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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You just did it

You just did it Çeviri İspanyolca

2,366 parallel translation
If Adrien's plan was to knock me out of the competition, congratulations, you just did it.
Si el plan de Adrien era golpear me fuera de la competición, felicitaciones, usted acaba de hacer él.
You just did it.
Solo lo hicieron
You just did it.
Acabas de hacerlo.
It almost killed me the last time you did it, and you just did it again.
Casi me mató la última vez que lo hiciste, y tu lo acabas de volver a hacer.
- How? - You just did it in the hallway.
- Lo acabas de hacer en el pasillo.
Oh, you just did it.
¡ Oh! Acabas de hacerlo.
You waed to do that just as much as I did, and you thought it was great.
Tú quieres hacerlo. Solo lo mucho que lo hice, y tu pensaste que fue genial
I think you did what all of us would dearly loved to have done. ( SIAN CRIES ) Look, just open the bloody door and get out here before I kick it in.
Creo que hiciste lo que a cualquiera de nosotros le hubiera encantado hacer.
She just did it because she loves you.
Sólo lo hizo porque te quiere.
Look, I really did come here to see you, to take the next step, but it just wasn't right.
Oye... de verdad vine para verte para dar el siguiente paso, pero no estaba bien
Even Jaq said, "where did Whitney go?" ♪ What you know ♪ ♪ it's all just a show ♪
Incluso Jaq dijo, " ¿ Dónde se ha ido? Lo estoy pasando bien en San Francisco, pero he decidido quedarme solo por esta noche.
Hey, you know, I - - I know that you did this just to get Davey off the hook, but it's - - it's really sweet.
Oye, ¿ sabes? yo-yo sé que haces esto para que Davey no se sienta mal, pero esto es-es verdaremente dulce.
It's a signed agreement promising to buy you a reasonably priced car if you managed to save up half the down payment, which I believe you just did.
Es un acuerdo firmado en el que prometo comprarte un coche no muy caro, si conseguías ahorrar la mitad de tu sueldo. Creo que ya lo has hecho.
Did you just say, "babe, overdo it"?
¿ Acabas de decir "cariño, exagera"?
I mean just look at the fabric, Where did you get it, Shel?
Basta con ver esta tela, ¿ De dónde sacaste eso, Shel?
♪ It's where the wind blows ♪ You look just like you did on prom night.
Estás exactamente igual que la noche del baile.
Well, you know, it's just, I mean, not only did I lose my mother and my father and my brother to tragic circumstances.
Bueno, es que no sólo perdí a mi madre, a mi padre y a mi hermano en circunstancias trágicas.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Did you not see the sign outside? I'm just putting it away, your honor.
Cuanto mayores son, más grande es la caída. - ¿ No vio al cartel afuera?
Roger, what did you do? It was just really a very close time.
"Hay alguna medicina ahí?" Muy chocante
Just what you did here, it's awesome.
Justo lo que hiciste aquí, es impresionante.
Uh, you wanted it yesterday, so they just did a quickie- - a Y chrome.
Harbert? Lo querían para ayer... así que, le hicieron uno rapidito. Un cromo.
I just need to know. Did you do it?
Necesito saber. ¿ Tú lo hiciste?
Brick, you just did enjoy it, and you know why?
Brick, acabas de disfrutarlo, ¿ y sabes por qué?
Assuming you could prove I did find out before you just said it.
Asumiendo que puedas probar que yo lo sabía antes de que tú me lo dijeras.
If you never saw the transcendent in all of this, if the church was just some form of self-imposed stricture to keep you sober, how did you expect it to work?
Si nunca viste la trascendencia en todo esto... Si la iglesia fue sólo una forma de constricción auto impuesta para mantenerte sobria, ¿ cómo esperabas que funcionara esto?
He is, um, he's just such an angel. What I don't get is how you did it.
Es un ángel.
I mean, you did go behind my back and get the mayor to use my redevelopment money for a new road project, but it's no big deal. It's trivial, tiny, just like your tapas.
