That night Çeviri Fransızca
31,188 parallel translation
No, we have tickets to the opening of "Cabaret" that night.
Non, nous avons des entrées pour l'ouverture de'Cabaret'ce soir.
I mean, unless you're busy that night.
Je veux dire, sauf si t'es occupé ce soir là.
I was there that night.
J'étais là ce soir-là.
She was wearing one that night?
Elle en portait un ce soir-là?
Because you were alone, if you didn't find a safe haven that night, you'd die.
Vous étiez seul, et si vous ne trouviez pas de refuge cette nuit-là, vous alliez mourir.
That night is easily the most embarrassing of my career.
Cette nuit là a été la plus embarrassant de ma carrière.
Did you notice anything else that night - - cold spots or lights flickering?
Avez-vous remarqué autre chose? Des endroits froids, des lumières qui s'éteignent?
- It brought me back to that night.
- Ça m'a rappelé cette nuit.
Well, that night in London, he had me and he just walked away and let me live.
Eh bien, ce soir à Londres, il m'a eu et il a juste marché loin et laissez-moi vivre.
That night, I - I - I said to Glen, well, first, you know, I counted in my head like how much time should go by after the call, and then I open my mouth to suggest that Glen take the kids to the lake,
Cette nuit, je - - je - - j'ai dit à Glen, bon, d'abord, tu vois, j'ai compté dans ma tête combien de temps je devais attendre après le coup de fil,
Way too much of that Baijiu drink last night.
J'ai abusé du Baijiu hier soir.
I'd expect that he could survive one night on his own.
Je pense qu'il pourrait survivre une nuit sur le sien.
One sniff of that, and we'll be snoozing all night.
Renifle ça, et tu vas somnoler toute la nuit.
Celts believed that October 31st was the one night of the year when the veil was thinnest between the living and the dead.
Les celtes croyaient que le 31 octobre était la nuit de l'année où le voile entre les vivants et les morts était au plus fin.
Didn't I used to say that to you whenever you got frisky at night?
Je te disais ça quand tu voulais faire des galipettes la nuit, non?
You really want to smell that all night long?
Tu veux sentir ça toute la nuit?
Yep. That's why you're here alone in the middle of the night?
C'est pourquoi t'es tout seul au milieu de la nuit?
That's what your sister said last night when I was banging her.
C'est ce que t'as sœur a dit hier soir quand je me la tapais.
That's what your sister said to Cam last night when he was banging her.
C'est ce que ta sœur a dit à Cam hier soir Quand il se l'a tapait. Est-ce que je viens de le faire?
We think someone was chasing him the night that he died.
Quelqu'un l'a poursuivi la nuit de sa mort.
I was with another friend on the night that Henry was attacked.
Et avec une autre amie la nuit où Henry a été attaqué.
That first night out of the tunnels, I must have treated 70 patients.
La 1ère nuit hors du tunnel, j'ai dû soigner 70 patients.
That I was going to night school?
Que j'allais au cours du soir?
That's one way to go, but last night I was watching "Point Break" on TBS when I realized, what if this attack was pulled off by a pack of renegade surfers trying to fund an endless summer?
C'est une solution, mais en regardant "Point Break" sur TBS je me suis demandé : et si cette attaque était menée par une bande de surfeurs renégats tentant de financer un été sans fin?
Look, you didn't have to wake the commissioner up in the middle of the night to tell him that his trusted PR chief is busted for child porn.
Vous n'avez pas eu à réveiller le préfet au milieu de la nuit pour lui dire que son sous-préfet a été coincé pour pornographie infantile.
That was such a fun night.
C'était une soirée tellement drôle.
Did you know that he's been night diving into Mrs. de la Rosa?
Vous saviez qu'il plongeait de nuit dans Mme De la Rosa?
I better work on that before poker night.
Je devrais bosser ça avant la soirée poker.
The child's body has not yet been identified, but there is growing fear that it could be Ronnie Brewer, the boy missing from the attack here in Wichita last night.
Le corps du petit n'a pas encore été identifié, mais la crainte grandit que ce soit Ronnie Brewer, le garçon disparu de l'agression à Wichita hier soir.
