To heal Çeviri İspanyolca
2,348 parallel translation
I was supposed to die that night in both universes, but when I didn't, I became a paradox, and now, for the two worlds to heal, I had to be deleted.
Se suponía que debía morir esa noche en ambos universos, pero cuando no lo hice, se convirtió en una paradoja, y ahora, para la seguridad de ambos mundos, tenia que ser borrado.
Working with the Fringe Division, you've done everything in your power to heal the damage.
Trabajando con la División Fringe, has hecho todo lo que está en tu poder para curar el daño.
Yeah, look, it's time to reevaluate, time to heal.
Sí, mira, es el momento de reflexionar, el momento de curarse.
To heal the nation, we must displace the savage.
Por el bien de la nación, debemos expulsar a los salvajes.
He's going to need some time to heal, but he's a strong boy.
Va a necesitar algún tiempo para recuperarse, pero es un chico fuerte.
Right now, the only way for me, the most effective way to heal myself, there is only one.
Lo que necesito ahora mismo... para sacarme todo esto... ya sé que es.
In order to heal the world, we have to start telling a different story to ourselves, we have to start engaging a different story with others.
Para curar al mundo debemos de empezar a contarnos una historia diferente a nosotros mismos. Tenemos que empezar a participar una historia diferente con los dem s.
You should pray to heal your mind.
Debes orar para sanar a tu mente.
Stay here, I'll try something to heal you, okay? - Okay.
Quédate aquí, buscaré algo para curarte.
There is a way to heal my father.
Hay una manera de curar a mi padre
Uther will never change his attitude towards magic, I know that, but if Arthur allows it to be used to heal his father, his attitude will be changed forever.
Uther nunca va a cambiar su opinión sobre la magia, lo sé, pero si Arthur lo permite será usado para curar a su padre Su actitud va a cambiar para siempre.
I have decided to use magic to heal my father.
He decidido usar magia para curar a mi padre.
I thought you may have come to ask me to use magic to heal your father.
Creía que podías haber venido a pedirme que use la magia para salvar a tu padre.
He intends to use magic to heal Uther.
Pretende usar la magia para curar a Uther.
We all have wounds that we want to heal.
Todos tenemos heridas que queremos sanar.
- And I have to believe that as we keep coming here and talking and revealing, that eventually, in time, even the deepest wounds we carry will begin to heal.
Y debo creer que mientras vengamos aquí, hablando y revelando eventualmente, con el tiempo incluso las heridas más profundas comenzarán a sanar.
I know I became a doctor to heal people... but sometimes, it feels as though I just patch them up so they can be torn apart again.
Sé que me hice médico para curar a la gente... pero a veces, se siente como si sólo los parcheara para que puedan ser destrozados nuevamente.
And they need... they need to heal, just like us.
y ellos necesitan... curarse, solo como nosotras
Right now, she needs time to heal and emotional support, familiar surroundings, uh, friends like the two of you.
Ahora mismo, necesita tiempo para sanar y apoyo emocional, un entorno familiar, y amigos como vosotros dos.
Now we need to heal the wound.
Ahora hay que curarle la herida.
I'll need a fewincarnations to heal this stuff.
Tengo que reencarnar como 2 veces para superarlo.
You didn't try to heal yourself ofthat possessiveness?
¿ No trataste de superar tu posesividad?
A lot of folks said it wasn't worth the money or effort to try to heal him.
Mucha gente dijo que no valía la pena el dinero y el esfuerzo de intentar sanarle.
You might be able to heal, but can you stick that empty head back on your bleeding body to do it, uh?
Podrás curar, ¿ pero puedes volver a unir esa cabeza vacía en tu cuerpo sangrante para hacerlo, eh?
The old wouds don't have time to heal
Las viejas heridas no tienen tiempo para sanar
So I film to heal.
Así que yo filmo para sanar.
I have faith in you, Lord, to heal my friend.
Tengo fe en ti, Señor, para que sanes a mi amiga.
Doctor. Seems like and never to heal and recover completely.
Doctor, parece que no se ha recuperado completamente.