Me refiero, tu si fuiste detrás de mis espaldas e hiciste que el alcalde usara mi dinero para la remodelación para el proyecto de un nuevo camino pero no es un problema es insignificante, pequeña como tus tapas
Listen, with everything that you did to Silver, it's just kind of hard to pretend that we're friends.
Escucha, con todo lo que le hiciste a Silver, es bastante duro fingir que somos amigos.
Did you just do it to spite me?
- ¿ Lo hiciste sólo para fastidiarme?
- You guys just did it.
Ustedes chicos lo hicieron.
It is not because I think you did wrong, so just compensate me.
No es porque creo que hice mal, por lo que me acaba de compensar.
Good,'cause I just did it because I was nervous, and you're- - you're really tiny, and I love you.
Bien, porque hice esto sólo porque estaba nerviosa, y tú eres... eres muy pequeña, y te quiero.
You guys didn't just do the superhero group thing first, you did it the best.
Ustedes no sólo fueron el primer grupo de superhéroes ¡ fueron el mejor!
What did you just call me? Brittany, I didn't mean it...
¿ Cómo me dijiste?
I don't--I did--I just- - I don't want you to worry about it, you know?
No quería preocuparte con eso, ¿ sabes?
You know, and that's what I did. And, you know, I just- - they just egged it on. And finally I just told the cops,
Ellos seguían insistiendo y entonces fue cuando dije a los polis :
We just want to know why you did it.
Sólo queremos saber por qué lo hiciste.
Yes it id, just you did not come here at the time.
Sí que existía, pero tú no venías.
I really don't care if she does, but I would just rather she wasn't wearing my uniform when she did it, so why don't you tell us...
La verdad es que no me importa si lo hace, pero preferiría que no llevase mi uniforme cuando lo hiciera, así que por qué no nos dices...
Just try the bucket chair, just to say you did it.
Utiliza la silla con cubo, solo para decir que lo usaste.
But just for clarification, are you apologizing for coming on to me or the fact that you were drunk when you did it?
Pero sólo para aclaralo, ¿ Estás disculpándote por lanzarte sobre mi o porque estabas borracha cuando lo hiciste?
It's best to just tell the truth and be yourself, face to face so that's what i did at first she laughed... then started talking to me gradually she said she liked my honesty now you sneaky bugger be honest with me... are you guys buddies buddies or buddies buddies?
Lo mejor es decir simplemente la verdad y ser tú mismo, cara a cara así que eso es lo que hice en un primer momento se echó a reír... entonces me empezó a hablar poco a poco ella dijo que le gustaba mi honestidad ahora maldito astuto se honesto conmigo... ¿ soys chicos amigos compañeros o amigos amigos?
Bye... you know its okay it's not your fault you did exactly what i did i totally overreacted at the party... it's just that i fell for you actually fell in love with you
Adiós... Sabes, todo está bien - No es culpa tuya.
Did I say that just how you wrote it?
¿ Dije algo que no hayas escrito?
She just has to know why you did it.
Sólo quiere saber por qué lo hiciste.
You did not just make it here before I did.
No llegaste aquí justo antes que yo.
It's just... you did such a good job with the oven,
Es sólo que... hiciste un buen trabajo con el horno,
And, JP, I don't think you did it, just so you know.
Y JP, no creo que lo hicieras, para que lo sepas.
I've just spent the past hour arranging the school timetable... or did you think I painstakingly laid it out for decoration?
Pasé toda la última hora organizando el horario escolar ¿ o pensaste que lo desparramé tan cuidadosamente por decoración?
Well, did you say it conversationally or lecture-y? I tried to keep it conversational but words just kept pouring out of my mouth.
Traté de mantener una conversación, pero las palabras se desbordaban por mi boca.
I'll go outside. You say it again just like you did,
Voy a salir fuera y lo dices igual que lo has hecho antes.

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