees que eso significa algo para él?
At least that means something.
Por lo menos quiere decir algo.
- So, what? - So maybe that means something.
¿ Entonces qué?
Exactly, and that means something.
Exactamente y eso significa algo.
I'm giving you a chance at a life that means something.
Te estoy ofreciendo una vida que significa algo.
Which means that maybe something was wrong with him.
Lo que significa que quizá le pasara algo.
[Mark ] To have Kung Fu means to do something with skill that transcends surface beauty. What would it be like to achieve that, to have a teacher who could lead you to that kind of mastery? [ sound of metal clanging together]
hacer Kung Fu significa hacer algo con habilidad que trasciende la belleza exterior como sería conseguir eso tener un maestro que pueda guiarte a ese tipo de conocimiento? Sus ojos parecian ver a través de mi, un Americano blando que siempre la tuvo facil
They are at the same time the tools and the means... of achieving something higher and more vast... that they are not aware of, but perceive unconsciously. "
Son al mismo tiempo las herramientas y los medios... de lograr algo más elevado y más amplio... de lo que no son conscientes, pero perciben inconscientemente. "
- What's that mean? - It means we're doing something right.
- ¿ Qué quiere decir eso?
I could try to explain what that means until I'm blue in the face. But, you know something, it wouldn't mean a thing.
Puedo matarme explicándolo, que no significaría nada.
Fixing means to repair something that is broken.
Arreglar quiere decir reparar algo que está roto.
To everybody else, we're junkies. What that means is if we get into something, we ain't gonna call in no "Officer assist" to get out.
Todos los demás - somos drogadictos... y eso significa... que si nos metemos en algo... no vamos a llamar... a ningún oficial para salir de eso.
Well, maybe that means twins or something.
Quizá verde signifique mellizos.
I know this means something to you. I don't want you at that institute again.
Sé que esto significa algo para ti pero no quiero que regreses de nuevo a ese instituto.
If you two are here, it probably means that something has gone wrong, in which case you're going to need all the help you can get if you want to continue the fight against evil.
- Pero, Uds. Están aquí. Entonces, algo debe haber salido mal. En ese caso, necesitarán mucha ayuda para continuar la lucha contra el mal.
What, that means I'm immediately guilty of something?
¿ Eso me hace inmediatamente culpable de algo?
If that's true, something's eating away at the nitrium on this ship. That means that the dilithium chamber is vulnerable and the power-transfer conduits.
Si es así, si algo se está comiendo el nitrio de la nave, eso afectaría a la cámara de dilitio y a los conductos de transferencia.
It means revealing something to you, something that, if it were known on my planet, would be dangerous for me.
Significa revelarle algo que si se supiera en mi planeta, sería peligroso para mí.
Basically, a sloblock means balls, the things we keep in our scrotums, or by extension, something that is rubbish or a pile of nonsense.
Sloblock significa básicamente bolas las cosas que tenemos en nuestros escrotos o también, algo que es de goma o un montón de cosas sin sentido.
Something that means more to me than you ever will.
Algo que es más importante para mí que tú.
It means that if I don't do something about it, I've got to live with it.
Significa que si no hago algo al respecto, deberé vivir con ello.
I thought I was, so I guess that means we got something in common.
Yo creía que era yo, así que, creo que tenemos algo en común.
That means something entirely different.
Eso sería muy diferente.
That if there's something you care about... like the country you live in or the father you have... then allegiance, which means... " Noun.
Que si hay algo te importa, como el país donde vives o el padre que tienes, entonces jura lealtad, que significa, "Sustantivo de fidelidad o devoción a un gobierno o a un grupo o una persona."
That means you bought something?
¿ Eso significa que compraste algo?
I don't know where this myth comes from that married couples... have to keep talking to each other all the time or it means something's wrong.
No sé de dónde viene ese mito de que los matrimonios... deben hablarse todo el tiempo sino significa que algo está mal.
It means that one should live the way one desires. That is, if one needs something, one can...
Quiere decir que podemos vivir como queremos, que podemos hacer lo que necesitemos hacer.
That means commitment. I've done something committed, you haven't.
Eso significa compromiso, he hecho algo que me compromete. y tu no.
For me to want to get back at you means... you'd have to have done something that mattered to me.
Para que yo quisiera vengarme de ti deberías haberme hecho algo que me importara.
No, there's no news, I mean, they just, I don't know... they tried to run a test or something but he's too unstable... whatever that means.
Telefoneando. No, no hay noticias, ellos... no sé... intentaron hacerle una prueba o algo así pero está demasiado inestable... sea lo que sea lo que eso significa.
I don't know what that means. I know it means something.
No sé lo que eso significa, pero sé que significa algo.
They've had it a good while. Maybe that means they see something substantive.
Quizá signifique que vieron algo importante en la petición.
When a woman looks at you like that... it usually means something.
Cuando una mujer te mira así... en general, significa algo.
Freud would say that if you leave something this important behind, it means you really don't want to go.
Freud dice que si te dejas algo muy importante, significa que en realidad no te quieres ir.
That means you're supposed to say something back!
¡ Se supone que respondas!
It wasn't holidays, it was something else we were doing... that means no one can stay in the house...
No eran vacaciones, es algo más que estábamos haciendo... que implica que nadie podrá quedarse aquí..
It means something to me, Captain. It means I've let you down and for that, I'm truly sorry.
Sí, significa que la he defraudado y lo lamento profundamente.
Forgiveness means that when you did something really wrong, you want somebody to tell you... that it wasn't really, really wrong, when you know what you did was wrong because you did it!
"Perdón" significa que cuando has hecho algo malo, quieres que alguien te diga que no fue tan, tan malo, aunque tú sabes que lo fue, ¡ porque lo hiciste tú!
The thing is, is that all it means is something is wrong with the system.
Nada. Lo que pasa, es que significa... que algo está mal en el sistema.
Something that means jobs.
Eso significa empleos.
It means something that you never had- - an interest in science.
Significa que nunca tuviste interés en la ciencia.
Every time someone say that on films, it always means that something awful is going to happen.
Cada vez que alguien dice eso en las películas, siempre significa que algo horrible va a pasar.
If it means that much to you, I'll go find something else.
Si significa tanto para ti, saldré a buscar otra cosa.
Which means that this isn't some prank. He's up to something big.
Lo que significa que es algo más que una bromita.
That means no one else knows there's something up there.
Nadie más sabe que hay algo ahí arriba.
The kind a litter makes. And they're deep, which means that they were carrying something heavy.
Y son profundas, lo cual significa que cargaban algo pesado.
And if there's a moment of hesitation, then that means you feel something too.
Y si hay un momento de duda, entonces significa que también sientes algo.
Now, what this early go-ahead means is that we've got a shot at putting something together for the Super Bowl.
Lo que significa que tenemos la oportunidad de preparar algo para el Super Bowl.
It wasn't just slot together... every little thing on there means something... it's not a game that we were playing.
No fue hecho al azar. Cada detalle tiene significado... no era un simplejuego.

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