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Trying to Çeviri İspanyolca

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Granger's been trying to get her since Natalie I.D.'d her weeks ago.
- Granger lleva intentando contactar con ella desde que Natalie la identificó hace semanas.
Somebody is trying to create a problem where there isn't one.
Alguien intenta crear un problema donde no lo hay.
Do you not think maybe all Charlie was trying to do was help you?
¿ No cree que quizá lo que Charlie intentaba hacer era ayudarlo?
What my husband is trying to say is that we did not kill Charlie.
Lo que mi esposo está tratando de decir es que él no mató a Charlie.
Almost like he was trying to erase you from his memory.
Casi como si intentara borrarla de su memoria.
Just trying to lighten the mood.
Intento relajar los ánimos.
Who has been trying to chisel Voltron away from me this entire time?
¿ Quién intentó robarme a Voltron todo este tiempo?
Hunk, you've been mind-controlled by the queen and you're trying to kill me.
La Reina controlaba tu mente e intentaste matarme.
I'm not trying to win your trust.
No quiero que confíen en mí.
I'm trying to win a war.
Quiero ganar una guerra.
[Hunk] It's trying to pull us in again!
¡ Nos succiona otra vez!
I was trying to hit Keith.
Era para Keith.
- I... I was only trying to- -
- Solo intentaba...
That's what I was trying to tell you guys! It's learning!
Eso intentaba explicarles. ¡ Aprendió!
What are you trying to tell me?
¿ Qué intentas decirme?
It's trying to break through!
¡ Intenta entrar!
They're trying to break down the food and we're the food!
¡ Quieren destruirnos como alimento!
- Are you trying to get us caught?
- ¿ Quieres que nos atrapen?
Are you trying to see if my skin is purple?
¿ Intentas ver si tengo piel morada?
We're trying to defeat him. I get it.
Acabaremos con él.
I hope you understand when I said the things I said, it was because you were in a dark place, and I was worried you were trying to get pregnant for the wrong reasons.
Espero que entiendas que cuando dije lo que dije, fue porque estabas en una mala situación y estaba preocupada por si estuvieses tratando de quedarte embarazada por motivos equivocados.
Fine, he said that I could start trying to get pregnant again if I want to.
Bien, me dijo que podía volver a intentarlo otra vez si quiero.
But I'm trying to get back to normal.
Trato de tener una vida normal de nuevo.
- I'm trying to find out. A list of the most important points.
Aquí hay una lista de lo más importante.
I'm trying to synthesise a growth hormone that may help regenerate Vilma's myelin.
Cultivaré una hormona de crecimiento... que pueda estimular la formación de mielina nueva.
- Only trying to help. Are you done?
- Sólo estoy tratando de ayudarte.
I'm done trying to help you.
- Esta es la última vez que te ayudaré.
Look at us out here trying to scrounge a way to get...
Míranos aquí fuera intentando buscar una forma de conseguir...
To set an example. A few days ago, I was out. Trying to sell what little we had left.
- Unos días más tarde, estaba fuera intentando vender lo poco que habían dejado.
And I was trying to figure out what green meant, like, on a deeper level.
Intentaba descifrar qué significaba el verde en un nivel más profundo.
I was trying to look at the positive, I'm a meditator.
Yo trataba de ver lo positivo, yo medito.
That's why when you see Goth girls walking around, they're not trying to get attention, they're upset.
Por eso, cuando ves chicas góticas, no intentan llamar la atención, están molestas.
I'm not trying to pick you up.
No trato de levantarla.
And now, I'm trying to get... this... little...
Y ahora, estoy tratando de agarrar... este... pequeño...
I'm too busy trying to stay alive than to crack the mystery of the shorts-wearing detective.
Estoy demasiado ocupado tratando de mantenerme vivo como para descifrar el misterio del detective que usa shorts.
We're trying to raise money to send Torey to America for electrical stimulation.
Estamos tratando de recaudar dinero para enviar Torey a EE.UU. para la estimulación eléctrica.
Since Torey's crash, she's been trying to raise money to send him to the States for treatment.
Desde el accidente de Torey, han tratado de recaudar dinero para enviarlo a EE.UU. para el tratamiento.
I was trying to tell Dad how hard I was finding it, but he wasn't listening.
Estaba tratando de decirle a papá lo difícil que fue verlo, pero no estaba escuchando.
But whatever it was, you can't have been happy about it - - not when you're trying to save to pay for Torey's medical treatment.
Pero sea lo que sea, no puede haber estado feliz, no cuando Ud. está intentando ahorrar para el tratamiento de Torey.
Your girlfriend is trying to get you bounced out of training so she can have the AIC all to herself.
Tu novia está intentando largarte del entrenamiento para poder tener la AIC para ella sola.
Alex was trying to get me burned because she's jealous that you recruited both of us.
Alex estaba intentando echarme porque estaba celosa de que nos reclutarais a los dos.
She thinks I'm the one that burned her, so she was trying to get me out of the way.
Cree que soy yo el que la quería echar, así que estaba tratando de quitarme de en medio.
Which is why today I was trying to get her kicked out before she unraveled everything that you've been working for.
Es por eso que hoy intentaba que la echaran antes de que se desentrañara todo por lo que has estado trabajando.
Trying to get to me, to The Farm.
Tratando de llegar a mí, a La Granja.
The World Seed Trust that monitors the vault has been trying to fix things remotely from their control center over in Finland, but they can't navigate the multinational sourced code.
El Gran Almacén de Granos que monitorea la válvula ha tratado de arreglarlo de forma remota desde su centro de control en Finlandia, pero no pueden navegar por el código fuente multinacional.
Was trying not to wake you.
Intentaba no despertarte.
I just thought that, if I kept trying, if I... if I didn't give up, I could convince him not to leave me.
Solo pensé que si seguía intentándolo, si no... no me daba por vencida... podía convencerlo de no dejarme.
You're trying to tell me the queen is brainwashing people? But she's so safe and warm.
- Aquí estamos bien y a salvo.
Mostly just trying not to fall into a bubbling pot of acid.
Evito caer en un pozo de ácido.
- I'm trying to cooperate...
- Sólo trato de cooperar.
I was only trying to...
- Solo intentaba...

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