Even for him Çeviri Fransızca
1,107 parallel translation
Even so, a three-week silence is unusual even for him.
Mais 3 semaines de silence, c'est long, même pour lui.
Two and a half years isn't enough, even for him.
Deux ans et demi, ça ne suffit pas, même pour lui.
Sometimes, it's a real pain in the ass, even for him.
D'ailleurs, ça le rend emmerdant. Même à ses yeux.
I've known him for years. Not even his wife.
Ni moi, ni même sa femme.
We were both suffering from it, even before he asked for me, and I went to see him. I was full of hate and remorse...
Nous souffrions tous les deux et avant même... qu'il me fit appeler, j'allai le voir, le cœur débordant de haine et de remords.
But he feels like a god... because she's working for him... and he takes care of her twice a day... and she even went out and bought him an air conditioner.
Mais il se sent tout-puissant car il l'a mise sur le trottoir. Elle lui a même offert un climatiseur!
You'd do anything for him - even betray him to save him from his own folly.
Vous feriez tout pour lui. Tout. Vous le trahiriez même pour le sauver de sa propre folie.
I still say it's the work of an outsider getting even for the card cheat and an insider telling him who did it.
Je reste sur ma position : On a un étranger qui veut venger le tricheur, et un délateur qui guide sa main.
The army questioned him for a week after it happened. So did I. He didn't even know what we were talking about.
L'armée et moi l'avons déja questionné, mais il n'y a rien a en tirer!
For all we know, they don't even know him.
Et ils n'ont pas besoin de savoir qui il est.
So it won't surprise you to learn that... It may not be possible for him to contact you for a year. Or even longer.
Alors ça ne vous surprendra pas d'apprendre... qu'il ne puisse pas vous contacter pendant un an ou même davantage.
You even want him for your bed as well, huh?
Tu voudrais bien l'avoir dans ton lit!
The only chance we got with Boss for stealing his car is to bring him back something he likes even better, which is a horse.
Notre seule chance avec le patron pour avoir volé sa voiture, c'est de lui rapporter quelque chose qu'il aime encore plus : un cheval.
And as for Dr. Brandt... he doesn't even know that you're in the room with him.
Et le Dr. Brandt... ne se rend même pas compte de votre présence.
Mother was so angry at him for giving us the amulet that she decided to move back in with him for a while just to get even.
Maman était tellement furieuse pour l'amulette qu'elle est retournée habiter avec lui pour se venger.
We'd even misbehave for him
Nous irons jusqu'à mal nous conduire pour
Save him for something even heavier than you. For what? - Something sporty.
Epargne-les pour quelque chose, quelque chose de sportif.
Do not betray your king, even in thought, for the birds may take your words to him.
Ne trahis point ton roi, ne serait-ce qu'en pensée. Les oiseaux du ciel emporteront vers lui ta voix.
We promise we will not let him get bored even for a second.
Oui. Nous promettons que nous ne le laisserons pas ennuyeux
It could be even a distraction for him, poor guy, couldn't it?
Pauvre type, ça pourrait même lui faire un divertissement, n'est-ce pas?
But is it possible for him to have even a single thought in common with HUMAN BEINGS who are capable of disturbing the peace in which I want to work?
Avoir avec des êtres humains qui sont en état de me déranger dans le calme de mon travail ne serait-ce qu'une pensée en commun?
I'm not even finish paying for him.
J'ai même pas fini de le payer.
Even them that hates him, admire him for that.
Même ses ennemis l'admirent pour ça.
/ Yes, go to Him even then. / For the Lord will grant you courage.
Maintenant va le voir car le Seigneur t'apportera courage.
- I couldn't even use him for ballast.
- Il ne peut même pas servir de lest.
As Carter Winston or even just part of him, there's a better life for you than anything the Romulans might offer.
En tant que Carter Winston, ou une partie de lui, il existe une vie meilleure que celle que vous ont offerte les Romuliens.
Even in the hell I lived through, I waited for Him, though he never came.
Même dans l'enfer, j'ai attendu ce Dieu qui n'est jamais apparu.
But to make up for it, she painted phony teeth on his lips and she taught him to put up such an act of ferocity that he can even intimidate an elephant.
Pour se racheter, elle lui a dessiné de fausses dents... et lui a appris à se montrer si féroce... qu'il peut même intimider un éléphant.
So how can he justify his hatred for a society that lets him live like a gentlemen? Even if he did come in through the service entrance
Comment peut-il haïr une société qui lui permet de mener grand train... bien qu'il soit entré par la porte de service?
