Just come home Çeviri Fransızca
956 parallel translation
Yeah. Yeah, my blood sugar was a little low, so I decided to just come home and really focus on the presentation all weekend.
Oui, je faisais un peu d'hypoglycémie alors j'ai décidée de rentrer pour vraiment me concentrer sur la présentation tout le week-end.
My sister has just come home. She is married to that boy I told you about.
Ma sœur a épousé Laurie, dont je vous avais parlé!
Just come home now, please
I-I just come home.
Je viens de rentrer. Vite!
But if you could just come home to live, maybe...
Mais si tu revenais à la maison...
As a man who's cold and wet. And a man who has just come home to his house.
- Non, comme un homme mouillé qui vient de rentrer chez lui.
Vince, you've just come home with great news about your promotion... but your wife is lying on the couch with a bad headache.
Vince, tu rentres tout heureux d'annoncer ta promotion... mais ta femme est allongée. Elle a un mal de tête terrible.
I've just come home, that's all.
Je suis juste rentrée à la maison, c'est tout.
Just come home and give us one year.
Rien qu'un an.
- Honey, if you'd just come home.
Si tu rentrais...
Just come home with me and I won't ever tell you what to do again.
Rentre avec moi et je ne te donnerai plus d'ordres.
Samantha, do you think it's wise to have so many visitors when you've just come home from the hospital?
Samantha, c'est une bonne idée d'avoir autant de visiteurs alors que vous sortez à peine de l'hôpital?
Here I've been waiting for you all day... to come home and put your big strong arms around me... and now you treat me just like I'm a stepchild.
J'attends toute la journée que tu rentres me prendre dans tes bras et tu me traites comme un chien!
They're up here from down home to see me, just like if we were playing New York, all the people from the Bowery would come to see you.
Ils sont venus ici pour me voir. Si nous étions à New York, tous les gens de la Bowery viendraient te voir.
Just about this time a man named Anson's come on from Chicago and hit at least four home runs, the organ grinders are tuning up their hurdy-gurdies, the little girls are maypole dancing in Central Park, and the new bock beer is foaming at Luchow's.
En ce moment même, un certain Anson, venu de Chicago, a fait au moins quatre coups de circuit, les joueurs d'orgue de Barbarie accordent leur orgue, les petites filles dansent autour du mât à Central Park et la nouvelle bière bock mousse chez Luchow.
You're not gonna go home just because some of the boys have a friendly argument! Come on, stick around. We're gonna give away more loot.
Vous n'allez pas partir pour une peccadille pareille.
I just come to see is your pa home.
Je viens voir si ton père est là.
It's about a girl who had just come to Paris from her home in Oslo.
C'est une jeune fille d'Oslo qui vient d'arriver à Paris.
Everybody wondering if I'd come home a general or just a sergeant, like my father.
Tous se demandaient si j'allais revenir général ou simple sergent comme mon père.
I just wish Woodrow hadn't come home exactly when he did.
Merci. Si seulement Woodrow avait pu revenir à un autre moment!
I just wanted to come home.
Je voulais juste rentrer à la maison.
Now... just to be in a home like this with people like you... maybe someplace I can come back to, next month, or next year....
Et maintenant, être dans cette maison entouré de gens tels que vous, un endroit où je pourrais peut-être revenir, dans un mois ou l " an prochain...
I'm not going home. I've just come from there.
Je ne vais pas chez moi, j'en viens.
I just thought, on account of tonight, you might want to come home.
J'ai pensé qu'après ce soir, tu voudrais rentrer.
Just sitting here, waiting for all of you to come home.
Je suis resté ici à attendre votre arrivée.
She just disappeared, didn't come home one night.
Elle a disparu. Un soir, elle n'est pas rentrée.
Apparently I just didn't have what it takes... and the time had come to wrap up the whole Hollywood deal and go home.
Apparemment, il me manquait quelque chose. Je n'avais plus qu'à laisser tomber et à retourner chez moi.
I've just come from his home where I informed him this cheque would be put through his bank.
Je reviens de chez lui. Je lui ai dit que ce chèque serait déposé dans sa banque.
But if you really wanna marry me, you come there for me, just like I was home with the family.
