I looked down Çeviri Fransızca
390 parallel translation
I looked down, and I noticed some papers on the floor.
J'ai remarqué des papiers par terre.
When I looked down, ages afterwards, it seemed, she was lying on the floor. She had struck her head on a heavy piece of ship's tackle.
Au bout d'une éternité, quand je l'ai regardée, étendue au sol, elle s'était frappé la tête contre une pièce de bateau.
I looked down.
J'ai baissé les yeux.
I looked down and seemed to be standing in a swimming pool...
J'ai baissé la tête et j'avais les pieds dans l'eau...
And then I looked down from our bridge and saw our captain's palm tree.
Alors, j'ai regardé là-haut et j'ai vu le palmier de notre capitaine.
As I looked down at the license, the whole plan came to me. Complete and perfect in every detail.
En regardant au bas du permis tout le plan m'est venu à l'esprit... dans les moindres détails.
Then as the ship pulled out of the dock I looked down and saw all of these cups.
Quand le bateau s'est èIoignè du quai, j'ai regardé le sol et j'ai vu toutes ces tasses.
I looked down at her and thought with hatred of Riago... our Apache scout, who led us to this place.
Je l'ai regardée et j'ai détesté Riago, notre éclaireur apache, qui nous avait menés là.
I looked down during the number. He's not in his seat.
J'ai regardé, il n'est pas là.
When I looked down again, I saw a sort of garden.
Quand j'ai regardé de nouveau en bas, il y avait comme une espèce de jardin.
I looked down onto the square.
Je regardais la place.
I've had a lot of trouble getting him back on schedule since the kidnapping... and I looked down and I found this gun laying on the floor.
J'ai eu du mal à le ramener à son horaire habituel... Baissant les yeux, je vois un revolver par terre.
I looked down and it was the motherfuckin'police.
Je l'ai regardé et c'était un putain de flic!
I looked down at his plate and discovered that all the time we had been talking, I'd been cutting up his meat for him.
J'ai regardé son assiette et j'ai vu que pendant que je lui parlais... je coupais sa viande en bouchées pour lui.
I looked down.
J'ai regardé en bas...
I was shaving me I looked down and everything was here.
J'étais en train de me raser. Je les ai vus de la fenêtre.
I looked for you down at the burlesque, I couldn't find you.
Je vous ai cherchée au striptease, mais en vain.
I've looked all day for you. So good of you to come down for the hunting season.
C'est gentil d'être venu pour la saison de la chasse.
They looked at me and I looked at them. They invited me down here and here we are.
Nous nous sommes regardés et ils m'ont invitée ici.
Nanine's sleeping. I made her lie down when I looked in after the theater.
Je suis venu après le théâtre et j'ai envoyé Nanine se coucher.
So I said, casually, of course, not meaning a thing, I thought the weather looked kind of threatening and that consequently steel would go down.
Alors je lui ai dit sans le penser que temps semblait pluvieux et que le prix de l'acier descendrait donc.
He saw I looked a trifle down.
Il a vu que ça n'allait pas fort.
I would have taken it down, only I couldn't find a pencil. I looked.
Je l'aurais écrit mais je ne trouvais pas de crayon.
I'd gotten over that funny feeling I had, when she looked at me which I put down as just my jangled nerves.
J'avais surmonté ma gêne à son égard, gêne que j'attribuais à ma nervosité.
- Lucky I found the address wrote down or I might never have looked you in the face again.
Heureusement que l'adresse était notée.
I looked for you but they told me I can find you down here.
On m'a dit que je vous trouverais ici.
Maybe you think that you could make... Uh-oh. I had landed myself in the driveway of some big mansion... that looked run-down and deserted.
Vous croyez peut-être... J'avais atterri dans l'allée d'une propriété qui semblait délabrée et déserte.
I came out and stood on the steps of the summerhouse, looked down at him.
Je sortis et je regardai cet homme.
I'd appreciate it if you came down to Police Headquarters about 9 : 15. And looked over our picture gallery.
Vous voudrez bien passer au commissariat à 9 : 15.
Just stood up there and looked down at me... hoping I'd drown.
Elle était debout là-haut à me regarder en espérant que je me noie.
I'm a Korean... looked down upon by both Japanese and Chinese!
Les Japonais et les Chinois nous méprisent.