If you feel like you're going to have problems in the night, if you feel like you're going to drink, you call me, you call someone on that list.
Si vous sentez que vous allez avoir des problèmes cette nuit, si vous sentez que vous allez boire, vous m'appelez, ou vous appelez quelqu'un de cette liste.
I sincerely hope that by the time we leave here tomorrow night, you will have shared with us what you truly dread, what you're prepared to do about what you truly dread, what you know that no one else does.
Je souhaite sincèrement que le temps que nous partirons d'ici demain soir, vous avez partagé avec nous ce que vous craignez vraiment, ce que vous êtes prêt à faire ce que vous craignez vraiment, ce que vous savez que personne d'autre ne.
The day that changed my life was Halloween night.
Le jour qui a changé ma vie était le soir d'Halloween.
The night that changed my life.
La nuit qui a changé ma vie.
Okay, before that, you two were together the whole night?
Avant ça, vous êtes restés ensemble toute la soirée?
I'm so sorry for calling so late but I know that you're a bit of a night owl so I thought maybe I'd catch you.
Désolée d'appeler si tard, mais je sais que tu es un couche-tard, alors j'ai pensé que tu répondrais peut-être.
And I would also have to know that you understand the importance in this office of discretion, and for example, I would need to know that you would never mention to anyone seeing me last night.
Et j'aimerais également être sûre que vous compreniez l'importance de la discrétion et par exemple, j'ai besoin de savoir que vous ne direz à personne que vous m'avez vue hier soir.
Mostly at night. It was that kind of thing.
Surtout la nuit.
The real litmus test is if he's here alone with that gun tomorrow night.
Le test décisif sera de voir s'il est seul avec cette arme demain soir.
Well, what about the night that you called me?
Et la nuit où tu m'as appelée?
Sometimes I just lie in my bed at night and cry'cause I want that little man with the dirty fingers and the missing tooth, you know?
Parfois la nuit, je m'allonge dans le lit et je pleure parce que je veux ce petit homme avec les doigts sales et la dent qui manque, tu vois?
Shh... the babies are sleeping in the next room, and I promised Ruth that you wouldn't visit at night.
Chut... Les bébés dorment à côté, Et j'ai promis à Ruth que tu ne viendrais pas ce soir.
Just, last night I just kept having these visions of you marching into Luis's office and telling him that you sold all those listings and I'm a complete fraud.
La nuit dernière, j'ai eu des visions de toi, allant dans le bureau de Luis, lui disant que tu avais volé tous ces listings et que j'étais une imposture.
And so I showed up here one night and she was sitting in that stool, again, with my best friend kissing her, and I just shot them both dead.
Je suis donc venu ici un soir et elle était encore assise sur ce tabouret, avec mon meilleur ami en train de l'embrasser, et je les ai abattus tout les deux.
That same night.
La même nuit.
That same night?
La même nuit?
Well, except for the cross-dressing premise, but, really, Jane had ripped that off of Twelfth Night.
Enfin, sauf pour le travestissement. Mais, en réalité, elle s'était inspiré de La Nuit des Rois.
I'll save that for a real girls night.
Je vais sauver que pour une vraie nuit des filles.
But that's movie night.
Mais c'est la soirée film.
She was murmuring about a green mist that came in the night.
Elle parlait d'une brume verte qui venait la nuit.
♪ ♪... so, when I snuck home that night, there he was, waiting on the front porch.
... et quand la nuit je rentrais en douce à la maison, il était là, à attendre sur le perron.
I had a couple three-night stands, if that helps.
J'ai eu des coups de trois soirs.
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
night and day 58
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
night and day 58
nightcap 16
nightclubs 16
night shift 20
nighters 22
night moves 16
night after night 65
night vision 17
night stands 48
night before last 19
night kiss 26
nightclubs 16
night shift 20
nighters 22
night moves 16
night after night 65
night vision 17
night stands 48
night before last 19
night kiss 26
night stand 201
night sweats 22
night thing 23
night night 30
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
night sweats 22
night thing 23
night night 30
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that sounds fun 130
that is not fair 93
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that sounds fun 130
that is not fair 93
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that was quick 252
that is all 319
that way 1811
that is right 117
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that was quick 252
that is all 319
that way 1811
that is right 117