You had a Çeviri İspanyolca
73,373 parallel translation
You had a message you wanted to tell me.
Tenías un mensaje que querías darme.
You had a minor heart attack.
Tuvo un pequeño infarto.
You went on a trip to arizona, you had an accident.
Fueron a un viaje a Arizona, tuvieron un accidente.
If you had a girl like Tulip you'd be wasting your time.
Si tuvieras a una chica como Tulip, estarías perdiendo el tiempo.
I didn't know you had a dog.
No sabía que tuvieras perro. No lo tengo.
- You had a point.
- Yo... - Tienías un punto.
I swear, if I had known you and Tahani and Chidi on Earth, I might have for real gotten into the Good Place.
Te juro, que si te hubiera conocido y a Tahani y a Chidi en la Tierra, habría llegado de verdad al Buen Lugar.
Oh, I thought I had everything under control when I found Eleanor, but somehow you are... you're so much worse.
Creí que tenía todo bajo control cuando encontré a Eleanor, pero de alguna manera eres... Eres mucho peor.
Well, it sounds like you've had a really nice vacation from your full-time job.
Bueno, parece que has tenido unas vacaciones realmente agradables de tu "trabajo a tiempo completo".
When I confessed. You had no idea I was gonna do that, because honestly, I had no idea I was gonna do that,
No sabías que iba a hacer eso, porque honestamente, yo no tenía idea de que iba a hacer eso.
Yeah, well, I just wish I'd gotten to know him as well as you had.
Sí, bueno. Me gustaría saberlo. A medida que lo conocías.
Since my client, Mr. Bloom, had an alibi for the night of the murder, placing him a ferry boat ride away at the time of death on Catalina Island with his son, did you consider other suspects
Ya que mi cliente, el señor Bloom, tenía una coartada para la noche del asesinato, ubicándolo en un viaje en ferry en el momento de la muerte rumbo a Isla Catalina con su hijo,
Hey, I haven't had a drink in eight months, and like I told you before, sweetheart, I work as a investigator for the defense these days.
Oye... no he bebido en ocho meses, y como dije antes, mi amor, trabajo como investigador de la defensa en estos días.
While they had you waiting downstairs, we executed a search warrant on your apartment.
Mientras que esperaba en la planta baja, ejecutamos una orden de búsqueda en su apartamento.
You said I had the right to remain silent.
Dijo que tenía el derecho a permanecer en silencio.
I thought you were gonna say, like, if when my son had been killed by a Mahdi Army sniper in the Middle East.
Pensaba que ibas a decir, como cuando mi hijo fue asesinado por un francotirador del ejército Mahdi en Oriente Medio.
You have to have had a child of your own and be over 25.
Tienes que haber tenido un hijo tuyo y más de 25 años.
Hmm. I've had a few... brownouts, you could call them.
He tenido unas pocas... bajadas de tensión, podría decirse.
The truth is your marriage wasn't a fucking funfair 100 % of the time, so you had to have yourself a little escape hatch pussy at the ready.
La verdad tu matrimonio no fue un parque de diversiones el 100 % del tiempo... así que tenías que tener un polvo disponible como pequeño escape.
Sir, have you ever had a date in your life?
¿ Alguna vez tuviste una cita?
♪ Last night I had a dream That you were here with me ♪
Anoche soñé Que estabas aquí conmigo
I knew you had other clients, but you told me I was in a different league from them.
Yo sabía, pero dijiste que yo estaba en otra liga.
It was gonna get picked up and then you two had to be all nice and fun and loving...
Lo iba a hacer recoger pero ustedes fueron agradables, divertidos y amables...
Before long, you had... every one of those kids begging you to try out that damn kite.
Enseguida tenías a cada uno de esos niños rogándote probar esa maldita cometa.
Just checking. Because if they had let you keep it, then I would have made a very stern phone call on your behalf.
Porque si te dejaban quedártela entonces habría hecho una llamada muy seria en tu nombre.
You still had braces at 17.
A los diecisiete aún llevabas aparatos dentales.
Between this, your nasal passages, the skin tag epidemic and the foot surgeries, you really had a lot of medical procedures.
Entre esto, tus fosas nasales, tus manchas en la piel y tus intervenciones en los pies, tuviste muchas intervenciones médicas.
And let me guess : Ever since you signed them, you haven't had a good night's sleep.