I've looked up and down this boat and I can't find Mr. Holden.
Je ne trouve le Lt Holden nulle part.
And then I fell asleep because the next thing I remember was awakening and I looked up, and there was Morton looking down at me, and he was yelling.
Je me suis endormi et je me souviens de m'être réveillé et d'avoir vu Morton au-dessus de moi me hurler dessus.
I could have looked down my nose at you too.
J'aurais pu te toiser, moi aussi.
But as I was being wheeled down the hall in the hospital, I looked up... and there was Maish.
Comme on me portait à l'hôpital... j'ai levé les yeux et j'ai vu Maish... qui pleurait à cause de moi.
Well, i'm going down and have it looked at.
- Je vais l'emmener au garage.
He looked eagerly but maintained that he saw nothing... although I designated minutely the course of the creature... as it made its way down the naked face of the hill.
Il semblait passionné - mais maintint qu'il ne voyait rien - malgré que je lui montrais le parcours de la créature... pendant que celle-ci se frayait un chemin dans la colline.
In England I looked up to God and royalty and down upon everybody else.
Je respectais Dieu et la royauté et je méprisais tous les autres.
- Cousin Martha, I always figured you looked down... on the Texas side of the family.
Moi qui croyais, Cousine Martha, que vous aviez honte des Texans de la famille.
The weirdest thing. I went down to see him, and I must have been dreamin'...'cause I thought he looked at me and said, "Could I have my old room back now?"
Je suis allé le voir et je devais rêver... parce que j'ai cru l'entendre me dire, "Je peux ravoir mon ancienne chambre?"
I had it all double-checked, sent it down to the lab, and all they could find was some things that looked like glove smudges.
On a tout vérifié deux fois, et le labo n'a trouvé que des traces de gants.
I looked all over down here, and I don't see them anywhere.
J'ai cherché partout, je ne les vois nulle part.
The first time I met the king, Clark Gable he looked down at me and said, "Hello, beautiful."
La première fois que je croisai Clark Gable, il me lança : "Salut, beauté!"
I was in the garden and down there I saw... A young man who looked like... a suspicious-looking individual but my sister came out to talk to him and we learnt that he was an agent.
J'étais dans le jardin et j'ai vu en bas un jeune homme à l'allure suspecte mais ma sœur est descendue lui parler, et nous avons su que c'était un de vos agents.
I looked for a bar, but it's barely a down payment.
Je me suis renseignée pour un bar, mais ça couvre à peine le premier versement.
And as he was coming down from the mountain, he looked at it... and said, "I'll climb Mt. Everest."
Et tandis qu'il descendait, il a regardé la montagne, et il a dit : "Je monterai au sommet de l'Everest."
But when I came home, the sky was open on all sides, and the stars looked down, but they didn't know that I was an orphan. "
Mais quand je suis rentré, le ciel s'est ouvert de trois côtés et les étoiles me regardaient, mais elles ne savaient pas que j'étais orphelin. "
"And the stars looked down, but they didn't know, that I was an orphan."
"Et les étoiles me regardaient, mais elles ne savaient pas que j'étais orphelin."
When I looked down into the clear waters of the stream
Je suis allé au ruisseau voir les arbres et les bêtes qui s'y reflètent
I have looked down and I have seen all the women of the world. But there was not none that I liked.
J'étais dans le ciel, j'ai vu toutes les femmes sur terre, et aucune ne m'a plu.
But the Owen Stanley Mountains looked down on Arcadia and I, coldly without stirring in the slightest.
Mais les montagnes Owen Stanley nous regardaient froidement, l'Arcadia et moi, refusant de nous aider.
i looked it up 118
i looked up to you 18
i looked 86
i looked everywhere 87
i looked into it 48
i looked all over for you 17
i looked up 43
i looked for you 34
i looked everywhere for you 19
i looked around 20
i looked up to you 18
i looked 86
i looked everywhere 87
i looked into it 48
i looked all over for you 17
i looked up 43
i looked for you 34
i looked everywhere for you 19
i looked around 20
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down below 33
down you go 36
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down below 33
down you go 36
down here 450
down to business 31
down on the ground 130
down now 22
downing street 23
down in one 23
down to 41
down in front 26
down to business 31
down on the ground 130
down now 22
downing street 23
down in one 23
down to 41
down in front 26