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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You heard of it

You heard of it Çeviri İspanyolca

1,388 parallel translation
Have you heard of it?
¿ Han oído nombrarlo?
Have you heard of it?
Usted ha oído hablar de él?
You heard of it?
Usted si?
Net? - Have you heard of it?
- ¿ Has oído hablar de él?
I don't know if the rest of you heard it but I think he just confessed to being a communist.
No sé si el resto de ustedes lo escuchó pero creo que acaba de confesar que es comunista.
- You never heard of it.
- No la conoce.
Haven't heard of it, have you?
- ¿ No lo saben?
None of us wants to do this, but you've heard the facts, and it is unavoidable.
Ninguno quiere hacerlo, pero han oído los hechos y es inevitable
All France is aghast at this book, yet you've not heard of it?
Toda Francia está horrorizada, ¿ y no lo sabíais?
Haven't you ever heard of it?
¿ No lo conoces?
It was written by a writer you have never heard of.
Esto fue escrito por un autor del que ni has oído :
It's Dennis Hope. You've all heard of him.
Se llama Dennis Hope.
There's a million others like it you probably never heard of.
Hay un millón como esta de las cuales probablemente nunca has oído nombrar.
Patty, I just heard of what you've been doing with Mr. Fix-it.
Patty, oí que te acostaste con el Sr. Arréglalo.
You probably wouldn't have heard of it.
Seguro que no lo conoce.
I've heard it said that, as you're about topass into the next world, that the final truth of this worldhits you.
Yo... escuché decir... que... cuando estás por pasar... al próximo mundo... la última verdad de éste mundo... te golpea.
I've heard that when you trace the origin of trouble more times than not it can lead to a smile.
He oido decir que si rastreas el origen de los problemas, a menudo encuentras una sonrisa.
It was the dumbest protest you ever heard of.
Fué la protesta más estupida que pudieras encontrar.
- Have you ever heard of it?
- ¿ Habías oído hablar de él?
It's not that surprising that he's heard of you.
No es tan raro que haya oído hablar de ti.
She's heard every one of them. You wanna tell it?
Ella ya las conoce todas. ¿ Quieres contarla?
I'm surprised you've heard of it.
Me sorprende que lo sepas.
Haven't you ever heard of "leaves of three, let it be"?
¿ No has oído nunca : "Si tiene tres hojas, déjala estar"?
If it was his voice... you heard talking to Elston, they'll be using both of us.
Si es su voz la que creistes oir en Elston, os han utilizado a los dos.
Oh, well, if you never heard it before, you're in for a treat, 'Cause it's like the best album of all time.
Si nunca lo escuchaste antes, preparate para emociones fuertes... porque es el mejor disco de todos los tiempos.
[Sighs] Someone around here has heard of Mirage. You can bet on it.
Les apuesto a que alguien de aquí ha oído de Espejismo.
- Prakash : You've heard of it?
- ¿ Ha oído hablar de ello?
You ever heard of it?
- ¿ Has oído hablar de él?
Have you ever heard the sound a mother bear makes when anything gets between her and her cubs? It's something to be afraid of.
¿ Has oído el sonido que hace una mamá osa... cuando algo se interpone entre ella y sus cachorros?
Maybe you heard of it.
Tal vez hayas oído de eso.
It's like, "'Ex-squeeze'me, but have you ever heard of styling gel? "
¿ No sabe que hay gel para modelar el cabello?
Oh, the Mona Lisa, you never heard of it.
Oh, la Mona Lisa, nunca escuchó sobre ella.
We've heard of electric wheelchairs, but have you heard of one powered by rockets? A girl by the name of Betty Menger may not be able to walk, but it hasn't slowed her down.
Una chica local llamada Betty Manger... no puede caminar, pero vive a alta velocidad.
Well, my sales clerk friend, I happen to write for a little publication. Maybe you've heard of it.
- Bueno, mi amigo... escribo para una pequeña publicación que quizás conozcas.
I have heard it said you are a man of copious desires.
Oí decir que usted es un hombre de copiosos deseos.
Perhaps you've heard of it.
Tal vez haya oído acerca de ese lugar.
You have not heard of it.
Usted no ha oído hablar de él.
- Perhaps you've heard of it.
- Quizá ha oido hablar de él.
Perhaps you've heard of it.
Quizá la ha escuchado.
You've probably never heard of it.
Ustedes probablemente nunca han oído hablar de ella.
Eah, you may not have heard of it, it's for australians.
Sí, quizás no lo conoce. Es para australianos.
Yeah, you may not have heard of it, it's for australians.
Sí, quizás no lo conoce. Es para australianos.
You know, I got out of the whole andy business once I heard it could make your heart explode.
Abandoné el negocio al enterarme de que hacían estallar el corazón
- l heard you'd be here, Drue. And far be it for me to miss out on even a morsel of your flamboyant wit.
Supe que estarías aquí y no quise perderme ni un poco de tu flamante ingenio.
- I'm surprised you've never heard of it.
Me sorprende que no haya oído hablar de ello.
I know you've heard a lot of talk about it in the past.
Se que has oido hablar del mismo tema en el pasado.
- You've heard of it?
- ¿ Conoces la palabra?
If you believe the testimony you've heard here, it's only fair to conclude that he has the same rights as any of us.
Si usted cree los testimonios que se escucharon aquí sólo es correcto concluir que él tiene los mismos derechos que cualquiera de nosotros.
- Maybe he is. - But you've heard of it.
- Pero lo has oído.
- Some of you may have heard of it.
- Puede que a algunos les suenen.
I heard you say it, Agent Scully. I heard you tell a classroom full of FBI cadets. Most evil in the world comes from men.
He oído como le decías a una clase llena de cadetes del FBI que las mayores atrocidades son obra de los hombres.

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