Si tu veux m'épouser, viens me chercher. Comme si je vivais chez les miens.
Let's just be grateful it's over for you at last, and you can come home.
Maintenant, tu vas revenir à la maison.
Just think, my good child, I'm unable to send you the fare to come home.
Imagine en effet, mon cher petit, je ne peux t'envoyer l'argent pour le voyage.
And I felt that I couldn't come home because that would be just confirming his prejudices
Je n'aurais pas dû revenir ici. Je suis revenue afin de ruminer mon malheur.
Just take last night, when the fire broke out... I sat here for hours waiting for Archie Lee to come home...
Hier soir, lors de l'incendie, je suis restée là des heures à attendre Archie Lee.
There just never seemed to be the time. But when I come home, things will be different.
Le temps nous a manqué... mais dès mon retour...
Just please, will you come on home?
Rentre à la maison, s'il te plaît.
You know, I just kept waiting here, and I thought if you would come home... nothing would ever spoil it for us.
Tu sais, j'attendais, et je me disais que si tu revenais rien ne pourrait nous gâcher la vie.
I just hoped that when you come home tired, I'd be able to serve you a cold beer.
Je voulais au moins, quand tu rentres fatigué, pouvoir te servir une bière fraîche.
You know, sometimes I come down here at night alone and look at the water, just to keep from going home. Yeah.
Je viens parfois le soir, seule, regarder l'eau... pour ne pas rentrer chez moi.
Now, if you don't mind, I would just as soon... not have to face that when I come home.
Si ça ne te fait rien, j'aimerais mieux... ne pas avoir à confronter ça quandje rentre à la maison.
Just remember, when the chickens come home to roost, I'll...
Mais sache que quand tu auras récolté ce que tu as semé, je...
Come on, darling, we'll just take a peek and then you can get on home to Darwin.
Viens, chérie, on va juste jeter un coup d'oeil et après tu rentres chez Darwin.
I was just looking out the window waiting for you to come home.
Je guettais ton retour à la fenêtre.
Just as my father was doing well at his job, he'd arrive home and say : "Come on, we've left."
Dès que son travail marchait bien, mon père nous disait : "On s'en va!"
Now you just come along with me, honey and I'm gonna take you home.
Allez, venez avec moi, trésor, je vous emmène chez moi.
I just take Sam home and then we'll come right back.
J'emmène Sam à la maison et on revient.
So why don't we just leave it for now and if you still feel the same way when you come home I won't fight you.
Alors, restons-en là pour le moment. Si tu le penses encore quand tu rentreras... je ne discuterai pas.
And I think you ought to come home, just to be on the safe side.
Tu devrais rentrer à la maison pour ne pas prendre de risque.
And you have the nerve to come home just because of a girl.
Alors concentre-toi sur tes études. Tu es revenu ici pour une histoire de fille.
I just like to come home, get me meal, get a bath, change and out, me. Not a care int'world.
J'aime rentrer, me mettre à table... prendre un bain, me changer et sortir.
Someday he'll come home for some other reason than to just change his clothes.
Un jour, il ne fera pas que rentrer à la maison pour se changer.
Never knowing when you'd come home, always just waiting.
Elle t'attendait, sans jamais savoir quand tu rentrerais.
just come 83
just come over 18
just come out 25
just come in 44
just come back 46
just come with me 96
just come on 86
just come on in 16
just come here 71
just come with us 18
just come over 18
just come out 25
just come in 44
just come back 46
just come with me 96
just come on 86
just come on in 16
just come here 71
just come with us 18
come home 339
come home soon 30
come home now 18
come home with me 43
home 1821
homer 1748
homes 211
homework 149
homeland 50
homey 175
come home soon 30
come home now 18
come home with me 43
home 1821
homer 1748
homes 211
homework 149
homeland 50
homey 175
homecoming 21
homemade 43
homeless 99
homesick 24
homeboy 89
homer simpson 114
home sweet home 121
home invasion 31
home mom 34
home run 51
homemade 43
homeless 99
homesick 24
homeboy 89
homer simpson 114
home sweet home 121
home invasion 31
home mom 34
home run 51