That word Çeviri İspanyolca
15,587 parallel translation
That word is never actually used in Revelation, but the early church fathers believed that the Beast and the Antichrist are the same.
De hecho, esa palabra nunca se usó en el Apocalipsis, pero los primeros padres de la Iglesia creían que la Bestia y el Anticristo eran lo mismo.
She just learned that word.
- Recién aprendió la palabra.
Where in the world did you learn that word?
Donde narices has aprendido esa palabra?
And when I'm not present, that word shall be given by my daughter.
Y cuando no estoy presente, esa palabra será transmitida por mi hija.
And when I'm not present, that word shall be given by my daughter.
Y cuando no estoy presente, esa palabra de ser concedido por mi hija.
Where'd you hear that word?
¿ Dónde has oído esa palabra?
I love that word!
¡ Me encanta esa palabra!
I never use that word.
Nunca utiliza esa palabra.
What's that word you like?
¿ Cuál es la palabra que desea?
God, I love that word... billion!
¡ Me encanta oír : "mil millones"!
That's where she said her first word.
Ahí dijo su primera palabra.
I give you my word that it will.
Tiene mi palabra de que así será.
You have my word that you will be housed and fed at our estate near Moscow.
Tienen mi palabra de que serán alojados y alimentados en nuestra hacienda próxima a Moscú.
All I need is a word from you agreeing that our marriage was never consummated.
Lo único que requiero es tu conformidad sobre que nuestro matrimonio nunca fue consumado.
You just say the first word that doesn't rhyme.
Coges una palabra y la cambias.
You know, as much as we'd love to take your word for it we'll need a little more than that.
¿ Sabe? Aunque nos encantaría creerle necesitamos más que eso.
Omar... that whole, uh, letter-of-resignation thing that... I didn't mean that, not a word.
Omar, todo ese asunto de la carta de renuncia, yo, no lo decia en serio, ni una palabra.
Pleasure is not the word that comes to mind.
Placer no es la palabra que me viene a la mente.
Is that the right word?
¿ Es la palabra adecuada?
The word is spreading throughout the Bahamas that the governor in Nassau hanged a pirate in his square.
Corre la voz por las Bahamas de que el gobernador de Nassau ha colgado a un pirata en la plaza.
No, word gets out that you did Raul a favor, then everybody wants the same.
No, si se sabe que le hiciste un favor a Raul, entonces todo el mundo va a querer lo mismo.
I told you. We got word that investigation died with Sap.
Te lo dije, tengo confirmación de que esa investigación murió con Sap.
So, if you even let out a whisper of a word that sounds like "Cortez,"
Por lo tanto, si usted incluso dejó escapar un susurro de una palabra Eso suena como "Cortez"
I don't know the English word for that.
No sé la palabra en español para eso.
- Is that the word?
- ¿ Eso dicen?
I don't know if you've already been informed, but we just got word that Dr. Shapiro has been detained.
No sé si ya le han informado, pero nos hemos enterado de que el... Dr. Shapiro llegará demorado.
So... word reaches me that a wealthy tourist has just been killed while out on his boat.
Me han dicho que un turista rico acaba de ser asesinado - estando en su barco.
That was technically not a word.
Eso no era técnicamente una palabra.
The word on the Hill is that the gun lobby approached you over Heaton-Harris and you refused.
Dicen que el lobby de armas la contactó por Heaton-Harris y que usted se negó.
That is just a word to denote the absence...
Esa palabra solo denota la ausencia...
I stand by every word of that.
Sigo sosteniéndolo.
Neo-Darwinists believe that every word spoken, every thought, every perception, lest I misperceive, is a step in the evolution of mankind. Yes.
Los neodarwinistas creen que cada palabra hablada, cada pensamiento, cada percepción, al menos que lo perciba erróneamente, es un paso en la evolución de la humanidad.
Weak is not a word that I would use to describe Edward.
Débil no es una palabra que usaría para describir a Edward.
Sensitive is a word that I would use, which isn't a word I would use to describe anyone else in this family, except maybe Cooper.
Sensible es la palabra que usaría la cual no es una palabra que aplique para alguien en esta familia excepto quizás por Cooper.
The public deserves better and that can be done by giving it good food and good word.
El público merece ser mejor y se lo hace mejor dándole buen alimento y buena letra.
So that no false clairvoyant would deceive him he gave her an 8-word code that deciphered said, "Rosabelle believe".
Para que ningún falso vidente la engañara le dejó una clave de ocho palabras que descifrada decía : "Rosabelle believe"
And it was vibrant, if that's a word you could use in this situation,'cause that's what it was ; it was like...
Y fue vibrante, si esa una palabra que puedas usar en esta situación, porque eso fue lo que fue ; fue como...
Word on the street was that you were looking for a new position.
En la calle era que se se busca una nueva posición.
"Word senten..." That's a five-word sentence!
- Acabas de decir 5 palabras.
Everything that you believe in and you stake your business on, here it's a bad word.
Todo en lo que creen y basan su negocio aquí tiene una mala connotación :
When word came out today that actor Leonard Nimoy had died, the President said, "I loved Spock."
Cuando la noticia salió hoy que Leonard Nimoy del agente había muerto, Dijo el Presidente, "Me encantó Spock."
If there was a word you would use to sum up or describe either my dad as an individual or as Spock, the character, what would that be for you?
Si no había una palabra que usaría para resumir o describir Sea mi padre como individuo o como Spock, el carácter, ¿ Cuál sería para usted?
The first word that springs to mind for both of them actually is, I would say, is noble.
La primera palabra que viene a la mente para los dos de ellos en realidad Es, diría, es noble.
The first word that does come to mind is loving.
La primera palabra que vienen a la mente es amante.
I don't know if enjoy is the word that I would use.
No sé si gustar es la palabra que usaría.
And that, after working faithfully all those years, you were turned out without a word.
Y que, después de trabajar con fidelidad durante todos esos años, no ha sido aceptado sin una palabra.
That was the word.
Esa fue la palabra.
Yeah, that's one word for it.
Sí, esa es una forma de verlo.
Extraordinary is a word that may be not quite strong enough, Carole.
Extraordinario es una palabra que tal vez no sea tan fuerte en esto, Carole.
My father always told me that "mercy" was a word that pussies used when they couldn't take the pain.
Mi padre siempre me dijo que "piedad" era una palabra que usaban los cobardes cuando no podían aguantar el dolor.
I passed word that, uh, he shouldn't buy it.
Comuniqué que... no debería comprar.
word 592
words 313
wordy 22
words to live by 22
word travels fast 36
word up 25
words like 23
word of honor 22
word to the wise 46
word of advice 82
words 313
wordy 22
words to live by 22
word travels fast 36
word up 25
words like 23
word of honor 22
word to the wise 46
word of advice 82
word gets around 29
word for word 69
word on the street is 18
word is 107
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
word for word 69
word on the street is 18
word is 107
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that sounds great 436
that sounds fun 130
that is not fair 93
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that sounds great 436
that sounds fun 130
that is not fair 93
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that was quick 252
that is all 319
that is right 117
that way 1811
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that was quick 252
that is all 319
that is right 117
that way 1811