Y déjeme adivinar, desde que los firmó, no ha dormido bien ni una noche más.
For your information, Harvey Specter did offer me a consulting job just like you did, except his had one more zero at the end of it, and I still turned him down.
Para que sepas, Harvey Specter me ofreció un trabajo de asesoría, tal como tú, excepto que esa oferta tenía un cero más al final, y aun así la rechacé.
I... had a bad day and I wanted to talk to you about it.
Tuve un mal día y quería hablarlo contigo.
Yeah, look, I know you had plans. This weekend, but we caught a murder.
Sí, mira, sé que tenías planes este fin de semana, pero tenemos un asesinato.
You know, I thought since we finally had a second, I might take you out to dinner tonight. To get your mind off of everything.
Ya sabes, pensé que ya por fin nos dieron una segundo, podría llevarte esta noche a cenar para alejar tu mente de todo.
You know... He had a bit of a weight problem.
Usted sabe... tenía un poco de problemas de peso.
You know, Collins and my boss had a little chat about the appearance of impartiality in this case.
Ya sabes, Collins y mi jefe tuvieron una conversación sobre las apariencias de imparcialidad en este caso.
You two had a falling out, and she was down. She fell in with the first twopoolowning bloke she met.
Tuvieron una pelea, ella estaba mal cayó en brazos del primer tipo con dos piscinas que encontró y eso es todo.
Because you see, me, if I was in your situation, if some moppet had their hands on my girl... And I'm not ashamed to admit it, I don't think I'd be very restrained at all.
Que yo, si estuviera en tu lugar si algún mierda le tocara un pelo a mi chica y no me avergüenza admitirlo no creo que me contuviera en absoluto.
This is where you absolutely had to do a locator spell?
¿ Aquí es donde tienes que hacer un hechizo localizador?
As for your pound of flesh, you have had more than enough.
En cuanto a tu venganza, ya has tenido más que suficiente.
In order to keep your family alive, you had to keep yourself alive.
Para mantener a tu familia viva, tenías que mantenerte a ti mismo vivo.
She said you came home around 2 : 00 a.m. and you had blood on your shoes.
Dijo que llegó a casa cerca de las 2 : 00 y que tenía sangre en los zapatos.
Guess you two had a beef over Grace Johnson?
Supongo que ustedes dos tenían un problema por Grace Johnson.
What would you have done, if they had chosen someone else?
¿ Qué le has hecho, si hubieran elegido a otra persona?
In case you had forgotten, the women in our family tend to outlast the men.
En caso de que lo hayas olvidado, las mujeres de nuestra familia tienden a vivir más que los hombres.
If I had 40 more dollars, you'd be looking at a speedboat.
Si hubiera tenido 40 dólares más, estarías mirando a una lancha motora.
I stuck to my guns and as a result, we now have 20 grand we would have otherwise lost if I had listened to you delicate little snowflakes and settled.
Me mantuve firme y como resultado, ahora tenemos $ 20.000 que habríamos perdido de haberlos escuchado, frágiles copos de nieve, y haberme transado.
Now, we may not be Chicago, but I bet you guys have never had a wicked sidecar inside a hundred-foot rock dome.
Ahora, tal vez no seamos Chicago, pero apuesto a que nunca han tenido un sidecar perverso dentro de una cúpula de roca de cien pies.
I heard that you and Grace had a fight. - So?
Escuché que tú y Grace tenías una pelea.
But given the fact that you've already had a cardiac event, it is my recommendation that we do a coronary artery bypass graft.
Pero teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que ya tuvo un evento cardiaco, mi recomendacion es que hagamos un injerto en las arterias.
I told you I haven't had a second.
Te dije que no he tenido ni un segundo.
You had time to get a snack, though.
Tuviste tiempo para tomar un bocadillo, sin embargo.
I mean, having to leave somebody that he couldn't tell you about, somebody for whom he had very strong feelings.
Quiero decir, tener que dejar a alguien de quien no podia hablarles, alguien por quien tenia sentimientos muy fuertes.
you had a bad day 18
you had an accident 24
you had a gun 20
you had a choice 41
you had a vision 21
you had an affair 18
you had a bad dream 17
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had sex 37
you had an accident 24
you had a gun 20
you had a choice 41
you had a vision 21
you had an affair 18
you had a bad dream 17
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had sex 37