You must hope for something, even if you can't tell him.
Vous lui souhaitez quelque chose, même si vous ne savez pas le dire.
Even this creature, one of the fiercest and most untameable ever created, lives in peace in the world that I create for him.
Même cette créature, l'une des plus féroces et sauvages qui existent, vit paisiblement dans le monde que je lui ai créé.
When Katyusha came into the room, or even when Nekhlyudov saw her white apron from afar, everything brightened up for him as though lit by the sun...
"Quand Katioucha entrait " ou qu'il apercevait son tablier blanc, "tout s'ensoleillait en lui..."
Even a pit was too expensive for him.
( N'importe quel trou était trop cher. )
Hell, we won't even charge him for the paint.
Même la peinture ne lui coütera rien.
We could even wait for him in his room.
Et même qu'on peut même l'attendre dans sa chambre.
He has a fortress in store for him, or even more horrible... hard labor.
Il est bon pour la forteresse, sinon, pire encore, le bagne à vie.
Even if I had worked for him, I wouldn't know anything!
De toute façon, je n'aurais rien su.
The captain seemed to have read my thoughts. In his bad grammar Latin, he told me that even he knew nothing about this lovely and mysterious lady. She had turned to him, asking for protection as if she feared something or someone.
Le capitaine semblait avoir lu dans mes pensées et dans son latin sans syntaxe, me dit qu'il ne savait rien de cette belle et mystérieuse dame qui lui avait demandé protection, semblant craindre quelque chose ou quelqu'un.
I couldn't disturb him even for Officer Miglioriti.
Je ne peux pas le déranger, même pas pour l'agent Miglioriti.
You should have told him We had to borrow money even for the splinters.
Vous auriez dû lui dire que pour les fétus aussi il nous faut emprunter de l'argent.
Matsunaga even made her walk for him.
Matsunaga l'a même fait travailler pour lui.
Perhaps it would be even better if we took him to hospital for a day or two.
Ça serait peut-être bien de l'hospitaliser pour un jour ou deux.
He even said, why didn't I go with him down to Florida and-and gave me two tickets for the game.
Il m'a même demandé de l'accompagner en Floride. Et il m'a donné deux places pour le match.
This would be even worse for him.
Il comprendra que ça sera encore pire pour lui.
If you have to hang him over the public interest in the case, it'll look like you'll be rewarded for stringing him up, and in some quarters they'll even thought of as heroes.
Si vous devez le pendre, compte tenu de la popularité de l'affaire, on aurait l'impression que l'on vous décore pour l'avoir éxécuté. Et dans certains quartiers ils passeront pour des héros.
I wouldn't repay him for my trouble even if I hit him with a hammer.
Pour tout ce qu'il m'a fait, même des coups de marteau.
He doesn't care that the police are looking for him. He doesn't even acknowledge the District Marshal when he meets him.
Il se fiche qu'un commissaire le recherche.
He must learn to stay with someone, even if it's boring for him sometimes.
Il doit apprendre la vie à deux! Même s'il s'ennuie parfois.
'It startled him even more'when, just after he was awarded the Galactic Institute's prize'for extreme cleverness,'he got lynched by a rampaging mob of respectable physicists'who had finally realised'the one thing they really couldn't stand was a smartass!
Sa surprise fut plus grande encore lorsque juste après s'être vu décerner le prix d'Extrême Habileté de l'Institut Galactique, il se retrouva lynché par une foule de physiciens respectables, conscients du fait que s'il y avait une chose qu'ils ne pouvaient encaisser, c'étaient bien les petits futés.
Even if you search for him, you will never find him :
Vous ne le trouverez jamais :
I hope it won't prejudice you against acquiring this piece... but I would lose Benjamin Pierce for good... if I even approached him with the idea.
J'espère que vous ne changerai pas votre... concernant l'acquisition de cette pièce... mais je perdrais Benjamin Pierce pour de bon... si lui parlais seulement de ça.
even for us 24
even for me 84
even for you 239
even for a moment 21
even for a second 21
for him 328
for himself 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
even for me 84
even for you 239
even for a moment 21
even for a second 21
for him 328
for himself 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if it is 23
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even so 574
even if i knew 18
even if i did 84
even if you do 18
even me 139
even in death 43
even today 54
even after all these years 30
even if 79
even so 574
even if i knew 18
even if i did 84
even if you do 18
even me 139
even in death 43
even today 54
even after all these years 30