But he's here Çeviri Fransızca
2,062 parallel translation
They're not our problems. They're Mr Merdle's problems, but he's isn't here to face them, is he?
ce ne sont pas nos problèmes ce sont ceux de Mr Merdle, mais est-il là pour y faire face, hein?
Here lie the mortal remains of John Chivery, assistant turnkey and later chief turnkey of the Marshalsea prison for debt. He was unlucky in love, and endured a good deal of sorrow, but he rose above it, and performed many an act of kindness, even to his rival.
ci-git les restes de John Chivery, assistant gardien et plus tard, gardien en chef de la prison pour dettes de la Maréchaussée il n'a pas eu de chance en amour, et vécu un grand chagrin, mais il s'en remit,
But he is here because he wants you to have a better life, so your kids can learn to read and write.
Il est ici parce qu'il veut que vos conditions de vie s'améliorent. que vos enfants apprennent à lire et à écrire.
But here's where he makes his big mistake.
Mais là, il a fait une erreur.
Dmitri's over here studying', but he's going to jump in a car with us, and we're gonna take him over to Jack's.
Dmitri est là pour étudier, mais il va prendre la bagnole avec nous, et on l'emmène chez Jack.
I'll give him a few more minutes, Mr. McCintry but if he's not here by a quarter past I'll be forced to award everything to Mrs. Finnegan here by default.
Je lui accorde quelques minutes supplémentaires, mais s'il n'est pas là au quart, je serai forcé d'attribuer les biens à Mme Finnegan, par défaut.
No, he was born here, but he sailed from Spain... so that's why South America is Spanish and not Italian.
Non, il est né ici, mais il est parti d'Espagne... et c'est pourquoi l'Amérique du Sud est espagnole et non italienne.
But he's here! He's with the board now!
Mais il est là, au conseil.
The president apologizes he could not be here to greet you in person, but something urgent has come up.
Le président s'excuse de ne pas pouvoir être là en personne mais quelque chose d'urgent a eu lieu.
I'm sorry, Captain, but he's here again.
Capitaine, il est de retour.
He'd had a talk show here in the US that had won some awards but hadn't syndicated well and had been dropped by the network.
Il avait déjà eu une émission aux États-Unis qui avait remporté quelques prix, mais les droits ne s'étaient pas bien vendus, alors le réseau l'avait annulée.
But what's he doing here?
Que fiche-t-il là?
You are the reason why he got bit and it's bad enough that those two mother fuckers came down here but look at that shit.
Il s'est fait mordre par ta faute, et comme si ça suffisait pas d'amener ces deux cons, regarde le résultat!
I gotta get out of here, but, I talked to The Bossmen's drummer... and he's gonna send me those copies.
Faut que j'y aille, mais j'ai parlé au batteur des Bossmen... et il va m'envoyer des copies.
I thought he was here, but he's not.
Je croyais qu'il était là, mais non.
- No, but I'm glad he's here.
- Non, mais je suis content qu'il soit là.
Look, Carl, this is a great opportunity for you to be a consumer advocate here, which the country needs because Nader is, uh, running for president again, and, uh, well, I'd ask Alan, but he's busy.
Écoute, Carl, c'est une superbe opportunité pour toi pour être l'avocat des consommateurs ici que le pays a besoin parce que Nader, va, euh, se présenter comme Président, encore, et, euh, bien, j'ai demandé à Alan, mais il est occupé.
But he's not here, is he?
Mais il n'est pas ici.
If they're not here, I'll lock him in here and he'll be safe for the night, but all I can do is take him to the pound in the morning.
S'ils ne viennent pas, je le surveillerai et il sera en sécurité pour la nuit, mais tout que je peux faire est de le porter à la fourrière le matin.
Maybe it's subconscious, but it's obvious you wish he weren't here.
C'est peut-être inconscient, mais sa présence vous dérange.
But he's here, isn't he?
Mais il est ici, pas vrai?
What if he never lived here but just stopped by to mail the letter?
Et s'il n'a jamais vécu ici et qu'on s'est seulement arrêté pour poster la lettre?
But since he came here this means you think you have a problem.
Mais depuis qu'il est arrivé ici, il s'agit vous pensez avoir un problème.
I'm trying to get your witness in here to I.D. Stoner Sherry... but Marquez versus Pacquiao is this weekend, so he's got a lot of appointments.
J'essaie de faire venir le témoin pour identifier Sherry la défoncée... mais il y a Marquez Vs Pacquiao en fin de semaine et il est très occupé.
But diamonds... they're not all that he's shipping over here.
Mais il ne fait pas qu'importer des diamants.
You may laugh Dr. Wilson but I'm sure as soon as the Furher knows what's going on here. He will intervene.
Vous riez, mais dés que le Führer le saura il interviendra sûrement.
