You had no idea Çeviri İspanyolca
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Or if you're a real jerk, you just pretend you had no idea it was happening in your own factory and blame everything on the chinese.
O si son unos verdaderos pelmazos, solo fingen que no tienes idea de lo que esta sucediendo en su propia fábrica y culpan de todo a los chinos.
You had no idea that I was here?
¿ No tenías ni idea de que estaba aquí?
Oh, you had no idea what it was?
¿ No tenía idea de qué era eso? Está bien.
And you had no idea who was taunting you, who was doing the so-called egging on?
- Sí. - ¿ Y no tenía ni idea de quién se burlaba de usted, de quién llevaba a cabo la así llamada incitación?
Holy... I had no idea that you guys were even trying.
No sabía ni siquiera que estaban buscando.
I just had no idea you were so passionate about animals.
No sabía que te apasionaban los animales.
Jeannot, I had no idea you spoke Thai. - No.
Jeannot, no tenía ni idea de que hablabas tailandés.
By the way, I had no clue what I was doing with any of this shit, so you got a lot of work to do.
Por cierto, no tenía ni idea de qué hacer con esa mierda así que... Tienes mucho trabajo que hacer.
They were just student archaeologists they had no idea they were doing your dirty work for you.
No eran más que estudiantes de arqueología que no tenían idea de que estaban haciendo el trabajo sucio por ti.
Vi, I had no idea you had to take another job.
Vi, no tenía idea de que habías tenido que conseguir otro trabajo.
Six weeks ago I had no idea you existed, and there you were.
Hace 6 semanas no sabía que existías y ahí estabas.
I had no idea you even went to church.
No tenía idea siquiera de que ibas a la iglesia.
They had an idea to go down the street for a little night cup, but if you not up for it, we can...
Tuvimos la idea de bajar por la calle por una última copa pero si no te provoca...
We didn't have any idea that you had this kind of talent.
No teníamos ni idea que tenía este tipo de talento.
Dude, l-l had no idea you were trying to have the quad ride you... instead of you ride it.
Amigo, II tenía ni idea de que estaban tratando de tener el quad que montar... En lugar de que montarlo.
To be quite honest with you, we had no idea who, or what, would walk through our door.
Para ser honestos no sabíamos que o quien, llegaría a nuestra puerta.
You know You have no idea What I have had to deal with.
Sabes No tienes ni idea Lo que he tenido que tratar.
Django, I had no idea you were a married man.
Django, no sabía que eras un hombre casado.
Did you not say you had some idea where he was?
¿ No dijo que tenía alguna idea de dónde estaba?
The night you met iris, face-to-face with your own flesh and blood you had no clue.
La noche que conociste a Iris cara a cara con alguien de tu propia sangre no tenías ni idea.
I had no idea that... you would bring that sort of things.
No tenía idea de que trajeras ese tipo de cosas.
Usually when you hear about a local hero, you see it in the headlines, and ljust had no idea.
Cuando se sabe de un heroe local, lo ves en los titulares, у no lo supe.
You haven't had a creative thought in your life.
No has hecho nada. No has tenido una idea creativa en tu vida.
I assure you Nate had no idea.
Te aseguro que Nate no tenía idea.
I had no idea you were feeling that low, Darren.
No tenía ni idea de que te sintieras tan deprimido, Darren.
He was not aware that you had any connection with the café.
No tenía ni idea de que tuvieses algo que ver con la cafetería.
Me? We've never worked this closely together and I had no idea that you were so magnetic.
Nunca habíamos trabajado tan de cerca y no tengo ni idea de qué te hace tan atrayente.
Emma, I had no idea you had such a connection to her.
Emma, no sabía que tenías esa conexión con ella.
Well, since I had no idea that was going on, it's pretty easy to forgive you.
Bueno, como no tengo ni idea de qué estás hablando es bastante sencillo perdonarte.
I could have sworn you said Wednesday was your mandatory family dinner night, but your Mom had no idea where you were. I went by your house.
Fui a tu casa.
I had no idea you were the kind of guy who picks up girls in airport bars.
No tenía ni idea de que fueras la clase de chico que busca mujeres en el bar del aeropuerto.
Say you find, like, a shitload of money, and you're - you're pretty sure you know whose it is... and you're pretty sure that he or she has no idea that they ever had it... what would you do?
Digamos que, encuentras mucho dinero, y sabes... Y estas segura, de quien es... Y estas casi seguro de que el, o ella, ni sabe que lo tenia...
You told me I had no idea who you was or what you was capable of, and...
Me dijo que yo no tenía ni idea de quién era usted o de qué era capaz...
I had no idea that... yeah, you are sorry.
No tenía ni idea de que... Sí, lo sientes.
Campbell or I had this idea that it would be something about, you know, how times are tough and you can't get anywhere.
Campbell o yo tuvimos la idea de que debería ser algo sobre, sabes, que los tiempos son duros y que no puedes ir a ningún sitio.
When you and my mom were making iced tea, I had no idea that you were- - Ugh!
Cuando tú y mi madre estábais haciendo té helado, no tenía ni idea de que estábais... ¡ puag!
He had no idea you were already bought.
No tenía idea de que tú ya estabas comprado.
I had no idea you were gonna be here.
No tenía ni idea de que fueras a estar aquí.
Lily told me you'd stepped up, but I had no idea how much you accomplished.
Lily me dijo que había crecido, pero no tenía ni idea de cuanto lograste.
- Jason. Jesus, I had no idea how much attention you needed.
Jesús, no sentía ni idea de cuánta atención necesitabas.
- I had no idea you were so beautiful.
No tenía ni idea de que fueses tan guapa.
I had no idea it was such a sore point for you.
No tenía ni idea que era algo tan doloroso para ti.
And I couldn't bear to tell them what it had been like squiring for you, when I knew that they could never have the faintest idea what I was talking about.
Y no pude soportar decirles Io que había sido ser su escudero, cuando me di cuenta de que nunca entenderían a qué me refería.
I had no idea you'd go to such lengths to hide your true self from your good friends.
No tenía idea que llegarías tan lejos Para ocultar tu verdadero ser de tus buenos amigos.
And, uh, I had to come down here because you have no idea how important this is.
Y tuve que venir porque no tienen idea de lo importante que es esto.
- I know, and I'm sorry, I had no idea that there was anything wrong with the fund when I convinced you to invest.
- Lo sé, y lo siento, no tenía ni idea de que pasaba algo raro con la fundación cuando te convencí de que invirtieras.
And then I heard that you got to little Loretta just in time that same day, and I just want you to realize that when I decided I was gonna help her, I had no idea what she had intended to do.
Y después supe que alcanzaste a Loretta justo a tiempo ese día y solo quiero que sepas que, cuando decidí ayudarla no tenía idea de lo que ella iba a hacer.
- You had no fucking idea.
- No tenías ni puta idea.
I had no idea you were so good with plants.
No tenía idea de que fueras tan bueno con las plantas.
I honestly had no idea they didn't tell you what was going on.
No tenía ni idea de que no os habían dicho lo que pasaba.
I assure you I had no idea the lady was in any kind of trouble.
Les aseguro que no tenía ni idea de que la dama tuviera algún problema.
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had me worried 35
you had enough 29
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had it 22
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had me worried 35
you had enough 29
you had to be there 28
you had fun 22
you had it 22