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It looks great Çeviri Fransızca

576 parallel translation
- It looks great.
- Très beau.
It looks great.
C'est superbe.
Oh, it looks great.
Ça a l'air superbe.
- I think it looks great.
- Moi je te trouve parfait.
Wow. It looks great on you.
Ça t'irait bien.
It looks great!
Ça fait riche!
It looks great.
It looks great.
II a l'air super.
- It looks great.
- C'est parfait.
It looks great wet, doesn't it?
- Tes cheveux sont si beaux.
Look how it looks great.
- Juste à côté de Marlon Brando.
- It looks great.
- Elle est superbe.
It looks great.
Il ressemble beaucoup.
Yeah! It looks great!
C'est génial!
Look, I paid $ 50 for this tie and I think it looks great, okay?
Écoute, cette cravate m'a coûté 50 $ et je la trouve superbe, d'accord?
It looks great, Pee Wee.
Il ressemble beaucoup, Pee Wee.
- It looks great.
- C'est super.
Look at it, it looks great! Wow!
Ca crame drôlement bien!
It looks great.
It looks great.
C'est parfait.
- It looks great Let's roll
Ça a l'air super. Allons-y.
- Stop. - It looks great on you.
- Arrête!
Don't worry, it looks great on you.
Ne t'en fais pas, tu défiles tel que.
This is an excellent hat. It looks great.
Il vous va très bien!
It looks great.
Ça a l'air bon.
- Oh, it looks great to me.
- Ca semble bien.
".... and she expressed her gratitude to Mr. Kim Bong Dal as well. " Representative, the photo of Writer Lee looks really great, doesn't it?
... et elle exprime sa gratitute envers M. Kim Bong Dal aussi. non?
Here we are again at the ringside, and it looks like a great battle.
Nous revoilà près du ring pour un combat prometteur.
Looks great, doesn't it?
C'est beau, pas vrai?
It's a great picture, she looks lovely.
Ah, tu l'as vue... Elle est bien, hein?
it looks like we'll be kept waiting for a long time he's a great Lord, surely
On risque d'attendre longtemps! C'est un seigneur, lui!
It looks great.
It looks like a great big white ship.
On dirait un gros bateau blanc.
My family comes from Scotland but you must have realised that and my great great great great great grandfather inherited this castle from one of his wives it looks delightful
Ma famille vient d'Écosse, mais vous vous en doutiez. Et mon arrière-arrière-arrière arrière grand-père a hérité de ce château d'une de ses épouses.
It looks great on you.
Il te va très bien.
It looks really great on you.
Ça vous va très bien.
Looks great, doesn't it?
Beau, non?
What you're wearing looks great, keep it on
Mais tu es très bien comme ça, je te trouve très jolie.
You like it? Looks great.
C'est drôlement chic.
It was such a long time ago, and madame looks exactly like a lady who must have changed a great deal since.
C'était il y a si longtemps.. et madame ressemble à une dame qui a dû bien changer depuis.
Looks like the great warrior can dish it out, but he can't take it.
L'indomptable guerrier arrive à avaler la pilule.
The post which always looks so sad isn't really so old, often it's just awaiting its rebirth to become the darling of the arts, in marches, myths in religions and the great legends of the people
Encore un animal, typiquement américain celui-là. Quel enseignement ne peut-on tirer de ces bêtes sur l'homme et son époque.
Yeah, it looks like it's gonna be a great race.
Et la lutte promet d'être serrée.
- Looks great! What is it that you are looking at?
Pardon, je regardais votre bague...
Yeah, it looks great.
- Oui, c'est super.
The water looks great. Check it out.
- Elle a l'air bonne, cette eau!
Professor, it looks like you'll have a great night.
Professeur, on dirait que vous allez passer une excellente soirée.
- Oh, great. - It looks like a boat mast.
On dirait un mât.
It looks great!
D'ici quelques jours on ne verra plus rien.
Place sure looks great, though, doesn't it?
En tout cas, l'endroit a l'air génial, pas vrai?
Great! It looks good!
Elle est superbe.

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