He'd pop a vein if he knew I were here asking you to solve his murder but you've always been the best in town.
- Toutes mes condoléances. - Il ferait une attaque, s'il savait que je te demande de résoudre son meurtre... mais tu as toujours été le meilleur.
But here he's "Hot Tub" Johnny.
Mais la bas c'est "jacuzzi Johnny".
But if he was here he'd say that if Mark wants him to leave this fucking mall it will be over Ronnie's dead fucking body.
Mais si c'était le cas, il dirait que si Mark voulait qu'il quitte son foutu centre commercial, il faudrait lui passer sur le corps.
He can't say too much, but he's here for a reason.
- Il ne peut pas trop parler, c'est normal. On l'a quand même envoyé.
fun! i even offered to help fritzi here with this el jefe case, but i think he's too embarrassed to have me around the office.
J'ai offert mon aide à Fritzi sur l'affaire El Jefe, mais il serait gêné de m'avoir au bureau.
But we also know that he's not at fault here.
Mais on sait aussi qu'il n'est pas responsable.
I don't think I'm going out on a limb here but, hey, he's not gonna like prison.
Je pense que je ne vous apprends rien, mais il ne va pas aimer la prison.
But he's been here for half a day.
Il est là depuis une demi-journée.
I don't care what you guys do, but I'm gonna go find Kyle to make sure he's okay and then I'm getting my stuff and I'm getting the hell out of here, and never looking back.
Je m'en fous. Moi, je vais chercher Kyle, pour voir s'il va bien. Je prends mes cliques et mes claques et je me tire.
You know, I rarely agree with this guy here, but he's right, Kyle.
Je suis rarement d'accord avec lui, mais il a raison, Kyle.
But now, the dad is here. He's going to ruin everything.
Mais maintenant que le père est là, il va tout gâcher.
But Paul's here, and he's taking advantage of my mother.
- Mais il est ici. Et il profite de ma mère.
I know in my heart it's better that he left me behind, but it's still weird sitting here at the bar by myself.
Je sais qu'il a bien fait de me laisser, mais ça me fait bizarre d'être assis ici tout seul.
It's embarrassing to admit this now, but... when he first started coming here I was sure you'd be on my side.
C'est gênant à admettre, mais... quand on a commencé ici, j'étais sûre que vous seriez de mon côté.
Well, my dad's a vet here at the track and he's usually here, but I can't find him.
Mon père est vétérinaire et d'habitude il est ici. Mais je ne l'ai pas trouvé.
The assistant said that he had a lot of money in here, but that's missing.
Elle dit qu'il avait beaucoup d'argent là-dedans, mais il a disparu.
They say Lennox was supposed to play him right here at Whitey's night before he died, but neither of'em showed.
On dit que Lennox devait jouer contre lui ici chez Whitey le soir avant sa mort, mais aucun d'eux ne s'est montré.
Yeah, but if he dumped other bodies here, he's got over 800 acres to work with.
Oui, mais s'il a balancé les autres, ici, il avait 800 acres pour le faire.
I'm just not sure why or for how long, But he's still here.
Je ne suis pas sûre du pourquoi, ni pour combien de temps, mais il est encore ici.
He's supposed to meet me here, but he's late.
Il était censé me retrouver ici, mais il est en retard.
No, but he's never here.
Non, mais il n'est jamais là.
Julia, as unforgivable as Tommy's behavior has been, and it has been, but he lives here. Elizabeth is his daughter.
Julia, le comportement de Tommy est impardonnable, mais il vit ici et Elizabeth est sa fille.
Sorry. Just had the handyman in here, but he's finished. Thank you, handyman.
Pardon, c'était l'homme de ménage.
But... he's making choices here, too.
Mais... il fait ses propres choix, aussi.
He's fine. But you might want to get down here quick as you can.
Mais, pouvez-vous venir dès que possible?
but he's a good guy 21
but he's gone 56
but he's not here 42
but he's a good man 17
but he's dead 84
but he's right 88
but he's gone now 20
but he's good 19
but he's wrong 25
but he's alive 46
but he's gone 56
but he's not here 42
but he's a good man 17
but he's dead 84
but he's right 88
but he's gone now 20
but he's good 19
but he's wrong 25
but he's alive 46
but he's okay 31
but he's fine 33
but he's not 136
but he's gonna be okay 19
but he's 144
he's here 1741
he's here now 45
he's here to help 17
he's here somewhere 23
here 35434
but he's fine 33
but he's not 136
but he's gonna be okay 19
but he's 144
he's here 1741
he's here now 45
he's here to help 17
he's here somewhere 23
here 35434
here we go 9033
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you are 1966
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here they come 557
here they are 545
here i go again 25
here we go now 20
here's my 20
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here they come 557
here they are 545
here i go again 25
here we go now 20
here's my 20