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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / I understand everything

I understand everything Çeviri Fransızca

575 parallel translation
Now I understand everything. - What?
Je sais ce qui s'est passé.
- No, I understand everything perfectly.
- Oh, je ne vois que trop clair.
I understand everything will be over by Thursday. Am I right?
Je crois comprendre que tout sera terminé jeudi, n'est-ce pas?
- But, my dear - - I understand everything now. - I do really.
Je comprends tout maintenant.
Oh, but I understand everything.
- Ah, mais je comprends tout.
Now I understand everything.
Maintenant, je comprends tout.
And now I understand everything.
Je comprends!
I understand everything.
Je comprends tout.
But I understand everything. Don't recognize me?
Mademoiselle, je capisco tutto.
I understand everything.
Je comprends bien la situation.
I understand everything, father. I wish I could love him.
Je comprends tout, papa, mais je ne l'aime pas.
- I understand everything.
- Moi, je comprends tout.
I understand everything.
J'ai tout compri, vous vouliez obliger Peppino à m'épouser.
Now I understand everything.
A présent je comprends tout.
I understand everything now.
Constanza,'ai tout compris.
That's what you're hiding. I understand everything...
Voilà ce que tu caches, j'ai tout compris...
I understand everything, you dirty cheater!
J'ai tout compris, sale cocufieur!
Yes, I understand, Director. Everything will go well without any issue.
sans problème.
You see, Father's just explained everything to me and I understand how it happened.
Mon père m'a expliqué. J'ai compris votre méprise.
Try to understand I can do everything just as well with people if necessary.
Tâche de comprendre! qu'on peut faire ça tout aussi bien avec des gens comme il faut!
You understand, in my trade, in everything, I feel at peace.
vous comprenez dans mon métier dans tout je me sens tranquille
This is all a nightmare to you, and you're wondering how and why everything happened, and I don't think I can explain it so you could understand.
C'est un cauchemar et tu te demandes comment tout ça a bien pu arriver... et je ne peux pas te l'expliquer de façon compréhensible.
I understand everything I have to.
- Oh que si.
All I understand is everything was swell until you twisted me around your finger and talked me into a divorce.
Je sais que tout allait bien, jusqu'à ce que tu m'obliges à accepter le divorce.
- Come tell me everything. - Look here! I can understand your not having confidence in me, after all, I'm only the Chancellor, but she's your fiancée.
Se méfier du chancelier, c'est naturel, mais pas de sa fiancée!
deal with everything. I do not understand it.
Occupe-t-en, je n'y connais rien.
I want everything that's touched him burned or sterilized. - Do you understand me? - Sure, Doc.
Brûlez ou stérilisez tout ce qu'il a touché.
He'll understand everything I've done.
Il comprendra mes choix.
I understand the needs of the commercial theater... but I think of everything from the viewpoint of the writer.
Je comprends les besoins du théâtre commercial... mais je raisonne en me mettant à la place de l'auteur.
You understand everything I say only you can't show it.
Vous me comprenez, vous ne pouvez pas le montrer.
I could understand it if you were 15, but you're old enough to know now that you have to consider the consequences of everything you do.
Je comprendrais si tu avais 15 ans, mais maintenant tu dois penser aux conséquences de tes actes.
Now, you understand everything I told you, don't you, dear?
Tu as compris ce que je t'ai dit.
And I don't know what happened, suddenly, everything started to go wrong. - Do you understand?
C'est vrai que j'ai eu tort, je l'admets, mais il faut que tu saches une chose.
Susan, go back to the fault locator, and I want you to check everything, child you understand, EVERYTHING!
Tu comprends mon enfant? Tout!
Like all young people who've done nothing yet have opinions about everything. I don't understand.
Comme tous ces jeunes qui sont revenus de tout avant d'avoir été nulle part.
Take the red crayon and circle all the things you don't understand and I'll explain it all- - Explain everything to you.
Prends un stylo rouge et entoure ce que tu ne comprends pas. Je t'expliquerai tout. Je t'expliquerai...
Everything was so beautiful before, and now... I don't understand anything.
Tout était si beau, avant, et là, je ne comprends plus.
I'm not angry with you, I know everything. I understand.
Je ne suis pas fâchée, j'ai tout compris.
I'm letting you in on the secret because... I know that you understand everything.
Je te mets dans le secret parce que... je sais bien que tu comprends tout.
Now I want you to tell me everything you see and hear, you understand?
Tenez-moi au courant de tout ce que vous voyez et entendez, compris?
I don't understand it either, Vito. I've tried everything.
Je ne le comprends pas non plus, j'ai tout essayé.
In a way, I feel sorry for you because from now on I'm gonna do everything I can to break you down Do you understand?
J'ai de la peine pour vous car à partir de maintenant, je vais faire tout mon possible pour vous faire craquer.
I can understand everything.
Je peux tout comprendre.
I couldnt understand why everything was the same, when I wasnt the same any more.
Je ne pouvais pas comprendre pourquoi tout était pareil, alors que moi, je n'étais plus le même.
I don't understand everything you were saying, but I understood one name :
Je n'ai pas tout compris ce que vous avez dit mais il y a un nom que j'ai compris :
You don't understand, everything I own is here.
Tout ce que je possède est ici.
Being the only one to understand this I must take care of everything.
Etant la seule à le comprendre, je dois m'occuper de tout.
Since his death I forget everything. Do you understand?
Depuis qu'il est mort, je n'ai plus ma tête.
I understand everything.
Cette fois, j'ai tout compris.
I don't understand... why everything must be so complicated... when it can be simple.
Je ne sais pas. Pourquoi compliquer ce qui peut être simple?
Well, you have to be terribly upset by everything that's happened. I can understand that.
Vous devez être très contrarié, c'est compréhensible.

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