Due to concussion of the brain it takes time to heal after a coma.
Debido a la conmoción cerebral, necesita su tiempo para recuperarse del coma.
There was a movement to bring Bob back... because it was felt that he had the potential... to heal the very strong division that existed.
Había un movimiento para traer a Bob de regreso pues sentían que él tenía el potencial de sanar la fuerte división que existía.
I wanted you to heal me.
Quería que me curaras.
He needs to heal, okay?
He needs to heal, okay?
We purposely keep patients with traumatic brain injuries in a comatose state in order to calm their systems and allow the brain time to heal itself while the swelling subsides.
A los pacientes con lesiones cerebrales los mantenemos en estado de coma para calmar sus sistemas y permitirle al cerebro sanar mientras baja la hinchazón.
I think it's good for two people to have quiet time together, to heal, to smooth out the feathers or whatever.
Creo que es bueno para dos personas pasar un tiempo en silencio, para sanar, limpiar asperezas o lo que sea.
You've missed a lot of school already, and your mom needs time to heal.
Ya has perdido mucha escuela... y tu madre necesita sanar.
"I have come to heal your wounds by kissing them."
"A curar tus heridas con mis besos, vengo".
Take advantage of the mineral springs here and turn them into a therapeutic bath... ... in order to heal everyone's injuries!
¡ Hay que aprovechar las aguas y hacer unos baños curativos para curar a los heridos!
I don't think you're here to help me heal.
No creo que estés aquí para ayudarme a curarme.
to people, who need them, we can break this cancer legacy and heal.
podemos romper este legado del c ncer y curar.
Between that and getting rid of the Federal Reserve over a trillion dollars a year would be freed enough to feed everyone on our planet, deal with social issues and heal our environment.
Entre hacer eso y eliminar la Reserva Federal, m s de 1 trill ¢ n de d ¢ lares al a ¤ o se liberar ¡ an, suficiente para alimentar a todos en el planeta, arreglar problemas sociales, y curar el medio ambiente.
Want me to study more and heal you one day?
¿ Quieres que estudie más y te cure algún día?
Sending him to prison isn't gonna heal you.
Mandarlo a prisión no va a curarte.
And I'm going to reflect, and really heal from what I just saw.
Y voy a reflexionar y sanar de lo que acabo de ver.
It's, uh.... it's something I been mixing here to put on your wound... to draw out all the bad stuff and, uh.... and make it heal better.
Es algo que he estado mezclando para ponerte en la herida. Sacará todo lo malo y ayudará a que sane mejor.
Besides, you'll be no good to your children unless you heal properly.
Además, de nada les servirás a tus hijos si no sanas bien.
It will heal, but you must be sure to keep quiet.
Te curarás, pero debes quedarte tranquilo.
I would only use words for good, to lift the broken-hearted and heal the wounded.
Solo usaría las palabras para el bien, para levantar a los corazones lastimados y curar a los heridos.
What are you going to do if your wound doesn't heal?
¿ Qué vas a hacer si tu herida no se cura?
He sends flies to wounds that He should heal.
Envía moscas a las heridas que Él debería sanar.
For about a buck an hour, you get to witness a miracle of modern medicine every time you heal a scraped knee with a lollipop and a kiss.
Denos una oportunidad. Véngame a ver cuando esté preparado para hablar. Pero que sea en breve.
David said it was blood of our own kind. not human blood. That was able to help heal Lenny.
David dijo que fue sangre de nuestra especie, no sangre humana la que sano a Lenny.
health 115
healthy 188
heal 28
healing 44
health and safety 26
heal me 22
healy 137
health insurance 26
health inspector 16
health care 24
healthy 188
heal 28
healing 44
health and safety 26
heal me 22
healy 137
health insurance 26
health inspector 16
health care 24
healer 21
healed 19
to hell with it 59
to hell with him 30
to hell with you 63
to here 31
to her 130
to help me 30
to hell with that 38
to hell 46
healed 19
to hell with it 59
to hell with him 30
to hell with you 63
to here 31
to her 130
to help me 30
to hell with that 38
to hell 46